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Themed mount liscences

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So right now mount adoption liscences don't obey any real logic. Anet creates a bunch of mounts and then when there are enough they will be made avalaible under a single liscence. Also, if you pay 400 gems, you have the same chance to get a super cool fiery griffon as you have to get a mere springer recolour.


But what if instead, we had themed mount liscences, in order to target what we want? Do I want a simple recolour, or do I want a super glowy mount?

For example, a "Basic mount liscence" which would be low cost (400?) and would contain every skin that is a mere recolour of the base mount, with no major physical alteration (include fully dyable base mounts too):

* Raptor: Coastal Spiketail, Savannah Monitor, Striped Jarim

* Springer: Tawny Hare, Windy Spot

* Skimmer: Bright Ringfin, Oasis Skate, Primus Beta

* Jackal: Branded Mystic, Polished Stone

* Griffon: Highlands Harrier, Istani Bald, Spotted Sylph


An "altered mount liscence" with skins which alter the physical form of the mount, slightly higher cost than basic liscence (500?):

* Raptor: Canyon Spiketail, Lahtenda Bog Hunter, Striped Tri-horn

* Springer: Desert Lop, Issnur Long Hair, Elonian Jakalope

* Skimmer: Oceanic Broadtail, River Moth Wing, Spined Longtail

* Jackal: Ceylon Cut, Crowned Ancient, Twin Sands

* Griffon: Badlands Stalker, Clouded Corvus, Sky Bandit


And an "Elemental mount liscence" for all the mounts whith cool glow, fire, etc... effects, at higher price (800?):

* Raptor: Dzalana ice Skale, Flamelander, Storm Ridge

* Springer: Arctic Jerboa, Primal Hare, Primeval, Sargol Thunderer

* Skimmer: Dajkah Lantern, Oceanic Ray, Stardrift

* Jackal: Iceflow, Primeval, Pyroclast, Stardust

* Griffon: Fire Pinion, Exalted Sky Sentry, Starbound


As a nice bonus, why not make it possible to pay something like 50 additionnal gems to be able to choose which mount will receive a skin?

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An interesting idea certainly but we have a few things which limit what can be done.

The original mount adoption licences were introduced as pack of 30. ANet later decided that this was not the optimal way of selling these due to the backlash experienced from some of the community. However you also have to remember that many people bought 10, 20 or all 30 of these before the newer system of individual 2k mounts and 1.6k packs was introduced.

ANet stated that they would leave the original 30 skins as they were for continuity, and personally I hope they do.

I am someone who liked the RNG aspect, the odds were clear, there were no duplicates (which was a great system) and I was able to make an informed choice if I wanted the 1:30 gamble, the 10:30 or buy the entire stable.


The gem store team made some alterations to acquisition methods due to some players being dissatisfied that they could not choose specifics and now we have that option with the Istan skins generation.


> @"ROMANG.1903" said:

> So right now mount adoption liscences don't obey any real logic. Anet creates a bunch of mounts and then when there are enough they will be made avalaible under a single liscence. Also, if you pay 400 gems, you have the same chance to get a super cool fiery griffon as you have to get a mere springer recolour.

That's how RNG works. It's a lucky dip, you always get something but it's a gamble.


> As a nice bonus, why not make it possible to pay something like 50 additionnal gems to be able to choose which mount will receive a skin?


With all due respect, your pricing/costs are unrealistic.

This is already an option with Istan Isles Mounts but the difference is that players pay and _additional 800gems_ to be able to pick their skin. Asking to lower the price by almost 95% is ludicrous.


In conclusion, we can probably agree that it's better to leave the original 30pack alone as it is. It's been over 6 months and many players have invested and played the RNG system to get what they want. Some have exactly the right skin, some might still be working on it. Changing it to be selectable would go against what ANet previously stated when they said it will not be touched.

The newer sets which come out already have the RNG _and_ "pay extra to pick" options so really there is no need to change anything.

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> @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> The original mount adoption licences were introduced as pack of 30. ANet later decided that this was not the optimal way of selling these due to the backlash experienced from some of the community. However you also have to remember that many people bought 10, 20 or all 30 of these before the newer system of individual 2k mounts and 1.6k packs was introduced.

Yes but I recall the whole thing being priced at 100€/$... And I don't see how that is a problem at all. People who bought these packs knew they would get a random mount, and they got one. It's their choice of going RNG system, and I don't think that because some people used it, that now we shouldn't introduce a way of selecting what kind of mount we want.

> The gem store team made some alterations to acquisition methods due to some players being dissatisfied that they could not choose specifics and now we have that option with the Istan skins generation.

The new thing is nice, but it still obeys to no logic, why should the super glowy griffon be worth the same as slightly-different-than-base-skin rabbit?


> With all due respect, your pricing/costs are unrealistic.

> This is already an option with Istan Isles Mounts but the difference is that players pay and _additional 800gems_ to be able to pick their skin. Asking to lower the price by almost 95% is ludicrous.

The pricing I suggest may be unrealistic, but I think you didn't get the idea. The thing I suggest is to be able to chose if the mount skin we get will be for the raptor, springer, skimmer or else, but you would still get a random skin for that mount.

> In conclusion, we can probably agree that it's better to leave the original 30pack alone as it is. It's been over 6 months and many players have invested and played the RNG system to get what they want. Some have exactly the right skin, some might still be working on it. Changing it to be selectable would go against what ANet previously stated when they said it will not be touched.

Again, it is their choice. They perfectly knew the mounts were random, they got what they paid for. I don't see the problem. I might add, that it's not because we introduce a new system that the "pay 400 for a random mount" should be removed. We can have both ways to get mounts. That way, people who want to invest in everything can buy the random mount liscences, while those who want more specific things can target their purchases.

> The newer sets which come out already have the RNG _and_ "pay extra to pick" options so really there is no need to change anything.

Yea well it's still the minority of the mounts, and honnestly, the pricing is wayyy too high. I would understand it if you pick the fancy fire mount, but when you just want to dye your raptor? 1200 gems? Seriously?


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The only thing that I am thoroughly rattled about right now is that they've dropped the standard mount licenses altogether, and I have about ten more to pick up from those. Which means I will never have a chance at Stardust.


Please, Anet. At least you should've made the options like you did the Istan mount licenses. I WANT THAT STARDUST. >:C

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> @"ROMANG.1903" said:

> > @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > The original mount adoption licences were introduced as pack of 30. ANet later decided that this was not the optimal way of selling these due to the backlash experienced from some of the community. However you also have to remember that many people bought 10, 20 or all 30 of these before the newer system of individual 2k mounts and 1.6k packs was introduced.

> Yes but I recall the whole thing being priced at 100€/$... And I don't see how that is a problem at all. People who bought these packs knew they would get a random mount, and they got one. It's their choice of going RNG system, and I don't think that because some people used it, that now we shouldn't introduce a way of selecting what kind of mount we want.

Yes, it was about $120 for the whole collection. ANet has already put out a statement that it would be unfair to modify the acquisition method for this set. Many people bought 10, 20, 30 just for 1 or 2 skins so introducing a picking method for a fraction of the price would be insulting.

> > The gem store team made some alterations to acquisition methods due to some players being dissatisfied that they could not choose specifics and now we have that option with the Istan skins generation.

> The new thing is nice, but it still obeys to no logic, why should the super glowy griffon be worth the same as slightly-different-than-base-skin rabbit?

Because at the end of the day this is **purely subjective**. Functionally, all skins are equal as they give 0 advantage in game. The perceived value is developed by individuals and the community


> > With all due respect, your pricing/costs are unrealistic.

> > This is already an option with Istan Isles Mounts but the difference is that players pay and _additional 800gems_ to be able to pick their skin. Asking to lower the price by almost 95% is ludicrous.

> The pricing I suggest may be unrealistic, but I think you didn't get the idea. The thing I suggest is to be able to chose if the mount skin we get will be for the raptor, springer, skimmer or else, but you would still get a random skin for that mount.

I would be in complete support for them trying this system out for the next stable set they release.

> > In conclusion, we can probably agree that it's better to leave the original 30pack alone as it is. It's been over 6 months and many players have invested and played the RNG system to get what they want. Some have exactly the right skin, some might still be working on it. Changing it to be selectable would go against what ANet previously stated when they said it will not be touched.

> Again, it is their choice. They perfectly knew the mounts were random, they got what they paid for. I don't see the problem. I might add, that it's not because we introduce a new system that the "pay 400 for a random mount" should be removed. We can have both ways to get mounts. That way, people who want to invest in everything can buy the random mount liscences, while those who want more specific things can target their purchases.

Yes, but you're missing the point. Introducing a new system of being able to pick from an old collection _when this was never an option_ impacts players who already have the skins. If someone bought all 30 skins because they were unlucky but only wanted 1 or 2, they essentially paid about 4-5k gems for their 2 skins.

I'm not against trialing different ways of picking/rolling mounts for future releases as long as it doesn't negatively impact those players who stood by ANet during Mountgate and supported them by purchasing products.

> > The newer sets which come out already have the RNG _and_ "pay extra to pick" options so really there is no need to change anything.

> Yea well it's still the minority of the mounts, and honnestly, the pricing is wayyy too high. I would understand it if you pick the fancy fire mount, but when you just want to dye your raptor? 1200 gems? Seriously?

This is where we seriously disagree. You're one of the "price too high" crowd which I cannot agree with. Mounts are priced correctly.

As mentioned before, comparative value is subjective.

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I guess they could do all that, but I doubt it would increase sales for them so probably they won't. I do think if you could choose which mount is to be skinned it would be a huge improvement, especially for people who don't even have some of the mounts.

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