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Banish Enchant needs refinement


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It desperately needs a range check. It's frustrating dumping energy onto a target that is a hair over the pitiful 600 range and having it do nothing. While we're at it, remove the piercing effect and just make it chain to nearby enemies. Hitting more than 1 enemy with it is nothing more that clicking someone stacked a bit behind the group and praying you got a few. It's not a skillshot, it's a luck shot. I wouldn't be surprised if that beam's "hitbox" is the same as Sevenshot aka Seven Missed(Mist) shot. Reduce the target cap from 5 enemies to 3 total and call it a day.


I know it's easier to number tweak. Just to add another boon to remove and call it balance. After all, that's the ANET way. The skill is shares the same functionality as Mesmer's GS and Druid's Staff auto attack. However, this skill costs energy. Is it too much ask giving it range check before throwing away 20 energy?

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Reducing the target cap from 5 to 3 is simply negotiating tactics as with these types of suggestions. Of course I'd like to keep it 5 target but let's face it, if you can somehow hit 5 people lined up reliably, you might as well buy a powerball ticket. Without having your eyes glued onto that 3 pixel red bar/range indicator, you're lucky to even hit 1 target. I'd be more than happy with a reliable 3 target chaining boonstrip but I won't complain for 5. As the skill is currently, a range check is the bare minimum it needs. The whole chaining beam thing is icing on the cake. It's just one of the symptoms of energy that needs to be address and I'd like to see ANET refine Banish Enchantment instead of arbitrarily tweaking numbers. Stripping 3 boons over 2 is useless if your target in out of range. Moreso if you are allow to throw energy away because of a weird 600 range limit.

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