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[DISCUSSION] Open World Ranger LB/GS Build!


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Hello everybody, first of all, sorry about my english, I know that build are not for raids or for some other things, but I particular like "critical damage" as playing a Ranger, I came back to play a short time ago and I am leveling a new Ranger in a new server for a new life... and look, I may be wrong and so I'm here to get these doubts;


I made one perma-fury build here, where you can get Fury in so many ways that you will never be without it, on the other hand I active the Trait "Remorseless" that make you regain Opening Strikes whenever you get Fury, giving a 90% critical chance with Fury and 100% with Opening Strikes... Opening Strikes also do 25% more damage and + 17% of damage when you are under effects of Fury;



* Almost 60% of Critical Chance with no buff or effects;

* Almost 90% of Critical Chance under effects of Fury and Vicious Quarry trait;

* Opening Strike have a 100% of Critical Chance and do 25% more damage, you gain Opening Strike whenever you get Fury effect;

* Under effect of Fury you have 17% of more damage with Furious Strength trait, Sigil and Rune;

* You can have almost 47 sec of Fury 53 if you swap weapons in combat, 58 if you get damage under 75% of your life;


So, has something thar I'm missing? Something that I apoint here don't work properly? I'm not at end-game with Ranger, so i don't see if all thing can work.


Thank you for your time and have a great day.


Build Here!!!

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Hey, Runes of Rage. I thought I was the only one who liked those. :)

You're a little squishy the way you've set up. That's not terrible in PvE and could help you learn to avoid more and survive better.

To help a bit, look into taking an off-pet for survival. You could even take Arctodus which comes with the bear's survival skills but is still a Ferocious pet.

You're also built with a lot of crit potential so you _could_ swap your Sigils of Accuracy without losing too much. Consider Sigil of FIre or Sigil of Air for some extra damage, Sigil of Water (on GS) for some healing, and Sigil of Blood for a combination of both.

Sigil of Strength is also a contender here as you don't have personal might generation outside of SotP. You could supplement that by dropping Stoneform for Hunter's Gaze and I would suggest that outside the hardest zones.

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I'd swap hunt signet for sick'em for better burst and maybe use runes of pack for some swiftness. Mounts solve mobility issues and hunt signet is quite useless in pve. I'd also use some CC+damage pet like rock gazelle, warthog or smokescale.

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Really nice appointments Chrury.4627, as my main reason to do that build is critical, some survive with GS will come a handy and that Arctodus is nice too, "Defy Pain" can help alot, thanks for your reply.


Btw: looking like this, Rune of Rage seems interesting.


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> @"steki.1478" said:

> I'd swap hunt signet for sick'em for better burst and maybe use runes of pack for some swiftness. Mounts solve mobility issues and hunt signet is quite useless in pve. I'd also use some CC+damage pet like rock gazelle, warthog or smokescale.


I think where can I fit use some Shout in that Build, my main purpose it's have a high critical chance and use pet as little as possible, like a real archer without that, I still do not know what the new zones are like if a ranger with 15k of life can survive with little survival skill.


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> @"toudy.1057" said:

> > @"steki.1478" said:

> > I'd swap hunt signet for sick'em for better burst and maybe use runes of pack for some swiftness. Mounts solve mobility issues and hunt signet is quite useless in pve. I'd also use some CC+damage pet like rock gazelle, warthog or smokescale.


> I think where can I fit use some Shout in that Build, my main purpose it's have a high critical chance and use pet as little as possible, like a real archer without that, I still do not know what the new zones are like if a ranger with 15k of life can survive with little survival skill.



You should be fine in most zones. The utility of Greatsword plus the range of Longbow is all you really need for Core Tyria and PoF/Elona. My experience is things get a bit tougher in HoT (excluding Dragon Stand) and a few spots in the LS zones.


Signet of the Hunt is probably your flex skill as mobs don't block too often. Consider slotting a stunbreak, CC (spike trap), or support/utility as needed.

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> @"Chrury.4627" said:

> > @"toudy.1057" said:

> > > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > I'd swap hunt signet for sick'em for better burst and maybe use runes of pack for some swiftness. Mounts solve mobility issues and hunt signet is quite useless in pve. I'd also use some CC+damage pet like rock gazelle, warthog or smokescale.

> >

> > I think where can I fit use some Shout in that Build, my main purpose it's have a high critical chance and use pet as little as possible, like a real archer without that, I still do not know what the new zones are like if a ranger with 15k of life can survive with little survival skill.

> >


> You should be fine in most zones. The utility of Greatsword plus the range of Longbow is all you really need for Core Tyria and PoF/Elona. My experience is things get a bit tougher in HoT (excluding Dragon Stand) and a few spots in the LS zones.


> Signet of the Hunt is probably your flex skill as mobs don't block too often. Consider slotting a stunbreak, CC (spike trap), or support/utility as needed.


I have made some changes in that build after reading replys, and to have more survival, check THIS ONE and say me what you think, sacrifice some critical damage for 6k of life? I'm thinking about change Elite skill from Strength of the Pack for One Wolf Pack, i don't know.

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I love quickness. I don't know about you, but I play Ranger mostly for the thrill of acceleration. In my opinion, maximizing critical chance takes away too much from the Ranger. Weird traits like Vigour on evade or utilities like Griffon Stance can be useful, but only if you're a sharp dodger and you always evade well. Otherwise, Ranger is notorious for its ability to stack Protection and other defensive boons to obscene levels (if you're not building for srs PvE).


Remorseless really only works with GS because of Two-handed Training and you might want Moment of Clarity to amplify the damage, but it's not a trait that gives you consistent boosts.


For pets, if you're feeling aggressive, you can take two Ferocious ones such as Smokescale + Rock Gazelle, Eagle, etc.


> If you play [Marksmanship](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNEQNBjYD7kgXojXshXwiFgrFssHYL3uAwZLP9GfvvODvjXyrkvdA-jBDBQBCU9HndgAkgSwUohBAHQBjo8bDXEgAcACgwTAgf7PUDdDJw8HpAiYpF-e "Marksmanship") Clarion Bond is an excellent trait that gives you near permanent boons just from a Moa Stance + pet switch + Meld boon swap. Choose between Spirited Arrival or Windborne Notes. Or even go for Beastmastery and Shout Heal over Nature Magic. You can basically swap pets and camp LB.


My recommendation:


> [Wilderness Survival/Beastmastery/Soulbeast](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNEQJATRnUqAd8iN8CmsActglJBrJA0AmAPBhLwHLP3GcPul8tDA-jBDBQBb4CAUDdBA4AK4sDEAEeCAS4QAKBDwBIIFaYEo6PJw8nRU+xv9HIFQELtA-e "Wilderness Survival/Beastmastery/Soulbeast") allows me to stack boons with Moa Stance (all the goodies), Quickening Zephyr (Quickness, Fury etc), pet switch (lesser QZ), then exchange them with pet every time I meld with pet or use "We Heal as One!".


> Melding with Bambi or the Owl both grant you a dash which you can use to add to your toolkit of Swiftness, Superspeed and GS Swoop. Or Sword leap. The Owl is there when you need the heal, but you can use an Eagle instead for more Power and Ferocity.


> If you want to use One Wolf Pack, you need weapons that can hit at its maximum frequency, and often that would be Sword/Warhorn. Switch Two-handed Training to Natural Healing and you'll feel its effects (along with Regen and Protection) in Beastmode.


> You have condition removal in your Heal (Wilderness Survival trait) and QZ, and if you want more you can change utilities or even use Soldier/Trooper Runes for the Shouts. You can take off Dolyak for "Sic 'em!", which when in Beastmode boosts your direct damage by a hard 40% which you can use with One Wolf Pack for sheer stupid ludicrousness.


Sword leap: bind a key to "about face" on the keybinding options which you can press together with 2 on your sword easily, and press About Face > Sword 2 so that the retreat portion of the leap actually goes forward, then about face again to return your facing to normal and use the forward portion of the leap to get ahead.


You can even click the screen right before you use "about face" to lock camera so that only your character turns back wards for the first leap, then hold right mouse down briefly while walking forward to turn your character back (camera facing forward this whole time) for the second leap.

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> @"Ralkuth.1456" said:

> I love quickness. I don't know about you, but I play Ranger mostly for the thrill of acceleration. In my opinion, maximizing critical chance takes away too much from the Ranger. Weird traits like Vigour on evade or utilities like Griffon Stance can be useful, but only if you're a sharp dodger and you always evade well. Otherwise, Ranger is notorious for its ability to stack Protection and other defensive boons to obscene levels (if you're not building for srs PvE).


> Remorseless really only works with GS because of Two-handed Training and you might want Moment of Clarity to amplify the damage, but it's not a trait that gives you consistent boosts.


> For pets, if you're feeling aggressive, you can take two Ferocious ones such as Smokescale + Rock Gazelle, Eagle, etc.


> > If you play [Marksmanship](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNEQNBjYD7kgXojXshXwiFgrFssHYL3uAwZLP9GfvvODvjXyrkvdA-jBDBQBCU9HndgAkgSwUohBAHQBjo8bDXEgAcACgwTAgf7PUDdDJw8HpAiYpF-e "Marksmanship") Clarion Bond is an excellent trait that gives you near permanent boons just from a Moa Stance + pet switch + Meld boon swap. Choose between Spirited Arrival or Windborne Notes. Or even go for Beastmastery and Shout Heal over Nature Magic. You can basically swap pets and camp LB.


> My recommendation:


> > [Wilderness Survival/Beastmastery/Soulbeast](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNEQJATRnUqAd8iN8CmsActglJBrJA0AmAPBhLwHLP3GcPul8tDA-jBDBQBb4CAUDdBA4AK4sDEAEeCAS4QAKBDwBIIFaYEo6PJw8nRU+xv9HIFQELtA-e "Wilderness Survival/Beastmastery/Soulbeast") allows me to stack boons with Moa Stance (all the goodies), Quickening Zephyr (Quickness, Fury etc), pet switch (lesser QZ), then exchange them with pet every time I meld with pet or use "We Heal as One!".

> >

> > Melding with Bambi or the Owl both grant you a dash which you can use to add to your toolkit of Swiftness, Superspeed and GS Swoop. Or Sword leap. The Owl is there when you need the heal, but you can use an Eagle instead for more Power and Ferocity.

> >

> > If you want to use One Wolf Pack, you need weapons that can hit at its maximum frequency, and often that would be Sword/Warhorn. Switch Two-handed Training to Natural Healing and you'll feel its effects (along with Regen and Protection) in Beastmode.

> >

> > You have condition removal in your Heal (Wilderness Survival trait) and QZ, and if you want more you can change utilities or even use Soldier/Trooper Runes for the Shouts. You can take off Dolyak for "Sic 'em!", which when in Beastmode boosts your direct damage by a hard 40% which you can use with One Wolf Pack for sheer stupid ludicrousness.

> >

> Sword leap: bind a key to "about face" on the keybinding options which you can press together with 2 on your sword easily, and press About Face > Sword 2 so that the retreat portion of the leap actually goes forward, then about face again to return your facing to normal and use the forward portion of the leap to get ahead.


> You can even click the screen right before you use "about face" to lock camera so that only your character turns back wards for the first leap, then hold right mouse down briefly while walking forward to turn your character back (camera facing forward this whole time) for the second leap.


Hello Ralkuth, really nice to see some people that work in a great build, unfortunately this kind of build runs away from what I really wanted, some stuffs are nice, but stay dependent of pets for an improvement is something I do not want, I'm starting to think there is not a specific build for Ranger that I can get 100% of the time without pet.

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