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Some bad working skills...


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Sometimes i am playing other classes than necro (shame on me), so i also see how smooth other classes skills work. e.g. warrior bulls charge as a 600 range leap is hitting everytime is use it. But when i am using Reaper Shroud 2 Leap it very often stuck in the Ground. i dont say every skill on other classes work good. but i want to collect skills that dont work well on necromancers with hope anet take a look on it.


**Greatsword 5: Grasping Darknes**s

I think many necros know the Problem, that this non-projectile skill get blocked by projectile blocking and reflecting skills.


**Reaper Shroud 2: Death's Charge**

Stuck in the Ground instead of leaping on the enemy.


**Staff 1: Necrotic Grasp**

Auto attack is flying anywhere but not to the foe.


**Focus 4: Reaper's Touch**

Same like Staff Auto attack. slow projectile that barely hit enemies.


**Axe 2: Ghastly Claws**

It has casttime of 1 3/4 sec. I often see an enemy is dodging (3/4 sec) while i am casting that skill, but after the dodge finished and still casting axe 2, the axe seems to lost the "target" on the enemy and dont continue to attack him. i still had targeted him and was casting, but no further hits after that dodge.



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The problem with **Staff1** and **Focus4** is that these projectiles are not homing (e.g. like Core Shroud1) and do anticipate on the current movement of your target where the latter will be when the projectile connects. This leads to weird results some time, but other classes share the same problem. A homing Staff1 skill is often brought to the table when people suggest Staff improvements.


**RS2** and **GS5** are indeed coded badly. These skills are a pain in the a** if you are looking for reliability.


I did not face the problem with **Axe2** you mentioned.

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