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The complete changes PvP needs


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> @"Draco.9480" said:

> th game called guild wars 2, no GvG in game.


Technically it's called Guild Wars because in-game lore (so it'd be like being upset the 100 Year War didn't last 100 years (hint: it didn't)).


THAT SAID, sure ... why not add more game modes? Agree 100%

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> @"pah.4931" said:

> > @"Draco.9480" said:

> > th game called guild wars 2, no GvG in game.


> Technically it's called Guild Wars because in-game lore (so it'd be like being upset the 100 Year War didn't last 100 years (hint: it didn't)).


> THAT SAID, sure ... why not add more game modes? Agree 100%


screw the lore. I want 2v2 3v3 BG and GvG. in BIK's case 2v2! 3v3 GvG! music!

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Let's see if i can predict this next season:


*Dance in circles in big maps


*Full of pve reward hunters / afks

*The occasional bot or hacker

*Duo teams which leads to win trading



Win traders get "Top spots" at end of season making pvp a joke again in gw2.




Any add ons?

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> Let's see if i can predict this next season:


> *Dance in circles in big maps

> *Toxic

> *Full of pve reward hunters / afks

> *The occasional bot or hacker

> *Duo teams which leads to win trading


> Result

> Win traders get "Top spots" at end of season making pvp a joke again in gw2.




> Any add ons?


i add "fun"

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i hope sincerly for the mentallity of every single poster in this thread that this is a troll thread

why would you copy the pvp from WoW, a game that is known for its terrible pvp? there is a reason why wow has less than 1% of pvp players

if anet really does that, the pvp mode is gonne be DEAD, just look at wow, pvp is rapidly dying there atm, it was the reason why i even left the game, you cant even find games for arena atm if you are semi high rated because outside of 6 to 9 pm, theres nobody playing it, its sometimes 15-30 min queue for a game against a team that is 500 rating under you and you get either +0 or -21


if you really want this exact gamemode, go play wow


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Hate to tell ya m8 but circlequest has ruined guild wars 2 pvp. It died around HoT when hype was at the highest point. Instead of improving pvp they made every decision they could to ruin it. Sadly gw2 pvp will never live up to Guild Wars pvp and if we want legit fun esport guild wars pvp gameplay then we may need to wait for Guild Wars 3 for that.

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Imo all we need is the stuff they are working on allready. Swiss, on demand tournaments and special tournaments. On demand tournaments would be the replacement for team que. Special tournaments would include 2v2, 3v3 and weard new stuff like that. After that and WvW alliances I would be extremely happy. Too bad its taking ages.

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> @"Kasdwer.3721" said:

> i hope sincerly for the mentallity of every single poster in this thread that this is a troll thread

> why would you copy the pvp from WoW, a game that is known for its terrible pvp? there is a reason why wow has less than 1% of pvp players

> if anet really does that, the pvp mode is gonne be DEAD, just look at wow, pvp is rapidly dying there atm, it was the reason why i even left the game, you cant even find games for arena atm if you are semi high rated because outside of 6 to 9 pm, theres nobody playing it, its sometimes 15-30 min queue for a game against a team that is 500 rating under you and you get either +0 or -21


> if you really want this exact gamemode, go play wow



how is it terrible. it was always good and i got faster queues than our ranked conquest in WoW even at Legion. you've no idea what you're talking about. Also you get reward track progress by winning or losing it while WoW gives you boxes to get loot or points for your weapon or gear or something. It's a great system and everyone would be pleased with the system I posted if it happens in the game. no more throwing games. fun playing with friends. no solo queues. no grind for rewards and screw your team for that. people would care more about rating cuz it won't reset every month or something.

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> @"Draco.9480" said:


> how is it terrible. it was always good and i got faster queues than our ranked conquest in WoW even at Legion. you've no idea what you're talking about. Also you get reward track progress by winning or losing it while WoW gives you boxes to get loot or points for your weapon or gear or something. It's a great system and everyone would be pleased with the system I posted if it happens in the game. no more throwing games. fun playing with friends. no solo queues. no grind for rewards and screw your team for that. people would care more about rating cuz it won't reset every month or something.


go play wow

i mean i dont care about your 1500 opinion on that matters, its not fun playing arena in wow if you are 2,6+ and wait 30min queues outside of prime to play against the same 2 teams for 3 hours straight, and thats arena, in RBG its even worse, how is it a good and succesfull system when in rbg you have maybe 40-50 playing it AT PRIMETIME (and im talking from all ranks, not only top ranks) where everything under 2k are lfg 1 win teams and above 2k are 40 people who play and dodge each other other to snipe 1,7 groups for +2


also how can you say "ITS A GREAT SYSTEM" when they even change it themself with the next addon?



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> @"Kasdwer.3721" said:

> > @"Draco.9480" said:

> >

> > how is it terrible. it was always good and i got faster queues than our ranked conquest in WoW even at Legion. you've no idea what you're talking about. Also you get reward track progress by winning or losing it while WoW gives you boxes to get loot or points for your weapon or gear or something. It's a great system and everyone would be pleased with the system I posted if it happens in the game. no more throwing games. fun playing with friends. no solo queues. no grind for rewards and screw your team for that. people would care more about rating cuz it won't reset every month or something.


> go play wow

> i mean i dont care about your 1500 opinion on that matters, its not fun playing arena in wow if you are 2,6+ and wait 30min queues outside of prime to play against the same 2 teams for 3 hours straight, and thats arena, in RBG its even worse, how is it a good and succesfull system when in rbg you have maybe 40-50 playing it AT PRIMETIME (and im talking from all ranks, not only top ranks) where everything under 2k are lfg 1 win teams and above 2k are 40 people who play and dodge each other other to snipe 1,7 groups for +2


> also how can you say "ITS A GREAT SYSTEM" when they even change it themself with the next addon?




maybe WoW is starting to decay in the amount of players? maybe people in wow got bored from PvP? i personally enjoyed playing arena and RBGs with my friends back in the days more than I do conquest. however, the gameplay and combat is so boring in WoW. I want the gw2 combat with those arenas and RBGs.

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I really want PvP to change very much, it's one big frustration fest for me and almost impossible to "stay optimistic" about. While i don't agree with all of your idea's It's about time PvP got a big overhaul.


I would urge Anet to change how PvP works and really do a big overhaul to how you earn points based on your real performance in the map taken from relevant area's like: defense or captured points, killed players near points, taken the bell, killed the beast / lord and reward progress based on that. Give no progress on players that did not participate to a meaningful extent and temp ban them from matches all together if they repeat that behavior.


In my personal experience PvP is indeed just played to get the loot and since it does not matter if you win or lose a lot of people play it like that and don't care about a good PvP match, they just join the match and do "something" and hope for the best. Pissing of all the people that are actually trying to apply some tactics.


A big component is that every map has it't own trick to earn a lot of bonus points that a lot of players just don't use or get, PvP is too complex for most players, I see a lot of players just fighting w/o paying any attention of what's happening on the map at all.


The worst part of that is that it's not consistently random either and the dice always seem to roll in favor of the other team, most of the time the other team seems more experienced and quickly grabs the animals in the forest or takes the tranquility before the team I am on even gets whats happening, it feels like being stuck in preschool forever.


As I'm writing this my last 10 matches that my team all lost (witch is all too common) except for one match that we won 0 to 500 because someone from the other team disconnected and the whole team gave up instantly, that's just no fun - at all. There is just no way for me to enjoy that kind of play.


One of the ways people often use is to try and rig the match by swapping to another profession and hope the other team doesn't notice it - something that constantly happens, then when I suggest a counter for those professions. most of the time no-one even knows what I'm saying or even responds and the game commences without anyone of our team changing up professions.


And one other thing that I often hear is things like; you have to play at prime time (whenever that is ??) / you have to duo queue / you have to play in the morning or during school hours etc or late in the evening. All that stuff matters very little, in my experience the entirely of the whole experience stays the same, most times you lose with stupid big point differences and every so now and then you win, either by sheer luck, you happend to be in the more experienced team or because you fought 5 vs 4.

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i like how you think. I conquest is just painful at this point, its hard to find anyone who is competent when you pug. i try my best and i am by no means a pro but i know what im doing, yet i lose despite playing well and feel unrewarded for my efforts. worse still i feel unrewarded for my efforts when i win bc its such a drag to get teammates to do what they gotta do or u gotta hustle to carry and make up for their mistakes. In my eyes its incredibly unfair to rank someone for a w/l ratio when youtr only 1 of five people. I think there should be a way to rank people individually despite w/l but i know thats easier said than done.


que sizes is one way to fix that. why not do seperate games like u suggest but also different team sizes

2v2's would be nice for people who only trust that one perton whos ride or die

1v1's would be magnificent for people who love to duel


more than that just variety is important to not stagnate a person and gw2's pvp lacks in diversity for game type and que size badly. till then people will be unhappy (granted you cant please everyone but i think more people will be happy)


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