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Added my HoT/PoF code to my alt account on accident.

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I've contacted the support for this very issue and they were able to transfer the expansion(s) to the right account. You will have to contact them and keep in mind that it might take up to two weeks to get a reply.


You will need to provide proof that you are the owner of both accounts. That includes knowing the emails, character name, date when you last logged into the account/character and also a date when you redeemed the codes to the account. That should be enough information to get it handled as soon as possible.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i know You guys at Anet are busy, i just wanted to see if i can get a reply from an Anet customer supporter to see if im close to being helped for my ticket, it's been close to two weeks and i almost feel like my main account is going to be wasted and ill hav'ta start fresh which i don't want to do. please and thank you.

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I also have just done this, I think its something ANET needs to look at..


To be fair I was logged into the correct account, but when clicking the link on the main home page Services>My Account - It then auto logs onto your last signed in account, Ontop of that why does it then allow you to add a game code to a account that you already have that game unlocked, I my case I was adding HOT, the account already had HOT...

So I just hope that Support can assist, just a long wait... its all very frustrating.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> In the future, if purchasing an expansion for an existing account, one can purchase in-game, and avoid Serial Keys going to the wrong account.

> Just a friendly tip (if purchasing from ArenaNet, of course).


And when in game only option for HOT Is £25 (all be it with bonus) and a code is £9,55 .... where does the blame lie?

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