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Need some advice on warrior


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Hi guys! ?

So I have recently made a warrior and gotten him to lvl 52, about to get him to 80 this week, and despite the satisfaction I had from the build so far, I still have some lingering questions in mind and decided to make this post.

I followed the condi build from


Now since I am not lvl 80 yet, I adjusted the build slightly by using Sword/Axe and Longbow

I really enjoy the longbow gameplay (some might say I am playing the wrong class for that) but I like standing back then occasionally diving in with my sword and doing the melee. Especially when fighting champions and higher.


Now for my questions

1) the video was from over a year ago, so I am wondering if it is still applicable today in the different game modes. Berserker elite spec, Sword/Torch, Longbow and how I can change it to be applicable today (in terms of weapons, healing/utility/elite skills)

If possible, I don't really want GS in my build, it moves me all over the places especially with the 3 skill, and doesn't seem to do spectacular damage for it to be worth it, I also really like the offhand axe skills, especially 5 as it does massive AOE damage. Also, for breaking bars, I have heard hammer is the best?

2) I can't currently solo champions as of now, having to use my elite defensive golem skill (Asura) so I can blast away from a distance. How can the condi build be adjusted so that I can do so?

3) what is the difference between spell breaker and berserker elite specs? Is it possible to get enough hero points to get both of them or at least retrain and change elite specs when I need to?

4) when I get to lvl 80, I have heard that yellow gear wouldn't do the trick, especially in HoT that I will be doing right after hitting lvl 80. I also don't have the LS Seasons 2 and 3 to get the gear available from them, So, How can I get at the very least, exotic gear? and Which type? (Berserker is the best, I heard for power and Viper for condi?)


Sorry my questions are all over the place but I would really appreciate it if anyone could offer this warrior noobie some insights!

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first off, im not a pve player at all but ill try to clear some things up, i also havent watched the video because im on my way to work


yes, you can get enough heropoints to get both elite specs, you cant use them at the same time ofc

spellbreaker is pretty much a powerspec that was made for pvp for the most parts (is used in pve too because of some good dmg modifiers)

berserker is the only reason why condi on warrior is viable in pve, without it you wouldnt be able to stack as many condis (dont play it in pvp or wvw tho pls)


for gear you will get some exotics as you play, a good option for starters is to craft it as armorsmith for example, there are some ways to get exotic gear where you can choose the stats (wvw for example) tbh i havent gotten any exotic sets in a long time since i have so mich ascended stuff lying around

and you dont need any living story things for gear


greatsword is a power weapon and has no scaling with condition dmg so it does not alot of dmg, in pvp its one of the heavy hitters for power builds with much needed mobility


for your build as of its now i wouldnt care that much, play what you want till 80, axe is not a condi weapon tho, its purely power, except when you axe 5 in your firefield, you could try out offhand sword since it offers more condis to some extend, but tbh just get berserker and then use torch


sorry if i cant answer all your questions but i hope it will help to some extend and maybe others will add some more stuff or correct me when im wrong


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As far as builds, play what you like. One thing bough is condi typically is not as great for open world/pve but more for raids/fractals, especially for warrior. The following link lists all of Metabattles open world lvl 80 builds https://metabattle.com/wiki/Category:Open_World_builds most are up to date and a good baseline. There’s one condi berserker build and a few core and spellbreaker builds.


Personally, I would go one of the core power (berserker gear (power/precision/ferocity builds)) builds first to farm your elite spec hero points. The double axe arms is my favorite. I also wouldn’t worry about break bar damage too much but I would recommend mace/shield on swap to best handle it (I also hate GS).


If you have both HOT and POF, I would recommend doing POF first for mounts and easier content (if you’re struggling with core Tyria champs). Gear wise - you’re going to want all exotic (orange) once you hit 80. The easiest way to do this is the trading post and the folllowing link tells you various ways of obtaining it https://metabattle.com/wiki/Guide:How_to_Gear_a_Character Another reason why I say berserker/power build is the gear is way cheaper than viper/condi. You may also want knight/maurader stats for survivability but full berserker is sufficient (just have to dodge better.


Hopefully this info helps and the links do to. Let me know if you have more questions as there is a ton of info but ultimately, play what you like and enjoy the game. Just know the HOT content is quite difficult (I haven’t bothered completing the story yet just POF and started sPVP) due to mobs hitting like trucks and the map layout (a lot of vertical gameplay so maps are more difficult to follow/confusing).


Lastly, I run a similar build to the spellbreaker dagger sun and moon build and it’s quite fun and durable. If you have issues surviving, the best trait line up for it would be disc, defense (over strength) and spellbreaker.

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As RedShark hinted at for your build until you hit 80 your build doesn't really matter. As for your questions:


1. His build is a bit dated right now (I just skimmed the video). Also it looks to be more setup for group play, and as Zero showed metabattle has lots of up to date info and they do a fairly good job of keeping it up to date.

2. I'm not sure if the condi build can solo champs too easily. I can do a fair job soloing them on my power spellbreaker setup (some do however have mechanics that make is so I can't).

3. Also as RedShark said yes you can get enough HPs to get them both, the easiest way for me was to do WvW (I mainly play WvW though so it wasn't a big deal) and unlock them through testimonies of heroics at the heroics vendor. I should really write a lazy mans guide to power warrior/spellbreaker some time, the build I run is fairly easy to run, has good survivability, and from what one of my guildies that always has arc DPS open said I'm usually one of the top 1-2 DPS people.

4. Again as Zero said you'll want at least exotics and again there are some easy ways to unlock what you want/need for exotics. For me again WvW is my go-to method for easily getting gear w/o having to pay gold for them. You could also go through dungeons to get your gear, playing through the story can get you gear. However if you're wanting to run a condi build than you'll probably have to make sure you're going through game modes that you can get the proper condi gear. And like I said WvW is a nice mode for that since the reward tracks give you stat select gear.

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Okay, first I want to thank all of you for the extremely informative and helpful posts :D

Now get ready for a barrage of questions >:)



1) Is there a max to the amount of hero points I can have on a character?


2) Are WvW and PvP the same thing? Does WvW give everything that PvE gives? in terms of gear, HP, experience, etc


3) If i were to gear up from PvE, which should i aim for first? Open-world? Dungeons? Fractals? Raids? Or is it the case that if i gear up for raids, then i am ready for everything PvE-related? Open world


4) I have read that Power warrior is indeed the best way to go (PvP and PvE except from raids), but also heard that condi warrior is the best for raids due to sustained damage, but is power warrior in raids good too? Because then i might just switch to power forever.


> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> and you dont need any living story things for gear


You can get ascended gear from living story, but i understand that it's not needed though, because of other ways to get it.


> @"ZeroSkitzo.5403" said:

> Personally, I would go one of the core power (berserker gear (power/precision/ferocity builds)) builds first to farm your elite spec hero points. The double axe arms is my favorite. I also wouldn’t worry about break bar damage too much but I would recommend mace/shield on swap to best handle it (I also hate GS).


1) Is the 2h hammer good for cc? or is mace and shield simply better for break bars?


2) It's nice to see that gear can be obtained from so many areas of the game, but it's a tad confusing haha. I assume the way to go for ascended is trinkets>weapons>armor? is it easiest to craft (farm mats) or PvE or PvP to get them? I think I will save up for berserker gear first then, which currently costs 120 gold :scream: for the set excluding accessories, i think? But that's my target for now!




> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> 2. I'm not sure if the condi build can solo champs too easily. I can do a fair job soloing them on my power spellbreaker setup (some do however have mechanics that make is so I can't).


The only thing i like about the condi build is that it has some distance from the boss that i can attack from haha, so that i don't die from the boss attacking me in melee range. But if the power build can solo champs, I will try it out!


> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> 3. Also as RedShark said yes you can get enough HPs to get them both, the easiest way for me was to do WvW (I mainly play WvW though so it wasn't a big deal) and unlock them through testimonies of heroics at the heroics vendor. I should really write a lazy mans guide to power warrior/spellbreaker some time, the build I run is fairly easy to run, has good survivability, and from what one of my guildies that always has arc DPS open said I'm usually one of the top 1-2 DPS people.


Yes! Please make that guide! I am a lazy man who will benefit from it! :sweat_smile:

Just wondering for lvl 80, you can get experience from WvW right to train your abilities? But can you get mastery points from doing WvW too?


> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> 4. Again as Zero said you'll want at least exotics and again there are some easy ways to unlock what you want/need for exotics. For me again WvW is my go-to method for easily getting gear w/o having to pay gold for them. You could also go through dungeons to get your gear, playing through the story can get you gear. However if you're wanting to run a condi build than you'll probably have to make sure you're going through game modes that you can get the proper condi gear. And like I said WvW is a nice mode for that since the reward tracks give you stat select gear.


WvW sounds really awesome then, I'll try it out, but I'll probably lose every match I get into and get cursed at :lol:


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> @"GetWrecked.3290" said:

> Okay, first I want to thank all of you for the extremely informative and helpful posts :D

> Now get ready for a barrage of questions >:)


> General:

> 1) Is there a max to the amount of hero points I can have on a character?

Yes there is but its far greater than the amount of required hero points needed to unlock everything.

> 2) Are WvW and PvP the same thing? Does WvW give everything that PvE gives? in terms of gear, HP, experience, etc

WvW and PvP are not the same thing. PvP is more structured and allot more locked down on what you can run (they try to keep OP things in check), you only need to pick your amulet, sigils, and runes you don't choose armor. WvW is kinda a large scale PvP that you use your PvE armor/weapons for. They both however have reward tracks that are mostly the same. WvW and PvP don't give PvE experience points. WvW gets WvW experience which makes your rank go up which lets you unlock WvW masteries which are different from PvE.

> 3) If i were to gear up from PvE, which should i aim for first? Open-world? Dungeons? Fractals? Raids? Or is it the case that if i gear up for raids, then i am ready for everything PvE-related? Open world

Open world, dungeons, and fractals are all probably going to use the same equipment (not counting higher tier fractals that are going to need agony resistance). Raids are going to require specific armor possibly depending on what group of people you run with (I've gotten by with my same armor setup for Raids as I used for everything else however).

> 4) I have read that Power warrior is indeed the best way to go (PvP and PvE except from raids), but also heard that condi warrior is the best for raids due to sustained damage, but is power warrior in raids good too? Because then i might just switch to power forever.

I've been running power warrior in raids, but there are a few places where you're better off running condition.


> > @"ZeroSkitzo.5403" said:

> > Personally, I would go one of the core power (berserker gear (power/precision/ferocity builds)) builds first to farm your elite spec hero points. The double axe arms is my favorite. I also wouldn’t worry about break bar damage too much but I would recommend mace/shield on swap to best handle it (I also hate GS).


> 1) Is the 2h hammer good for cc? or is mace and shield simply better for break bars?

Hammer is better at group/aoe cc. If you're against a single target mace/shield has more break bar pressure, and defense with mace 2 and shield 5.


> 2) It's nice to see that gear can be obtained from so many areas of the game, but it's a tad confusing haha. I assume the way to go for ascended is trinkets>weapons>armor? is it easiest to craft (farm mats) or PvE or PvP to get them? I think I will save up for berserker gear first then, which currently costs 120 gold :scream: for the set excluding accessories, i think? But that's my target for now!

Yes I'd say trinkets would be the easiest to obtain and have very little gold requirement. Laurels, fractal relics, and living story maps make this much much easier than the weapons or armor.




> > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > 2. I'm not sure if the condi build can solo champs too easily. I can do a fair job soloing them on my power spellbreaker setup (some do however have mechanics that make is so I can't).


> The only thing i like about the condi build is that it has some distance from the boss that i can attack from haha, so that i don't die from the boss attacking me in melee range. But if the power build can solo champs, I will try it out!

On soloing champs it's mostly about knowing where to stand, when to proc your full counter, when you need to dodge.

> > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > 3. Also as RedShark said yes you can get enough HPs to get them both, the easiest way for me was to do WvW (I mainly play WvW though so it wasn't a big deal) and unlock them through testimonies of heroics at the heroics vendor. I should really write a lazy mans guide to power warrior/spellbreaker some time, the build I run is fairly easy to run, has good survivability, and from what one of my guildies that always has arc DPS open said I'm usually one of the top 1-2 DPS people.


> Yes! Please make that guide! I am a lazy man who will benefit from it! :sweat_smile:

> Just wondering for lvl 80, you can get experience from WvW right to train your abilities? But can you get mastery points from doing WvW too?

In WvW you get skirmish reward chests which give you the testimony of heroics. As you can see from the link below the vendors for those give lots of VERY handy PvE things.


> > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > 4. Again as Zero said you'll want at least exotics and again there are some easy ways to unlock what you want/need for exotics. For me again WvW is my go-to method for easily getting gear w/o having to pay gold for them. You could also go through dungeons to get your gear, playing through the story can get you gear. However if you're wanting to run a condi build than you'll probably have to make sure you're going through game modes that you can get the proper condi gear. And like I said WvW is a nice mode for that since the reward tracks give you stat select gear.


> WvW sounds really awesome then, I'll try it out, but I'll probably lose every match I get into and get cursed at :lol:


Good luck, also there are lots of nice guilds that are more than willing to help show someone the ropes.



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> @"GetWrecked.3290" said:

> Thank you!

> How would you recommend to farm for the gold I need for the berserker set? 120 gold seems a little steep for me at this point :o


you could go for the dungeon citadel of flames, you can get exotic weapons and armor with berserker stats from there, its pretty easy to do and every dungeon run you do has a daily cooldown that gives you like 2gold i cash, so you even make some money with it, now for pure gold farming there are probably better options but i have no idea about pve and would probably get my first things from there, maybe some friends can help you with them aswell, one run usually takes like 10minutes


also you can get as many hero points for skilling you specialization as there are points on the maps that are currently existing, so yes, there is a cap, but more than enough to get all specs


also, wvw is not like pvp where you click on search match and you get into a map for like 10minutes or so where you just clash with others and then its over

wvw is on big maps with objectives to take where 3 server are 24/7 for a week up against each other, collecting points throught holding objectives and killing enemies

reset is every friday and just a single new person making mistakes wont be a big issue, just if you purposely try to sabotage your server it could get a problem, like using all the special abilities in your keep etc when there is no attack at it, and then its on CD when there actually is an attack

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first you should stay with core warrior power setup especially if you like to do map completion, buy/craft exotic berserker set and for the start stay with strength runes (see devonna set on TP, its cheap and does the work u need)

the only viable condi build is on berserker spec via HOT, its powerfull for raids,dungeons/fractals but its expensive(viper set) compared to power setup (berserker set)

with power warrior u can wvw quite good and make your elite spect there (see? double usefull ) if u want to go pve route, there are hero pionts trains quite often in HOT maps

ask yourself if u wanna go big on fractals, if not, make your ascended sets only when u are shure on what build you enjoy the most

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