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[BUG] Elonian Shoulders Missing

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While looking through my wardrobe and achievements recently, I noticed that despite finishing the PoF story completely last night, I don't seem to have any of the Elonian shoulder armour skins unlocked, and I don't have a container to unlock them with. I wasn't the instance owner when I ran Beast of War, but my character's story journal and account achievements both register the instance as complete, so I don't really wanna try running it again to see if I'll get the rewards that way. I've also spoken to at least one other person who is missing the skins/achievement credit, despite completing the entire story solo.


I don't remember receiving, opening or accidentally destroying the container, so unless it was somehow sellable or salvageable, I'm not sure where it would have gone. Its not really a pressing issue for me, but thought I would give you guys a head's up, and the in-game bug report categories didn't seem to have an appropriate category (it'd be great if those could get an update if possible, they don't seem to have been changed since the HoT beta weekends).

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This happened to me and two friends as well. The instance leader did get the shoulders but the three of us with him did not.


> @ilikesleeping.4679 said:

>If I replay the instance, will I get the shoulders? Has anyone tried?


I thought of this but have not completed it on my own yet.



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I had this issue but was able to get the shoulder box:

- Click replay in the story log

- Go back to the start position of Beast of War

- Click the option to Continue your story progression (the green star option as opposed to the purple star to replay for achievements)

- Complete the entire mission through to the start of To kill a god



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  • 2 weeks later...

I just noticed this myself. I played through the entire PoF story with my son and noticed that even though I completed the story, and that it shows complete, I did not receive the Elonian Shoulder Box. I have every other piece of armor, but not the shoulders from the Beast of War mission. It also appears that I did not get the achievement to unlock the Sunspear box by collecting the entire line of armors.


I was the 'helper' and my son was the one actively following the story and making the selections. But in each instance, I selected to advance my story so that I would also get credit from completing the missions.


My son was wearing the entire Elonian armor collection on his character and asked what mine would look like with the entire set. As I was in wardrobe checking what each piece would look like I realized that I never got the shoulders. (And of course the final Sunspear box as well...)

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> @Dearth.3805 said:

> I had this issue but was able to get the shoulder box:

> - Click replay in the story log

> - Go back to the start position of Beast of War

> - Click the option to Continue your story progression (the green star option as opposed to the purple star to replay for achievements)

> - Complete the entire mission through to the start of To kill a god




Obviously we can do that.

However, it is just flawed that we go through the whole instance with someone and press to continue the story and we do not get the same rewards.

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Yeah, the bug definitely seems to be if you were not the story instance owner. Every single person in my guild (including myself) who was second-in-command to someone else for that part of the story did not get the proper rewards despite it showing as them completing the story and giving the mastery point.

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> @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > @Dearth.3805 said:

> > I had this issue but was able to get the shoulder box:

> > - Click replay in the story log

> > - Go back to the start position of Beast of War

> > - Click the option to Continue your story progression (the green star option as opposed to the purple star to replay for achievements)

> > - Complete the entire mission through to the start of To kill a god

> >

> >


> Obviously we can do that.

> However, it is just flawed that we go through the whole instance with someone and press to continue the story and we do not get the same rewards.


I also noticed that during the story missions my son was getting several different minis as rewards that I didn't get. (mini Herald for example). I wasn't so bummed about that since the minis are nice, but don't really impact my gameplay like the weapons or armor collections tend to do.


I guess I'll go back and replay the mission, this time being the one in the lead with my son's assistance and see if that trips the rewards for me.

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> @smsarasin.3468 said:

> > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > > @Dearth.3805 said:

> > > I had this issue but was able to get the shoulder box:

> > > - Click replay in the story log

> > > - Go back to the start position of Beast of War

> > > - Click the option to Continue your story progression (the green star option as opposed to the purple star to replay for achievements)

> > > - Complete the entire mission through to the start of To kill a god

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Obviously we can do that.

> > However, it is just flawed that we go through the whole instance with someone and press to continue the story and we do not get the same rewards.


> I also noticed that during the story missions my son was getting several different minis as rewards that I didn't get. (mini Herald for example). I wasn't so bummed about that since the minis are nice, but don't really impact my gameplay like the weapons or armor collections tend to do.


> I guess I'll go back and replay the mission, this time being the one in the lead with my son's assistance and see if that trips the rewards for me.


Wait there is even MORE things that I might have missed? I'm going to have to track down all the story rewards and see which ones I missed.

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> @Ayana.7690 said:

> I also am missing the Elonian Shoulders. I went through the Beast of War mission a few days ago, but was not the story instance owner. This seems to be a common issue and I hope it is resolved soon.


Went through and replayed story as my own instance and did get the missing pieces. Frustrating to have to repeat like that, but at least I have them now. Still hoping this gets resolved soon for others.

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