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What a waste of hard earned money.


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I was so looking forward to this new content. Day 1 sees all the hardcore players come in and take what they want. Now we are left with empty maps and no way to do anything. Can't solo hp's, or bounties or for that matter pretty much anything. With no way to change servers to a populated one you pretty much have a crap shoot. VERY disappointing. Make it soloable real fast or you are going to have nothing! Veterans cannot be taken on solo by the new Mesmer (which is really useless now). Went back to chronomancer build where I could actually survive trash mobs, let alone veterans.


Sorry Folks but making all the chapters available and opening all the areas at once simply let the hardcore move in and out and left the rest of us simply put, screwed.

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> @Unyque.6189 said:

> I was so looking forward to this new content. Day 1 sees all the hardcore players come in and take what they want. Now we are left with empty maps and no way to do anything. Can't solo hp's, or bounties or for that matter pretty much anything. With no way to change servers to a populated one you pretty much have a crap shoot. VERY disappointing. Make it soloable real fast or you are going to have nothing! Veterans cannot be taken on solo by the new Mesmer (which is really useless now). Went back to chronomancer build where I could actually survive trash mobs, let alone veterans.


> Sorry Folks but making all the chapters available and opening all the areas at once simply let the hardcore move in and out and left the rest of us simply put, screwed.


Whaaaaat?? The maps are teeming with groups. Update your build, and you'll see them. There IS a way to change servers (at the login screen). But there's no need to do it since LFG pulls from all servers at once.


So much wrong..

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I don't know if you're a returning player, new one, or just don't understand how PvE works so I'm gonna explain some things.


Your server in PvE doesn't matter and hasn't mattered for a long time. The map grabs players from every server until it reaches a soft cap and then spins up a new instance where other players will join. If it gets empty it asks you to join a more populated map.


There is also an LfG tool that shows a bunch of current groups doing content together. I've been in Bounty trains for the last day or so so I'm not sure why you're having trouble doing them. Open it up, have a look at the map you're currently on and join a group. If they aren't on your map instance (the icon will appear transparent or their portrait will be black) right click a name and click 'join in (map name)'. It'll send you to the instance they are in.


Also adjust and experiment with your build - the HPs are soloable in PoF.

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Actually my gripe is that aside from the bounties everything is soloable now. The maps feel boring and not challenging (personal opinion). I miss the dynamic bosses roaming the maps and meta events, that would require people to gather up to complete. I am yet to find content I can't do regardless of class. As for maps being empty, I am starting to feel that when I am in early maps as people progress with story. Wait few days and farmers will be back in those early maps as the number of people that finished the story has increased.

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I am also surprised by what you are saying Unyque. When I am there, there are always lot of players around and I always find people to help me if I need it.


Regarding soloing: Do not care too much about that. It's always like that: Some can and some cannot, needing help. No reason to feel bad about not soloing. I was able to solo some things and needed help for some others. Those who can solo everything are great, because if we need help, they can bring the help. :)

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I don't think they will be dead, but I understand what you mean. It is true that many players hurry at doing everything fast fast fast (I was myself doing that at earlier times), and then, after a quite short while, they have nothing left to do in the areas. That's why they stop coming, unless there is an interesting meta event and/or good farming spots. That's how the maps get less populated but I believe it is only an intermediate phase.

Look at HoT areas nowadays: There are always enough people to get help for all stuff around and manage events. So I do not worry much for PoF areas. This will be the same. There will probably be a down phase, until it reaches a balance and become a "standardly" used world. I am sure there will always be enough "life" there (crossing fingers though!). :)

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> @Unyque.6189 said:

> I was so looking forward to this new content. Day 1 sees all the hardcore players come in and take what they want. Now we are left with empty maps and no way to do anything. Can't solo hp's, or bounties or for that matter pretty much anything. With no way to change servers to a populated one you pretty much have a crap shoot. VERY disappointing. Make it soloable real fast or you are going to have nothing! Veterans cannot be taken on solo by the new Mesmer (which is really useless now). Went back to chronomancer build where I could actually survive trash mobs, let alone veterans.


> Sorry Folks but making all the chapters available and opening all the areas at once simply let the hardcore move in and out and left the rest of us simply put, screwed.


I've soloed 3 maps to 100% thus far as glass cannon Holosmith (zerk gear) and also did 100% x2 on revenant (solo). Even Elites are soloable. The only prob I have solo is champions but these aren't anywhere needed for 100% map.


It's perfectly soloable.

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I was just telling my buddy how great it was that these maps are soloable. I just pop some music on and go exploring. Haven't run into anything I couldn't solo, besides Group Events -- and even then I'm not dying, just run out of time to complete it. I mean seriously, compared to HoT it's a cake walk.

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> @Draknar.5748 said:

> I was just telling my buddy how great it was that these maps are soloable. I just pop some music on and go exploring. Haven't run into anything I couldn't solo, besides Group Events -- and even then I'm not dying, just run out of time to complete it. I mean seriously, compared to HoT it's a cake walk.


yeah everything is soloable besides bounties wich look more like and hp run. So what is the point in calling gw2 an mmo ? The meta chain from hot/sw gived the mmo feeling and that was the only mmo aspect of the pve content excluding dungeons(fractals) and raids + world bosses. This is the reason people say that pof maps are empty, because all can play like a single player game and this is sad...

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A guild member/friend of mine and I did the story together over the weekend. After we finished the story, I explored on my own. There were people everywhere. I had no problem soloing anything including HP's and Mastery Points.


Many times I also would work with other players to complete events. I really don't understand why you thought maps were empty.

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