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Spellbreaker isn't op


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After intricately dissecting the class and understanding the match ups, I do not think Spellbreaker is over powered. Actually, I think that it is much weaker than core war in every way. The main problem with the builds is that Spellbreaker's damage and overall effectiveness is based on momentum, and core warrior is based on clutch. The bad thing about Spellbreaker's momentum based play is that the momentum of the class is largely based on its enemy. As a Spellbreaker, if you can get your enemy to trigger your full counter and eat the damage, you are being more effective over all. As a core warrior, all you have to do is focus on doing damage, dodging, and stunning. This momentum based play also translates to the healing output by each build. If, as a Spellbreaker, you are not able to spam your full counter and burst skill, you will not build up adrenal health stacks, making it very easy to gain momentum against you (surprisingly, even berserker is better at maintaining the stacks of adrenal due to the high range of skills and the low cast times/cooldowns. Of course berserker is still worse due to lack of fluidity in gameplay that spellbreaker has). Even if you are able to proc it a decent amount of times to maintain the three stacks core war has up virtually 90% of the time, it will slowly drop to two, then one, if not refilled. Based on my experience dueling Spellbreakers on my core warrior, very VERY few are able to keep up. Near higher end play against classes that lack aoe's/adds, Spellbreaker doesn't make the cut. This is just my opinion, what do you guys think?

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Spellbreaker and Scourge are the strongest classes in this expansion thus far. They are the two classes anyone wouldn't mind having more of.


You can talk semantics on this class but, list exactly which class is able to out-play a Spellbreaker 1v1 and/or in team fights. You can't mention Scourge either.

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As current GW1 and GW2 player, I'm green with envy that GW1 Mesmer style came to GW2, but it's a warrior. **Like the GW1 Mesmer, this is a class you have to think a little to play against. As such, it's going to attract a lot of hate.**

On the other hand, when people figure out to slow down and counterplay, Spell Breaker might find itself the hunted.

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> @Saiyan.1704 said:

> Spellbreaker and Scourge are the strongest classes in this expansion thus far. They are the two classes anyone wouldn't mind having more of.


> You can talk semantics on this class but, list exactly which class is able to out-play a Spellbreaker 1v1 and/or in team fights. You can't mention Scourge either.


Every class can fight Spellbreaker.


Stop spamming skills in the warriors face and expect to win.


I'm also an old GW1 player and like Ithilwen stated, this kind of punishment-for-spam system used to exist in GW1. I remember reading early threads on guru from low ranked whoru Assassin players in heroes ascent complaining about hexway followed by retorts from better players "Stop attacking when the mes casts empathy wtf u doin." It's the same principal with spellbreaker.


This is a gitgud issue, not a balance issue. People are just spoiled in GW2 from not having to seriously deal with this kind of punishment so they mistakenly believe it's OP.



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> @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> As current GW1 and GW2 player, I'm green with envy that GW1 Mesmer style came to GW2, but it's a warrior. **Like the GW1 Mesmer, this is a class you have to think a little to play against. As such, it's going to attract a lot of hate.**

> On the other hand, when people figure out to slow down and counterplay, Spell Breaker might find itself the hunted.


It plays nothing like a GW1 mesmer. Its all just marketing. Unlike mesmer in GW1 where it is ineffective to spam interrupts, theres no reason not to use D3 for spellbreaker. Dazes are good, stuns are better. D4 is simply just the obvious chain of the burst. Skill usage is too homogenized in GW2 for the GW1 playstyle to work. You can't give players interrupt weapon skills that do nothing if they miss because of how weapon skills are bundled together.


Instead of high risk, high reward gameplay we get low risk, flat reward. You simply can't get the GW1 mesmer in this game.

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> @Saiyan.1704 said:

> Spellbreaker and Scourge are the strongest classes in this expansion thus far. They are the two classes anyone wouldn't mind having more of.


> You can talk semantics on this class but, list exactly which class is able to out-play a Spellbreaker 1v1 and/or in team fights. You can't mention Scourge either.


im finding Scourge to be quite weak. just kite and kill.

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> @mistsim.2748 said:

> > @Saiyan.1704 said:

> > Spellbreaker and Scourge are the strongest classes in this expansion thus far. They are the two classes anyone wouldn't mind having more of.

> >

> > You can talk semantics on this class but, list exactly which class is able to out-play a Spellbreaker 1v1 and/or in team fights. You can't mention Scourge either.


> im finding Scourge to be quite weak. just kite and kill.


People don't know how to kite therefore it is OP.

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> @Saiyan.1704 said:

> Spellbreaker and Scourge are the strongest classes in this expansion thus far. They are the two classes anyone wouldn't mind having more of.


> You can talk semantics on this class but, list exactly which class is able to out-play a Spellbreaker 1v1 and/or in team fights. You can't mention Scourge either.


I just said that core war beats it


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pple face tank scourge in shades with plenty boons on them and then they wonder why they die......scourge is super easy to kill for ranged classes and thieves. Its necro without DS it has to have good dmg otherwise its worse than core condi necro......I still think HOT elites are all by 25% stronger maybe by 30% renegade is bullshit and spit on revenants face tbh, daredevil deleted possibilities for other glass cannon builds,

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The issue with full counter is that it procs full pulsing damage. This gives it a 100% trigger rate vs guards due to symbols.

In before someone says "don't use symbols".


And this ain't just a.guard issue. It triggers from wells, overloads etc giving it zero counter play. (Apart from dodging).


I'd either make the damage part blockable, or only make it proc off of active attacks, such as autos.

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> @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> As current GW1 and GW2 player, I'm green with envy that GW1 Mesmer style came to GW2, but it's a warrior. **Like the GW1 Mesmer, this is a class you have to think a little to play against. As such, it's going to attract a lot of hate.**

> On the other hand, when people figure out to slow down and counterplay, Spell Breaker might find itself the hunted.


We ended up with a pink warrior using clones with a strange staff that still doesnt seem caster theres almost nothing gw1 about this mes main attribute or domination wise.






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> @Loop.8106 said:

> The issue with full counter is that it procs full pulsing damage. This gives it a 100% trigger rate vs guards due to symbols.

> In before someone says "don't use symbols".


> And this ain't just a.guard issue. It triggers from wells, overloads etc giving it zero counter play. (Apart from dodging).


> I'd either make the damage part blockable, or only make it proc off of active attacks, such as autos.


Or maybe people should be more careful with their AoEs, instead of spamming them everywhere.

And even if they mess up, as you said, _a simple dodge solves the problem_. **Or** an evade skill. **Or** simply being out of range.

I'd say there's plenty of counterplay, for something players are supposed to avoid in the first place.


Spellbreaker punishes cheesy builds, it's the whole job of the spec. Condi bombs, Block spam, AoE spam, you name it. It even trades any PvE effectiveness for that.


I don't see why it's a problem that finally builds that have been **100% safe for years** finally have some counterplay and risk to them.

In fact, I'm pretty sure it's very healthy for the game and promotes a less mindless playstyle.



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The main problem I see is there are ways to counter SB, but with good game knowledge and reactions you should pretty reliably proc Full Counter on _something_ (most of the time). I think that's what people mainly hate about it, but I think it should stay this way. If it was _too_ easy to see it coming, then FC would be as bad as Defiant Stance.


Whether or not SB is overpowered is debatable. Most SB builds are pretty easy to focus at the start of fights, even with Defense (I don't even run Defense...). They're also just as kiteable as regular old warrior because of no range pressure. We don't get to run longbow anymore because, since the celestial Ele days, warrior is completely outclassed in the point control department by other specs. So all we get is a couple of short range leaps and some of the buggiest skills in the game in Bull's Charge and Rush.


SB is mostly just a Full Counter bot otherwise it plays exactly like core warrior. Anet has always been scared of buffing warrior too much because of the easy access to hard CC and how explosive its damage is. But the class has fallen so behind in terms of tools, it's sad. Think of all the new tools and toys that other specs got since HoT. There is so much sustain in the form of blind/block/evade spamming, all of which counter warrior. It's pretty obvious that SB is their attempt at patching some of these issues (Sight beyond Sight LUL). Full Counter is just a simple solution for warrior to keep up. Notice just how _loaded_ the skill is.


I think it's one of the best specs of the expansion, but I wouldn't say it's OP. Even a minor nerf could be enough to make it useless. Every time warrior has had a strong build, Anet nerfs it to oblivion. Let's just hope they don't do that this time.

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> @kKagari.6804 said:

> > @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> > As current GW1 and GW2 player, I'm green with envy that GW1 Mesmer style came to GW2, but it's a warrior. **Like the GW1 Mesmer, this is a class you have to think a little to play against. As such, it's going to attract a lot of hate.**

> > On the other hand, when people figure out to slow down and counterplay, Spell Breaker might find itself the hunted.


> It plays nothing like a GW1 mesmer. Its all just marketing. Unlike mesmer in GW1 where it is ineffective to spam interrupts, theres no reason not to use D3 for spellbreaker. Dazes are good, stuns are better. D4 is simply just the obvious chain of the burst. Skill usage is too homogenized in GW2 for the GW1 playstyle to work. You can't give players interrupt weapon skills that do nothing if they miss because of how weapon skills are bundled together.


> Instead of high risk, high reward gameplay we get low risk, flat reward. You simply can't get the GW1 mesmer in this game.


except dagger offhand is useless

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> @eksn.7264 said:

> Every time warrior has had a strong build, Anet nerfs it to oblivion. Let's just hope they don't do that this time.


You have no idea how sick and tired I am from reading this exact line from every warrior player and their mother. Warrior has been meta most of the time before HoT. On HoT drop, they werent weak, just overshadowed by rev (just like every other class in the same position). Later they back on the rise with Macebow Condition zerker. This build completly stomped the meta as it was close to un-contested in 1v1s. (Outside of chronos). This made Power warriors rise, they beat Scrappers, Mesmers and beat / stalemated druids. Only real thing they lost to were Dragonhunters.

Post Endure / AH nerf warriors were on the down for a bit before the core warrior rose.


Now we're at PoF and they are once again among the top classes.


So stop using "Anet nerfed us into oblivion" when you've clearly had so many good builds through the years. GS/Hammer, Hambow, Shoutbow, Ragezerker, Macebow zerker, axe/shield Gs. This is just naming some builds from the top of my mind.


Even if Warriors were helltrash for the last 5 years and not a single warrior has been seen in pvp ever, is still not an excuse for letting the spec be overpowered now.



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Actually the reason for letting Spellbreaker be "overpowered" is a simple one:


They designed this spec to own in PvP at the expense of any and all PvE viability. If they nerf Spellbreaker in PvP, the spec will have literally nothing. It's mere existence demands it be "overpowered" in PvP because it is all it can do.

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> Actually the reason for letting Spellbreaker be "overpowered" is a simple one:


> They designed this spec to own in PvP at the expense of any and all PvE viability. If they nerf Spellbreaker in PvP, the spec will have literally nothing. It's mere existence demands it be "overpowered" in PvP because it is all it can do.


Sound logic, that way you can screw players over on _both_ ends!



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> @Daharahj.1325 said:

> > @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > Actually the reason for letting Spellbreaker be "overpowered" is a simple one:

> >

> > They designed this spec to own in PvP at the expense of any and all PvE viability. If they nerf Spellbreaker in PvP, the spec will have literally nothing. It's mere existence demands it be "overpowered" in PvP because it is all it can do.


> Sound logic, that way you can screw players over on _both_ ends!




Not my fault Anet decided to screw over PvE Warriors like myself by making Spellbreaker like that.


I'm just pointing out the obvious.

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> @Loop.8106 said:

> You have no idea how sick and tired I am from reading this exact line from every warrior player and their mother. Warrior has been meta most of the time before HoT.


Guardians and Elementalists have been meta in all aspects of the game since the game launched. So?


> Even if Warriors were helltrash for the last 5 years and not a single warrior has been seen in pvp ever, is still not an excuse for letting the spec be overpowered now.


Except it isn't overpowered. Spellbreaker has way less damage potential than any Warrior spec before it. The only difference and what it trades all that offense for is some innate defensive capability with Full Counter, which Warrior has always lacked and the reason why stances have always been a "you must take these or you die" both in PvP **and** WvW. Which by the way is also the reason why it's garbage in PvE, since its dps has been **gutted**.


Yet some people seem to be losing their mind at the thought of Warriors having an active defense that also punishes people if they spam skills.


I honestly think that the outcry mostly comes from people angry about having **to adapt to a mechanic instead of every other mechanic being adapted to their playstyle**.

The sooner people understand that active mechanics promoting paying attention are good for the game, the better GW2's pvp will become.

There should be **more** skills like Full Counter, not **less**.

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> Actually the reason for letting Spellbreaker be "overpowered" is a simple one:


> They designed this spec to own in PvP at the expense of any and all PvE viability. If they nerf Spellbreaker in PvP, the spec will have literally nothing. It's mere existence demands it be "overpowered" in PvP because it is all it can do.


It is only weak because it doesn't do anything better than condi berserker which is arguably the best pve build in the game (at least top 3).

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