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Traveling Circus Archives

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To those of you who were wanting to read and pick up where you left off on _Traveling Circus_ but found that the new forums prevented you from doing so, your time of waiting is arriving at its end!


As I maintain an off-forum blog for _Traveling Circus_ and just about any other interesting thing I find on GW2, you will now be able to find, among other things, the original arcs of _Traveling Circus_. Currently, Arc 1, chapters 1a-2a are up, but more will be added over time. For more information and to start reading, please follow the link below.



Happy reading!



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**UPDATE DEC 12 2018: Traveling Circus is Moving!**


To those of you who have messaged me in-game about personal preferences, I have decided to make a change as to where the old chapters will be posted. While the firestonewritesstuff tumblr will remain active for GW2 fanart, theories, and asks, the format has proven too clunky for readers to pick up where they've left off. As it is, I will be moving the old arcs to Wattpad and continuing the edits there. New chapters will be posted first on the forums and second on Wattpad. If you would like to start reading, I have posted the first and second chapters of the first arc under the pseudonym "Bladespeaker". You can start reading it here: https://www.wattpad.com/665722070-traveling-circus-arc-1-chapter-1


Thank you to those of you who have enjoyed, sent feedback on, and continue to read _Traveling Circus_. I'll add the newer chapters once the old arcs have been posted.



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  • 5 months later...

**UPDATE 21 MAY 2019**


Good grief, that took long enough. Apologies for the slow progress; all of Arc 1 has been posted. I am currently working on getting an AO3 account to allow for more polished reader/writer interface and will update again when Arc 2 has been transferred.


For those of you who want to see where Arc 1 (and subsequently all of Myrie's problems) started, click here!




Best of wishes.


~ SF

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**UPDATE 23 MAY 2019**


After what feels like an eternity (I am not patient), _Traveling Circus_'s old chapters are finally on the move to AO3! It has already surpassed the original link on Wattpad; I will keep the first arc up there for now, but for a more properly-formatted, larger collection which will eventually catch up to and post in tandem with the Forums, click the link below! I'm probably 1/3 of the way through re-editing/posting Arc 2, which is one of my personal favorites.




I will also update the link on the current chapters to avoid confusion.


Thank you for your patience!


Best of wishes,


~ S.F.

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  • 1 month later...

**UPDATE 23 JUNE 2019**

All previous arcs and chapters of the Traveling Circus have been posted on AO3. The Archive will continue to be updated; when it has been caught up with all that is currently available, I will continue writing new content.


Thank you for your patience and for those of you who have been waiting this long.


Read well, and never fight alone.


~ S.F

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  • 3 weeks later...

**UPDATE 19 JULY 2019**


The entirety of the Traveling Circus has finished being moved. All of the past and current chapters are now on the Archive, and the chapters on the forum will be updated for better reading/coherence later.


I will continue to update both the Forum and the Archive as I continue to write. The first main collection of _Traveling Circus_ will deal with the first main campaign of the player character(s), leading to the fall of Zhaitan. I look forward to writing how the Traveling Circus and the Knights of Gryphon experience and deal with the joys, trials, and conflicts that their future travels will bring as they travel from Orr to Elona and beyond.


Thank you for reading, and thank you for your patience.


~ S.F.

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