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[BUG] Elonian Shoulders Missing

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Has this ever been acknowledged as a bug and if we will ever get our shoulders. I am sure it *is* a bug since I have all the other boxes and I was not the instance owner in any of them. I really don't want to do the instance over again but I will if that is the only way I will be able to complete the set.

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So this is mainly happening to the shoulders, then...


I went through my entire story solo, so my missing box isn't from some sort of bug caused by a shared instance. Also, I'm extremely careful with boxes I get just so I can gear the right character with the right stats, so I know I never got the box to begin with. However, the box I never received is the glove box, not the shoulder box. This being said, perhaps other people still are missing one of the other boxes and not just the shoulders, like you guys, or the gloves like myself.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just finished the Beast of War story step with a friend and realized I did not have the Shoulder box afterwards. My friend did, and we had to dig around in order to find that Beast of War was supposed to reward it. However, I **was** the instance owner and didn't get the box. My friend got it, despite not being the owner. We both got the chest from the final fight.


I submitted a trouble ticket, but the reply simply directed me to this thread and suggested I share my experience for a better understanding of the issue.

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I have done this story twice already to try to get the shoulders - all the way past To Kill a God, just in case. Still nothing. I am quite upset as I already find pof boring as hell. I do the story in my own instance every time, no one else's. I do not feel like coming back to pof until this is fixed, I like collecting skins and achievement points and this frustrates me no end.


Edit: I am very worried there may be more from POF that I am missing.


Edit: 3 times, this time in someone else's instance. They got the reward every time, I get nothing.

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