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Do legendaries die too fast in SW?

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> I've been in trains where champions and legendaries were triggered too soon and were killed before the end of the train even reach combat range.

> That's part poor planning, slow PCs, and PCs groups that do an amazing amount of damage.

> It's frustrating when you are farming for specific items and the group is too good.


To be fair, Silverwaste wasn't designed to k-trained. Any map with a lane layout is meant to have everything run concurrently, in direct opposition to how K-trains normally operate. Its the design anti-thesis of the world boss blobbing people complained made the fights too easy back in the day.


But players being players found a way to make K-trains work (in the case of silverwaste, exploiting timers), because K-train makes combat safer, despite how it affects scaling. Theres also a lot of Power creep coming from the E-spec, and we're almost double the average DPS from Pre-HOT due to how much more damage oriented everything is due to Raids/Fractals setting a new design benchmark. Theres an unintended weak band in the Scaling for most fights, where less then a dozen DPS oriented builds (which is basically 99% of Open world builds) can outpace the HP scaling. Players are also keenly aware of this, and exploit it for fights that require split tactics (like Dragon Stand towers phase).


Ultimately you can't forward plan for power creep like this, but you also can't update the change the bar without messing up those can't meet the new requirements. The solution was to never let the disparity get this bad.... but we're at the point where players just burn through content so fast, constantly demand new ways to tickle the power fantasy, and will quickly settle back into a farming routine, that you can't fix this problem on a fundamental level short of power creeping the whole system upward (which players negatively responded to the last 3 times they tried it in small scale testing).


But, ironically, thats all beside the point. WIth player being how they are, this will always be a problem for every map, because GW2 relies on statistics (character stats) to create most of its difficulty. Even in areas of combat that are strategy focused, you can make or break a number performance thesholds by simply changing a hand full of numbers...... coefficients, multipliers, durations. Remember the blanket nerf to Endurance regen? How it disrupted everything, and eventually we just replaced it with more offensive. Considering all the major paradigm shifts made since then..... how to do you back port those changes to Silverwaste, when most of those changes were made as a response to the things it does?

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> > She couldn't run over fast enough


> Why not? No mounts? If she's around Amber it should only take a few seconds to run to the boss. Also, having at least 1 ranged weapon helps a lot.


She had a mount, but was in combat defending one of the bulls just East of Amber. She saw the Mordrem spawn and immediately started running towards it while trying to mount and get out of combat, but it died within seconds of spawning.


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Miss clicked my vote that they were fine - meant to say the spawn rate is fine but they need more health.


I got round to doing this recently on a weekend day I wasn't working and SW was the daily. Got all four pretty fast which may/ may not have been rng or an uncharacteristic stroke of luck my end. Finished my masteries off (well, unless I decide to start raiding that is). Had no issues, got a hit on everything and generally had a lot of fun running the riba train.


However, there was one guy/ gal on the map who had issues. They needed I think it was whoever the Indigo leg was and missed it twice due to it getting killed before they got there. So my experience? Fine, but if people around me aren't getting there in time I can see the need for more hp or re-vamping the leggies in general.


I think the spawn rate is ok in general. Spawned 1-2 legs per defense round when I was there but ymmv ofc.

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  • 1 year later...

what they cld do (additionally) is for a leg to be invincible+immobile for a short while (say 1min), so ppl have some time to exit combat and make their way there. kinda like casino pinata, but with a longer timeframe for ppl to get there


u can always say that the leg is being formed by the vinewrath or somesuch explanation

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> @"Daunte.3095" said:

> Mordrem Legendary spawns need to spawn more frequently and need more health.


The Legendaries do not seem to scale at all...


regarding the spawn frequency, seems like the defence need to reach minimum T3 for a high chance of spawn

these days people just travel from points to points without taking care of upgrading the defence

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YESSSSS. Absolutely need to buff the health and the spawn rate. It's ridiculous how small the window of time to get to them is. I counted the time it took from a legendary to spawn at blue to the time it took for someone to announce it in map chat, to the time it was dead and the total time span was 10 seconds flat.

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