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Feedback pls - Mirage wvw roamer build


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I've been trying to come up with a Mirage build that is close in effectiveness to the Chrono build I've been using for roaming. I need it to be good 1v1 but also be able to hang in a 1v2 or fighting an enemy in a camp. Ideally, there's some way to get away from outnumbered fights.


Here's what I've been trying:



Trailblazer gear still seems like the most survivable. Without a passive runspeed option, the Traveler runes are almost a must have.


The idea on fighting is to start with scepter/sword to get some early blocks and ranged attack for closing. Ideally, you can get the might from the swordsman and shatter the early illusions to get some vigor. Then you swap to axe and torch and try to get the mage and the disenchanter up. In this configuration, you can keep some sustained condi pressure on while hopefully not getting into trouble with condis. If you get loaded up with condis, try to use arcane thievery to send them back. Blink and jaunt are pretty much just for defense.


Here's a video of a duel with a holosmith to give an idea of how it can work. (Note: I screw up the rotation here. I mean to shatter before I get the mage out...)


My primary observations:

- I'm so familiar with my chrono build, I have a hard time not shattering to clear conditions or heal (and switching from mantra heal that removes condis to the Oasis heal is a big change)

- There's a real dip in dps after the initial burst. Once prestige has triggered, it's pretty much down hill for a while in damage

- Getting bombed by condis is tougher here. Arcane thievery and disenchanter are both tricky to use when under pressure.


I'd love any feedback. I'd like to make some kind of Mirage build work for roaming. Thx!



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Im currently using a mixxed set of cele trinkets + sinister armor/weap + dire breast. Gives me good Defensives while havin high dmg. Weapond are sword/pistol + axe/torch - full melee since u got mobilty of doom with sword main + jaunt. (Trying it out right now, feels nice , could still be bad). Sword ambush + jaunt is enough to make me forget 25% movementspeed. Sigil of energy on both sets is a must have same with 40% endurance food. On my sword/pistol set the second sigil is draining - 1k heal + 1k damage ( unaffected by armor ) on every interrupt with no ICD. Second sigil of other set is poison when weapon swap ( poison op ) .

Rune is krait runes for NASTY jaunts ( poison op)


Somehow i really like the mirror Mechanic since they last longer now which is why i use false Oasis + at least one mirror creating skill ( backwards evade feels underwhelming) ; illusionary or crystal. Honestly illusionary still feels bugged ( same with axe 3 :/ ) so in most cases i use crystal. Can be combined with pistol 5 to Secure hitting. Cant decide between self deception and regen. Deception is insane , but as u said ; less condi clear makes regen trait looking good too. Personal preference here. Distorted Desert probably only on domi builds ( still Think the trait is weired , f4 is crazy , but other shatters are as usual ) i found love in the illusionary axes traited axe gets. Mirage mantle needs a rework into heal or Barrier , trait is Simply useless imho. Elusive mind is a no brainer in wvw .


My 2 cents mate. Whatever u Think ; go on havin fun and a nice time with mirrage (:

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Thx for the feedback. It just feels brutally slow to me to not have at least 25% runspeed when I'm roaming.


I love sigil of draining, and I use it on my chrono build. But I couldn't find a way to fit it in here.


Since I'm going for an all-condi build here, the Dune Cloak grandmaster is pretty powerful with the 20% increased condi duration on all condis. So far, it feels like keeping some bleed on the target is pretty easy. One thing that's a little uncomfortable for me is that I find I'm constantly fighting in melee range. With my Chrono build, I would move in and out of melee range more. But now between the axe auto being short range and the need to be close for Dune Cloak, I find I feel forced to stay in melee.


I'll keep testing and look for other suggestions. My guess is it will never quite be as good (given how I play) as the Chrono build, but I'll keep trying .

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For anyone interested in trying this, I made two small tweaks. I replaced phantasmal disenchanter with the cleansing mantra. With arcane thievery, I already have a way to strip off resistance, and the mantra is just so much better for on-demand condi removal.


Without the idea of making the disenchanter cast more often, I went back to Maim The Disillusioned instead of Phantasmal Haste. Even with very minimal clone generation, the extra torment on shatter is just so good in a condi build.




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Firstly turn off camera shake, it’s not right to have it on in 2k15 let alone end of 2k17.


Got anything else against a class combo you aren’t countering really hard? No offence meant it’s just you’re fighting a holosmith as condi mesmer which isn’t an easy fight for them especially without elixir C.

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