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Craft Elementalist "staff" ? Where?

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You have three ways to do it: drop one and learn artificer (you will not lose any progress on the one you drop, but will have to pay a small fee to swap back to it to use it); learn artificer on an alt; spend gems in the gemstore to get a third craft slot for all your alts including the one that already has two crafts.


Note that if at any point you want to make pistols/bows/shortbows you will need to learn Huntsman. There are three total weapon-making crafts, three armor-making crafts, then jewelcrafting, cooking, and scribe.

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> You have three ways to do it: drop one and learn artificer (you will not lose any progress on the one you drop, but will have to pay a small fee to swap back to it to use it); learn artificer on an alt; spend gems in the gemstore to get a third craft slot for all your alts including the one that already has two crafts.


> Note that if at any point you want to make pistols/bows/shortbows you will need to learn Huntsman. There are three total weapon-making crafts, three armor-making crafts, then jewelcrafting, cooking, and scribe.


small fee, like....???

I'm new to this game, i don't have any gems and i barely have any "coins", i assume this is three tier currency bronze/silver/gold ( 0/43/68) currently :o i guess i will stick to armour/artificer than since i'm elementalist.

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> @"ThorWoofyn.6854" said:

> > @"Donari.5237" said:

> > You have three ways to do it: drop one and learn artificer (you will not lose any progress on the one you drop, but will have to pay a small fee to swap back to it to use it); learn artificer on an alt; spend gems in the gemstore to get a third craft slot for all your alts including the one that already has two crafts.

> >

> > Note that if at any point you want to make pistols/bows/shortbows you will need to learn Huntsman. There are three total weapon-making crafts, three armor-making crafts, then jewelcrafting, cooking, and scribe.


> small fee, like....???

> I'm new to this game, i don't have any gems and i barely have any "coins", i assume this is three tier currency bronze/silver/gold ( 0/43/68) currently :o i guess i will stick to armour/artificer than since i'm elementalist.


Starting a new crafting discipline is always free. But switching back to one of your old ones will cost up to 50 silver each time you do it (the cost depends on the crafting level you reached on it).

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Once option to consider is starting extra characters, and dedicating 2 crafting types to each character. That way you'll never have to switch between crafting disciplines. All items you make on one character are freely transferable to others on your account (and most are sellable to other players as well), at least until you equip them. Since crafting levels are independent from character levels, you can max out crafting even on a low level character. That character will also gain some exp in the process of leveling up their crafting.


For best results, you may want to consult a crafting guide to avoid wasting money while leveling up a crafting discipline.

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> @"ThorWoofyn.6854" said:

> So what is the best crafting disciplines for the elementalist profession?


If you’re going to craft your own stuff you’ll need light armor, which is Tailor. Armorer is for heavy armor. (Leatherworker is for medium armor). Which crafting you’ll need for weapons depends on the weapon. Articifer for staff. We’d need to know the other weapon(s) to say what crafting you need for them.


However if you’re low level you only need greens at most. You can buy them off the trading post as needed for a few silver each every 10-15 levels.


Edit: if you do the daily each day you’ll get 2 gold a day. More than enough for your needs when leveling.

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When you get to 80 you're better off just buying cheap exotics from the TP. After you've played a while at 80 with a full set of exotics it will start to become worthwhile to look at ascended gear which generally takes crafting. There are other ways to get ascended gear, but crafting them is reliable and not terribly difficult.


Don't worry too much about ascended, the increase in stats isn't very much for the significant cost of them. Ascended is really only needed for the very top end of content because of Agony.


While you're leveling doing some crafting if you want something specific isn't a bad idea. For the most part though drops and rewards have you pretty well covered.

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You want Tailor for the light armour. I recomend this one.

Atrificer for staves, scepters and foci. Also tridents for underwater combat. That's the second recomended one.

Blacksmith for daggers and swords(Weaver elite spec).

Huntsman for warhorns(Tempest spec).

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Crafting is one of the options to obtain mid-level backpieces. Another option is buying ones from the TP that were likely drops from various dungeons (e.g. Ghostly Spineguard, Forest Brace, etc) These aren't backpacks since backpacks are a form of bag with storage slots in this game. The backpiece is essentially an additional trinket slot to provide stat boosts, and many feature a unique appearance. Each crafting discipline gets access to making a series of backpieces up to level 78. For level 80 backpieces, you'll need to obtain them other ways like puchasing them from NPCs or getting them as rewards for certain story content, etc.


You don't need to level-up crafting at all if you don't want to. You can easily buy the armor and weapons you could make from other players using the TP, and often the prices of those items is less than the cost to craft it yourself. In addition, you'll get a lot of gear as drops that you can equip too. If you do the personal story, you'll get several pieces of armor and weapons along the way too. Every 10 levels or so, a new part of the personal story becomes available which gives good exp, along with item rewards that are specific to your profession. So it's a good idea to do the personal story if you're just getting started.

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> Just use alts, 2 crafts each. Its cheaper and more fun, IMO.


I agree that is the best option so long as you are not one of those people that likes to delete characters a lot (since the craft skill is character bound). Alt-hopping is very fast in GW2 and you can bank right at any crafting station, so it's not an inventory issue. Crafts known show up on the character select screen if you have issues remembering which alt knows what. Plus unlike other MMO's you don't have to do any combat or exploration leveling at all to skill up a craft, so long as you have a source of mats from other players or from your own alts.


I only bought the third crafting slot when Scribing came along and I wanted to give it to my main who already had maxed Leather and Chef.

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> @"ThorWoofyn.6854" said:

> Well there is alot on this game so its a bit overhelming right now, but i'm learning new things as i play daily.


> So tailor and artificer than :P so isn't needed at all crafting ? So far i just crafted couple of things, like bigger backpacks... :D


In my personal experience, crafting has a few specific things that it's good for. Firstly, it's good for Ascended gear when you get far enough to have an interest in it. Secondly is Legendary stuff. You absolutely need crafting for those. I'm sure there are a few other things that I'm forgetting off the top of my head, but those are the main ones. Some achievements also require crafting.


Best early game use of crafting is for some quick and easy levels though. For example the Chef crafting discipline is relatively inexpensive to max out and can give you a couple easy levels.


The wiki is a great source of information and can even be accessed while in game by using /wiki and then typing out whatever you want to look up. Example: /wiki crafting will bring you to https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crafting. Best used in conjunction with borderless windowed setting for your display so you can easily alt-tab to the browser window it opens.


Storage bags can be crafted, but I have found it easier to just buy them from the wvw guy. 18 slot Pillager's Pack for 75 Badges of Honor and 1.5 gold is pretty cheap. It's my go-to source for storage space typically. There are bigger packs, up to 32 slots, but you do need to have maxed crafting disciplines for them as well as some other requirements. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bag

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> @"Cifrer.6013" said:

> > @"ThorWoofyn.6854" said:

> > Well there is alot on this game so its a bit overhelming right now, but i'm learning new things as i play daily.

> >

> > So tailor and artificer than :P so isn't needed at all crafting ? So far i just crafted couple of things, like bigger backpacks... :D


> In my personal experience, crafting has a few specific things that it's good for. Firstly, it's good for Ascended gear when you get far enough to have an interest in it. Secondly is Legendary stuff. You absolutely need crafting for those. I'm sure there are a few other things that I'm forgetting off the top of my head, but those are the main ones. Some achievements also require crafting.


> Best early game use of crafting is for some quick and easy levels though. For example the Chef crafting discipline is relatively inexpensive to max out and can give you a couple easy levels.


> The wiki is a great source of information and can even be accessed while in game by using /wiki and then typing out whatever you want to look up. Example: /wiki crafting will bring you to https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crafting. Best used in conjunction with borderless windowed setting for your display so you can easily alt-tab to the browser window it opens.


> Storage bags can be crafted, but I have found it easier to just buy them from the wvw guy. 18 slot Pillager's Pack for 75 Badges of Honor and 1.5 gold is pretty cheap. It's my go-to source for storage space typically. There are bigger packs, up to 32 slots, but you do need to have maxed crafting disciplines for them as well as some other requirements. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bag


Skins as well, even if they are the plain boring ones, it can be cheaper to craft some of the skins than it is to buy them.

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