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GW2 Community Experience

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I just wanted to relate an experience that happened to me this morning. This would just never happen in other MMOs I've played (like WoW).


As you know, the PvP season started yesterday. This morning I queued up on my mesmer to do a placement match. Unfortunately, I did not perform well in the match. I got +1'd a couple of times, couldn't hold points, got out-rotated. Pretty much what you'd expect from someone who is inexperienced with PvP. Anyway, this guy on my team called me out for poor rotation and other choices he disagreed with during the match. So, after the match I whispered him, explained that I don't really know how to read the map, how to rotate, etc. And he replied back that it wasn't my fault being new to PvP. That's when I happened to notice the guild he was in - one of mine I joined recently! What a coincidence!


So, we got to chatting and then we did an hour or two of 1 on 1 duels for practice! I mean, how cool is that? This guy went from criticizing me openly during a match to taking time to give me pointers and even practice dueling with me for quite a bit of time!


Anyway, that's it. I just thought this was so GW2 I had to share!

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That's a lucky experience I guess, but the community often tends to be rather toxic in game-modes where performance actually matters, be it PvP, fractals or raids. Doesn't make it any better that people in OW-content basically get wrapped into some sort of comfort-bubble.

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I never had negative experiences in GW2, except once for PvP.

I joined an open (is it called like that? Unranked?) PvP match for daily achievement.

Some person immediately started to criticize me, me getting to the wrong node: Ruining the match all because this, the he went 'afk' for the rest of the match as a punishing protest. Meanwhile whining about what I did. And I thought: Jeez, why won't you play a ranked match? Expect newbies at unranked.

Advise people instead of burning them down (and go afk), be a team captain if you don't like what is going on. I'm open and willing for team advise.


**This was my only negative experience in GW2 in these hundreds of hours I played!**


Maybe I got more bad experiences if I'd join a group for Dungeons or bigger. But I always stayed away from dungeons. I play for fun, not to be burnt to the ground by a team member. Unfortunately that means I don't know anything about dungeons lore, raids, etc.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> I just wanted to relate an experience that happened to me this morning. This would just never happen in other MMOs I've played (like WoW).


> As you know, the PvP season started yesterday. This morning I queued up on my mesmer to do a placement match. Unfortunately, I did not perform well in the match. I got +1'd a couple of times, couldn't hold points, got out-rotated. Pretty much what you'd expect from someone who is inexperienced with PvP. Anyway, this guy on my team called me out for poor rotation and other choices he disagreed with during the match. So, after the match I whispered him, explained that I don't really know how to read the map, how to rotate, etc. And he replied back that it wasn't my fault being new to PvP. That's when I happened to notice the guild he was in - one of mine I joined recently! What a coincidence!


> So, we got to chatting and then we did an hour or two of 1 on 1 duels for practice! I mean, how cool is that? This guy went from criticizing me openly during a match to taking time to give me pointers and even practice dueling with me for quite a bit of time!


> Anyway, that's it. I just thought this was so GW2 I had to share!


You got lucky. Not everybody is that "good" and honestly ppl doesn't have to be like that specially in rankeds. A tip tho, to avoid future rages from your teamates: Don't do rankeds until you are familiar enough will ALL MAPS and at least most of the meta builds of all classes. It will save yourself from a lot of rage should things go wrong

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> @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > I just wanted to relate an experience that happened to me this morning. This would just never happen in other MMOs I've played (like WoW).

> >

> > As you know, the PvP season started yesterday. This morning I queued up on my mesmer to do a placement match. Unfortunately, I did not perform well in the match. I got +1'd a couple of times, couldn't hold points, got out-rotated. Pretty much what you'd expect from someone who is inexperienced with PvP. Anyway, this guy on my team called me out for poor rotation and other choices he disagreed with during the match. So, after the match I whispered him, explained that I don't really know how to read the map, how to rotate, etc. And he replied back that it wasn't my fault being new to PvP. That's when I happened to notice the guild he was in - one of mine I joined recently! What a coincidence!

> >

> > So, we got to chatting and then we did an hour or two of 1 on 1 duels for practice! I mean, how cool is that? This guy went from criticizing me openly during a match to taking time to give me pointers and even practice dueling with me for quite a bit of time!

> >

> > Anyway, that's it. I just thought this was so GW2 I had to share!


> You got lucky. Not everybody is that "good" and honestly ppl doesn't have to be like that specially in rankeds. A tip tho, to avoid future rages from your teamates: Don't do rankeds until you are familiar enough will ALL MAPS and at least most of the meta builds of all classes. It will save yourself from a lot of rage should things go wrong


Yeah, thanks. Trust me. I don't waste my time on salty rage fests in PvP. Not my style. The only reason I took any time with this guy was his criticisms were valid.


I'll play ranked if I want to play ranked. I'm more than decent at PvP (ranked platinum in my first season), it's just that my only previous experience was a season as a team healer - which doesn't focus on rotation much because my job is sticking with my teammates and keeping them alive. I'm just adapting to a new role and I haven't done PvP in over a year. This was my second match and I had a bad game. No big deal.


And thanks for the bringing the negativity. This was a great place for it! LoL

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Awesome. I started reading thinking "People talk shit to players in absolutely every MMO I have ever played." I was happy to see it actually ended the way the title describes.


I've mentioned this before, but the last time I played WoW about a month ago, I was fighting a mini boss type enemy in Argus (final zone this xpac), and was helped with the last 10% by a paladin also on the horse. I died at the very end, the paladin comes up to me, begins a rez, and gets about 75% of the way through it, then cancels the animation, and leaves. I whispered "Thanks for the rez." His reply was "Fuck you, your (you're) not my problem." What is the point of all that? I really like the story in WoW, but fuck that community, seriously. Just the worst group of people ever.


I'm glad GW2 has been good to you. This is a game that not only encourages helpfulness, but actually rewards you for it. I keep coming back because the game is fun, but the community is great (for the most part).

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