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Crystalline Memories Disconnects [merged]


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NA - Sylvari - Revenant - Duo

NA - Human - Mesmer - Duo and Solo

EST - have tried both evening and morning


Got disconnected once on Glints memories but got through it, but we are currently stalled at the Departing. My husband and I (i am the revenant) did the departing last night. The first time through, he got disconnected after the soul eater during Joko's dialogue, but I was able to stay connected and finish the instance, he did not get credit. We went in again, got to Joko's dialogue and we both got DCed. Tried again, using the run to the portal door method during the dialogue, got through to the cut scene where his character was resurrected and he got DCed while I was still in the game. Tried again, and we both get DCed at Joko's dialogue after soul eater. He tried again this morning solo, and got DCed at Joko's dialogue after soul eater.


This really needs to be fixed, or at least a check point put in after you kill the soul eater. It is very frustrating to be 2 minutes from the end of the quest and DCed because of dialogue you can't skip.

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> @seabhac.5346 said:

> Game disconnects after activating Glint's memory crystal (after crystal elemental is killed). Can't get credit for completing this episode, and can't progress PoF story. It happens every time without fail.


> Please fix! Thanks


What that guy said happened to our 2 man party consisting of a human mesmer and a norn ranger. Oct. 2, 2017.

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I've done it again, and still have the same issues. Got disconnected twice again, once after I beat the first encounter in the mission, just when the cinematic was supposed to be triggered. It didn't and I got a disconnect.

I retried the mission, got to the end until the prisoner's speech was finished. I got instantly disconnected on my Asura Necromancer, I was playing solo.


This should really get solved soon. I finally got through this on my fifth attempt on my original character, I do not want to do this for every char yet again.


I do also experience disconnects in other places, like for example I wanted to help a friend with the last mission of Heart of Thorns, but got disconnected after the last fight.

I have been having strange disconnects for weeks now, even before PoF it's release where I tried to get a lot of the season 2 achievements, where I also suffered constant (almost every instance) disconnects.

I have tried using a mobile hotspot, but the issues occured on this as well. I have no other internet issues.


I have repaired my GW2 it's dat file, reinstalled, all with no avail.


If needed, I have an NCSoft Game Advisor test completed and the logfiles are available.

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Others are having the same issue and yet everyone in general discussion wants to shout that it's my fault. Glad to see it isn't just me.


I'll try deleting my gw2 cache later and seeing if that resolves some of the issue.


So frustrating because the story is actually pretty fun but the constant disconnect errors and loss of progress keep me from even wanting to attempt them.

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After playing through other stories- particularly the base GW2 story, I have been getting randomly disconnected to the character screen midway through, or near the end of stories, after cutscenes. I've been able to come back later and complete them, but this is still really annoying. For my problem in PoF, I basically had to ignore part of the game in order to move past it. People shouldn't have to cheese through something in order to overcome the problem. I've done suggested repairs to my client, anything you can think of. Something is really really wrong with personal stories in the game at the moment, and I don't think I've seen any particular response to it, but maybe I'm wrong. It's disconcerting, though. Tickets, posting on the forums, nothing merited any sort of a response. Even with days of having a ticket open then finally canceling it because I finally was able to move on, I didn't even get a "are you satisfied with the support you received" until another couple days. The answer is a resounding NO. I love this game, I want to play, and I realize with an xpac out will take some time on responses. But I'm not happy with the support. I think originally we were asked about our character details on the forum, but have heard nothing beyond that. I think even just a status update would put people at ease.

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This issue is ongoing for me as well. No matter what I repair, renistall, update etc..., nothing has helped. POF story line is almost unplayable for me at this point. I only crash in story instances.... Why is ANET so silent on this? Are we to small a minority to not be looked at?



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Oct 15 and I'm having this same issue, I play on a NA server, I play a necro human, 6 times so far same thing activate the intact memory crystal and get disconnected, this is my 2nd character to do this first character was a human thief and had no issues can i get a dev's help in game to at least push me through after i kill the faucet of glint?

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  • 2 weeks later...

NA Sylvari Necromancer. October 24 happened twice in a row. I'm not interested in spending the time to try again until I know this is fixed and I'm not going to be kicked. Always happens after "Glint: So much is unclear, but I'm out of time. I must keep my faith, and hope that my children will carry on my legacy." but before

"Rytlock Brimstone: Glint never said anything to Destiny's Edge about a legacy. Only that Kralkatorrik had to be stopped".

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