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What's happened to Maguuma?


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> @"Phzt.9864" said:

> The OP is asking the wrong questions. From a Mag perspective: why in this 6 year old game are people still PPT'ing so hard. I honestly don't get it, and at this point it's the players making the game unplayable. Also, desert BL is garbage and Mag refuses to play it.


> I like Mag cause it's a lot of people that won't play a video game in a way they don't enjoy at any cost, and most gamers should have this mentality. It's a game, and we're here for enjoyment. The numbers of people that do things I KNOW they don't enjoy after 6 years is staggering and depressing. I say I know because I've seen their discord/heard their comms, and to go any further I'd need to write a lot of words about games, reward systems, and depression, and this probably isn't the forum for that.


> Given the choice of wasting hours of my days PPT'ing and just not logging in, myself and many others would rather not log in. There's a lot of fun games with (thanks for balancing over the years) better ways to spend my time with the same group of friends. If you're attached to tiers after 6 years instead of engaging with players, you should probably do some evaluation on what you're doing to yourself and why.


Actually...I am just surprised that Mag was, at one point, almost non-existent. When I made my initial post, they were ticking 97 or something. I enjoy the defence aspect of WvW - defending a well-sieged keep against a relentless enemy. I also enjoy being that relentless enemy - chipping away at an enemy keep until they can no longer repair.


If I wanted simple group PvP I would play, well, PvP I guess.

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> @"misterman.1530" said:

> Actually...I am just surprised that Mag was, at one point, almost non-existent. When I made my initial post, they were ticking 97 or something. I enjoy the defence aspect of WvW - defending a well-sieged keep against a relentless enemy. I also enjoy being that relentless enemy - chipping away at an enemy keep until they can no longer repair.


> If I wanted simple group PvP I would play, well, PvP I guess.


Some of us already played that game, years ago. At some point it gets boring and pointless to some people, and constantly fighting under heavy siege is not "fun", maybe for the defenders sitting up on their cozy walls spamming 1 on their siege, but day after day doing that same thing trying to break t3 structures it gets old at some point. At least there's still the joy of open field fighting, regardless of how many stupid changes they've made to combat and the meta over the years, but less people seem to be interested in that these days.


Spvp also has you playing to capture points, not really all that different from wvw just on limited small scale.

Your last statement shows what's so wrong with wvw these days, people just want to sit in structures collecting points, there's really a lot more better things to be doing that solely that.


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> @"misterman.1530" said:

> Actually...I am just surprised that Mag was, at one point, almost non-existent. When I made my initial post, they were ticking 97 or something. I enjoy the defence aspect of WvW - defending a well-sieged keep against a relentless enemy. I also enjoy being that relentless enemy - chipping away at an enemy keep until they can no longer repair.


> If I wanted simple group PvP I would play, well, PvP I guess.


So tag up, lead Mag to greatness.

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> @"Phzt.9864" said:

> The OP is asking the wrong questions. From a Mag perspective: why in this 6 year old game are people still PPT'ing so hard. I honestly don't get it, and at this point it's the players making the game unplayable. Also, desert BL is garbage and Mag refuses to play it.


> I like Mag cause it's a lot of people that won't play a video game in a way they don't enjoy at any cost, and most gamers should have this mentality. It's a game, and we're here for enjoyment. The numbers of people that do things I KNOW they don't enjoy after 6 years is staggering and depressing. I say I know because I've seen their discord/heard their comms, and to go any further I'd need to write a lot of words about games, reward systems, and depression, and this probably isn't the forum for that.


> Given the choice of wasting hours of my days PPT'ing and just not logging in, myself and many others would rather not log in. There's a lot of fun games with (thanks for balancing over the years) better ways to spend my time with the same group of friends. If you're attached to tiers after 6 years instead of engaging with players, you should probably do some evaluation on what you're doing to yourself and why.


Some people enjoy PPT'ing. A previous guild I was in would much rather try to ninja a T3 keep rather than look for fights. A big reason why I left that guild, but point is they very much enjoy that part. Lots of people enjoy defending structures on the alpine BLs then deal with EBG where fights generally end with you getting ganked by a 1 shot mesmer or thief. You really aren't challenging yourself in that situation, just looking for a player that isn't even focused on you, but someone else. It's like finding a wounded animal and going for the easy kill, rather than hunt and track them down yourself.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"misterman.1530" said:

> > Actually...I am just surprised that Mag was, at one point, almost non-existent. When I made my initial post, they were ticking 97 or something. I enjoy the defence aspect of WvW - defending a well-sieged keep against a relentless enemy. I also enjoy being that relentless enemy - chipping away at an enemy keep until they can no longer repair.

> >

> > If I wanted simple group PvP I would play, well, PvP I guess.


> So tag up, lead Mag to greatness.


Not on Mag. Just missed our fights with them.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Spvp also has you playing to capture points, not really all that different from wvw just on limited small scale.

> Your last statement shows what's so wrong with wvw these days, people just want to sit in structures collecting points, there's really a lot more better things to be doing that solely that.



The telling quote is "....there's really a lot more better things to be doing that solely that." You should end that sentence with "...in my opinion". I mean, Anet could just make a borderland with no structures. Just one plot of land. Servers would just stand in the middle and fight. Not sure that sounds fun, at all.

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> @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> Some people enjoy PPT'ing. A previous guild I was in would much rather try to ninja a T3 keep rather than look for fights. A big reason why I left that guild, but point is they very much enjoy that part. Lots of people enjoy defending structures on the alpine BLs then deal with EBG where fights generally end with you getting ganked by a 1 shot mesmer or thief. You really aren't challenging yourself in that situation, just looking for a player that isn't even focused on you, but someone else. It's like finding a wounded animal and going for the easy kill, rather than hunt and track them down yourself.




Option A: Go around trying to ninja t3s


Option B: Defend structures on the BLs


Option C: Go to EBG and get ganked by a mesmer or thief


Those are your choices folks.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> > Some people enjoy PPT'ing. A previous guild I was in would much rather try to ninja a T3 keep rather than look for fights. A big reason why I left that guild, but point is they very much enjoy that part. Lots of people enjoy defending structures on the alpine BLs then deal with EBG where fights generally end with you getting ganked by a 1 shot mesmer or thief. You really aren't challenging yourself in that situation, just looking for a player that isn't even focused on you, but someone else. It's like finding a wounded animal and going for the easy kill, rather than hunt and track them down yourself.


> Lol.


> Option A: Go around trying to ninja t3s


> Option B: Defend structures on the BLs


> Option C: Go to EBG and get ganked by a mesmer or thief


> Those are your choices folks.


You really don't like me, eh? I was just saying that because he finds a particular way of playing WVW to be boring, doesn't mean everyone else does. When I was on NSP, we had 1 guy that scouted the entire time he was online. Not what I would do for fun, but he enjoyed it. Most servers have those guys that will sit on a treb in SMC for hours trebbing the towers close to SMC. Again, not what I find enjoyable in WVW, but not everyone is going to agree on what is and isn't enjoyable. Deal with it.

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> @"misterman.1530" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > Spvp also has you playing to capture points, not really all that different from wvw just on limited small scale.

> > Your last statement shows what's so wrong with wvw these days, people just want to sit in structures collecting points, there's really a lot more better things to be doing that solely that.

> >


> The telling quote is "....there's really a lot more better things to be doing that solely that." You should end that sentence with "...in my opinion". I mean, Anet could just make a borderland with no structures. Just one plot of land. Servers would just stand in the middle and fight. Not sure that sounds fun, at all.


There are ways to stage combat that would reduce the tedium of objectives.


I don't really see the structures as the problem so much as I see the siege, automatic upgrades and tactivators being the problem. All those things put together slow this game down so much if players choose to use them. One thing I've really noticed playing on EU is that almost no one builds much siege. I can go to any keep on any BL and there will be maybe one or two arrow carts and that's it. The difference in approach is startling as anyone on NA knows that most keeps on NA will have 10-15 acs built, ballis, catas behind gates, trebs everywhere. It's just a totally different game on EU and the activity levels here reflect that.

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The thing a lot of people don't get is people stopped trying to "win". Some servers are not playing for bags and loot, they are trying to win the game that has been given to us. That means you have to PPT. Sure, getting drops is nice, but we are actually "trying" to win. TC is a good example of that (most of the time).

There are a few servers who decided they would rather get loot (the faster the better) so they don't bother with PPT and just look for fights they can always win.

That is the problem we have with the tiers and 1 up 1 down atm. Is that for a long time, you had T1(2) population servers in lower tiers than they should be because they were no longer playing the game the way Anet intended.

Add to that the absolute train wreck that is "most scourges wins" and "if equal scourges, than most firebrands wins" meta we have, and people are just logging out and playing other things.

LIterally, the high point in wvw activity recently was the no downstate week, which made the 75% scourge 15% firebrand meta useless. The blob couldn't res itself, so anything was game. I can't recall the last time I saw so many warriors, engineers, and rangers (of every type).


I get that not everyone "likes" PPT. Whether it is because they want more loot or any number of other reasons. But, what those players are doing is staying in lower tiers than they should be and it's like they are playing Tetris, but instead of trying to stack the blocks, they just drop a Pacman in the tube and eat blocks as they come down. They won't ever win, but they will get the most loot.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> LIterally, the high point in wvw activity recently was the no downstate week, which made the 75% scourge 15% firebrand meta useless. The blob couldn't res itself, so anything was game. I can't recall the last time I saw so many warriors, engineers, and rangers (of every type).


It didn't make them useless, but people did want to run more glass. Still plenty of scourges/firebrands for the raids I was in NA/EU. o.o

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Ubi, I sincerely doubt loot is the main motivator for too many people in WvW. Most experienced players know that they can get loot faster and easier elsewhere if they so desire. Speaking for myself, and I feel fairly confident that it also applies to at least a good chunk of the Mag population, the fight is its own reward.


That being said, I agree with you that the 1u1d tier system is kitten, and the fb/scourge meta is boring af.

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> @"misterman.1530" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > Spvp also has you playing to capture points, not really all that different from wvw just on limited small scale.

> > Your last statement shows what's so wrong with wvw these days, people just want to sit in structures collecting points, there's really a lot more better things to be doing that solely that.

> >


> The telling quote is "....there's really a lot more better things to be doing that solely that." You should end that sentence with "...in my opinion". I mean, Anet could just make a borderland with no structures. Just one plot of land. Servers would just stand in the middle and fight. Not sure that sounds fun, at all.


Whatever we post is our own opinions. Different strokes for different folks, people obviously enjoy the different aspects of the game.


But my point is for NA wvw it seems like less are into the pvp part of wvw and more into the sitting around defending and siege part. I mean you personally don't even want to do small scale pvp in wvw which is a major part of it, you'd rather be part of the defending which in NA relies heavily on siege now or attacking in large force which means you're just another number to carry supply. That's the biggest problem "in my opinion" with NA wvw is too many people are playing safe in either playing hide and siege, or zerg and tag. I'm seeing more players that would rather backcap and ppt the safe way these days, like they're too embarrassed to die now or something.


Know how many times I've seen zergs cap a tower and then won't even come out to face the zerg they just took the tower from, they either build a ton of acs and wait, or just waypoint out, it's so sad. Going down to the base, wvw is pvp regardless of what size involved, capturing places and generating points was just a means to determine winners, winning which gives you nothing for rewards. So why are people busting their butts over ppt for nothing if they don't at least enjoy pvping for it? why wvw when you could be doing pve ktraining for greater rewards.


I personally don't mind the same scenarios you enjoy, I dabble in everything but less so in roaming because of it's meta, I just don't like having to sit under siege for hours in prime time trying to crack a t3 keep. I hope something is done about siege, this is a pvp game mode, we should be forced to pvp to defend and attack stuff. Not attack some keep for 3 hours to finally break into lords room and have a 1 min fight because the enemy already gave up.


Sounds like EU hasn't gotten to that point yet and I would try it out if I didn't think my ping would be bad there.


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Destro here,



The 1 up 1 down system is better but i comes with consequences added to link servers that creates instability in tiers. The pros is there is variation in matchups the cons is that all match ups from the perspective of Maguuma are equal. Very few guild groups worth fighting for our fight guilds, and everything else is the same.


Traditional knowledge would say stay in t3 or t2 and come in 2nd every week for fights. Or rotate between t3 and t2 every other week for maximum content but we've found that lately that doesn't result in better fights. All it is on every server are majority of terrible players that concentrate on PPT that can be farmed with ease then they start avoiding you and dodging to karma train. Same everywhere.


Maguuma being locked for months for basically no reason is also unacceptable. When HoT came out our server got a massive influx of new players. The expansion pack was about the Heart of Maguuma so a lot of new players created accounts on Maguuma for name only. That didn't result however in massive wvw pop. All those players do is PVE, they may come in wvw to talk to the merchant or do a daily and leave. Anet mistakes that as maguuma has players but that is wrong.


I see no reason why Me, xushin or anyone else should pin up and try to carry the server to higher tiers when the end result is basically the same. Fighting 5-6 different servers at once, 2 servers with multiple links each as a solo server filled with players that are concentrating on avoiding you to karma train or sit on siege and refuse to fight away from an objective. That then night cap you to death because you are a solo server with no coverage outside of NA and limited EU.




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Yup the Entire Maguuma Server recently ran a gofundme campaign to pay for spies on every other server.

They are currently undercover and in training for when the Alliance system comes out.

We're currently 30 points behind TC 10 behind CD, we're absolutely sure this will help us pull off the win while half the server is in BG hibernating mode.



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> @"Warlord.9074" said:

> Destro here,


All it is on every server are majority of terrible players that concentrate on PPT that can be farmed with ease then they start avoiding you and dodging to karma train. Same everywhere.



Yeap, everyone is terrible unless you on Mag. so you fight them just outside SMC, i'd say 10v10 (not including the 2 on 24x7 cannon).

So we start doing well, then all of a sudden another 20 Mag pop up from nowhere and wipe us and then we are terrible.

So 5 of us decide ok we'll just go hit their BL keeps.

2 Mag show up to defend. Kill them and they never show their face back to defend.

So the moral of Mag is "we are good cos we can beat you when we have more than you, but when opposition has more then they are terrible players that concentrate on PPT"


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