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Raids and New Elites, anything yet?


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We ran a condi fire brand tonight, very strong in some fight, at least competitive everywhere except kc (obviously lol).


One person also ran a condi renegade for a few fights in w4, seemed solid.


Finally we had a power weaver at kc, they did comparable damage to our 2 tempests. But this could very well be due to the burst nature of the fight, and our own inexperience in how to properly burst on weaver.

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Staff Weaver (me) and condi Firebrands in my group. The Weaver is straight upgrade from Tempest for me everywhere. It has the damage, it has the cleave, and it's less reliant on staying in melee range (we play center/safe start on Deimos, so there's that). The only place I didn't (and wouldn't) take it is Matthias.


The Firebrands usually have no trouble keeping up and sometimes are far ahead of me in dps (Sabetha, Cairn, MO, etc.). Even on KC they're producing very respectable numbers, I think higher than what I got on Tempest pre-PoF.

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I raided the first day on spellbreaker. I spent a while optimizing the rotation and practicing to give it a solid try, and it sucked.

Saturday I tried out weaver. It's very strong. That was the first time I've seen ele dps above 40k on KC in a long time. This was with skrewing up my rotation frequently and not really using my fgs at the right time.

Tuesday I played soulbeast and my impression was that it was a decent dps choice, but not great. It has good dps by HoT standards but is outclassed by other new builds. Also it doesn't bring any utility besides the ability to bring sun spirit.


I haven't played it yet, but firebrand is also very strong. A number of my friends have been playing it and things in fractals and raids have been melting.

> @thrag.9740 said:

> competitive everywhere except kc (obviously lol).

It's going to be extremely strong on kc. I don't know why you'd think otherwise. Firebrand burst is insane.


Other builds that I've seen but haven't played - scourge seems strong with the ability to do good personal dps and also bring epi, condi renegade is also good, and holosmith did decent dps the first day.


I also played a heal renegade which is quite fun.

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> @Feanor.2358 said:

> They did with the first fix to the conversion traits. They still outperform the rest on large hitboxes, but are also incredibly restricted in what they can offer. It's literally the purest dps spec I've seen in this game.


And the one needing the most support. I dont even want to raid on my weaver with pugs anymore, because without alacrity, quickness, distort/blocks its just a real pain to play. I just gave up on it.



Oh and yes, it has basically no cc.

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