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Top Rangers PVP ?


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Im embarrassed to say that I only recently learned about Boyce ( I am predominately a solo player so I miss out on alot of "whos who" conversations). But people told me he is pretty damned good. So I would reccomend checking him out if you can. Unfortunately I dont stream much I got burned out hard on PvP last season and its made pvping frustrating for me >.<. I may start streaming gain in the future regularly but it likely wont be until a pretty hefty meta switch to liven things up. Jcbroe is definitely another option. So im reinforcing what others have said previously but giving a warning that it might be hard to catch any content from me. And until I can get back into it it likely wont be the BEST content (my last stream for example I was pretty frustrated... while the one before that I was enjoying myself.... its wierd).

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> @"lightningz.1465" said:

> I agree with all these lists, and regarding to Bik, i think we should stil respect him regardless the attitude he brings in his stream, he is good player and he brought a good base build in soulboons, I saw people now have some variants of it.


I wouldn't call soulboons a good build. The damage is very poor outside of one predictable burst every 60 seconds. It can't 1v1 very well either against good players on the current meta specs. It's survivability comes strictly down the extra stats from paladins amulet.


Any time I see someone running it, they're food.

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> @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> For EU the only good rangers that I encounter in PvP are Treesixty Nogrove, Stronlo Beastmaster and Boyce.


I'd say those names too and also you aswell, but i'd wouldnt worry so much about who is best, just learn from ppl who beat you and improve what went wrong

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"lightningz.1465" said:

> > I agree with all these lists, and regarding to Bik, i think we should stil respect him regardless the attitude he brings in his stream, he is good player and he brought a good base build in soulboons, I saw people now have some variants of it.


> I wouldn't call soulboons a good build. The damage is very poor outside of one predictable burst every 60 seconds. It can't 1v1 very well either against good players on the current meta specs. It's survivability comes strictly down the extra stats from paladins amulet.


> Any time I see someone running it, they're food.


Variants of it are better than most of the garbage sic'em one tricks I see a lot soulbeast run around with, at least for 1v1s. And especially when they run anything with marksmanship. I'm more surprised bik is getting credited with what's essentially just the old standard WS/NM build with soulbeast attached to it.

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Boon based builds are the only Soulbeast setups that work for me personally.


Part of it is absolutely my natural playstyle. I'm a much more reactive, methodical, opportunistic player and while Soulbeast rewards me in that it has big skills that reward timing and positioning, I also know full well that I'm not taking full advantage of every skill available to me in the most perfect way.


The other part of it is that I'm bad with the GS in the modern era of the game. Back when it was right before HoT and the Ranger metabuild was LB/GS, I remember playing with it really well, but now I feel like the game outpaces my ability to use GS and that once Maul is on cooldown, I'm basically free food for specs that can run laps around what in my opinion feels to be a dated weapon set.


Both Axe/Warhorn Sword/Axe and LB Sword/Warhorn are working for me across all variations of Ranger though; Core, Druid, and Soulbeast. Granted, I'm not ranked queuing this season until a balance patch that doesn't leave me outraged drops, so my anecdotal experience with it in unranked varies between fighting full queues of top 50 (from prior seasons) players or newbies who can't find their dodge button.


Here's the build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQRBHhx+0JhKQLLYJLgDLALvYZSwcicXuMXTAoBMByzt/2kbJT7A-jJxHAB2XGAgnAgynEAx3fAA


With LB, same setup but with LB and Sw/Wh, including same sigils.



WS/NM the same.

BM 212.

Same weapon variants.

Swap out Owl for Jacaranda.



WS: 122

NM: 332

Druid: 111

Same weapon variants.

Swap out Owl for Jacaranda.


Hopefully that helps, if that is still one of the purposes of this thread.


Anyhow, I'm flattered to see my name mentioned here guys. Really, thank you. I've always just wanted to try to promote open, productive discussion here on the forum so that we can all benefit from it and so that I can constantly improve and evolve with the game as a personal goal. I feel that it's been a very helpful collective effort on everybody's part, and I am constantly humbled when I run into one of you guys in game and remind me that I still have things to learn and improve.


So again, thank you guys. There's a reason why the Ranger Community is still the best community after all this time :)


Also to actually answer the question, Shadowpass and Shadelang are 2 of the best Ranger players I know of on NA over time. What I mean, throughout the course of the game, they've always had respectable skill at the class, regardless of what the metagame has been or where our class placed in that meta performance wise. Kiritsugu and Stawk are both worthy mentions as well.

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@"jcbroe.4329" Exactly. I can only play ranger on boon build in Spvp right now. The standard LB/GS build is not working for me, too many reflects on mesmer's clones getting in the way and GS is feeling clunky when everyone have evades or so much mobility to kite me around. I've also been getting triggered a lot in this season and hope a balance patch hits as soon as possible because i am sure others are not having fun like us.

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Woa some of these comments


1st I listed bik simply becuase I've seen him fairly high on the leaderboards consistently (his survivability comes from using sword dagger after lb and beat mode burst.) As I said I don't care for his personality. And as a side note I understand the isssue with his build crafts.


2nd all of the guys I listed are guys who I've seen throuout multiple seasons place in the top 100-150. (Shade and shadow pass are often top 20 kiru is often top 30-100 jcrboe is often pretty up there too and had very thoughtful insight into ranger)

bik wildly fluctuates even so all these guys have quantifiable data that supports them being "top rangers"


3rd boon beast shouldn't be credited to any one person as that is literally how the class is set up as the 3 uttility skills are boon centered and 7 of soulbeasts traits are centered around boons (also ranger inherently as a class is self boon heavy)


We're credit is due is for guys who push the meta for example making axe a staple of a build or in shades case making heavy use of the quickness trait.

Even the sic em sniper build is pretty (works better) as a boon supported build



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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> Woa some of these comments


> 1st I listed bik simply becuase I've seen him fairly high on the leaderboards consistently (his survivability comes from using sword dagger after lb and beat mode burst.) As I said I don't care for his personality. And as a side note I understand the isssue with his build crafts.


> 2nd all of the guys I listed are guys who I've seen throuout multiple seasons place in the top 100-150. (Shade and shadow pass are often top 20 kiru is often top 30-100 jcrboe is often pretty up there too and had very thoughtful insight into ranger)

> bik wildly fluctuates even so all these guys have quantifiable data that supports them being "top rangers"


> 3rd boon beast shouldn't be credited to any one person as that is literally how the class is set up as the 3 uttility skills are boon centered and 7 of soulbeasts traits are centered around boons (also ranger inherently as a class is self boon heavy)


> We're credit is due is for guys who push the meta for example making axe a staple of a build or in shades case making heavy use of the quickness trait.

> Even the sic em sniper build is pretty (works better) as a boon supported build




EDIT, I might have jumped the gun and a direct bit of attack there on BIK, the only reason I have something against the guy is his followers loved talking trash to me both in the game and when I streamed so I kinda had a bit of dislike for BIK.


Deleted my comment.

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> @"Sol.4310" said:

> > >

> >


> Bik was only listed cause he was a streamer, other than that he was trash and gave rangers bad name like most of the so-called top-tier rangers who have no idea what they're doing. I was banned from forms last time I told a ranger where to go, suppose I'll be banned again.


What do you not understand how leaderboards work? That's literally why I listed the ones i did


I get the strong feeling you were banned for something else


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Hey @"Sol.4310", didn't realize you were actively playing/streaming again. I understand where you are coming from man, but there aren't enough content creators left. I'd advocate for people to look up and watch as many Ranger players that are performing well as they can find and cross reference them all. I caught a small portion of your stream last night, so hopefully people will check it out. Good to see you're back.


@everyone else;

Not sure how many other people have been around long enough to remember, but Sol is a competitive ranger from the earlier days of the game. Like, when ANet actually hosted live tournaments timeframe, and even from long before Grouch was at ANet (who's gone now). He's always played well, and I think he even had some build and/or build variants attributed to him.


@"Eurantien.4632" should eventually be back too. That will be fun for me lol, lots of nostalgia.


Anyhow, hopefully I provided a good frame of reference. Sol's stream should be worth checking out too @thread.





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> @"Ashkew.6584" said:

> > @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> > For EU the only good rangers that I encounter in PvP are Treesixty Nogrove, Stronlo Beastmaster and Boyce.


> I'd say those names too and also you aswell, but i'd wouldnt worry so much about who is best, just learn from ppl who beat you and improve what went wrong


Too modest to name yourself? :)

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Top Rangers right now (only eu cuz I am biased): Ashkew, Head Crowned, Stronlo Beastlooser, Boyce (altho I think he doesn't play that often ???), Xomi (same as Boyce) and myself (altho I'm not a top player, I still think I'm definitely one of the better rangers out there)

If you need an advice, I strongly recommend texting one of these guys!!!

I surely missed some top rangers, so if u are one of them, write down your name.

A list of top rangers is surely a good thing to have, especially for newer players


Edit: Other top Rangers


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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > @"Sol.4310" said:

> > > >

> > >

> >

> > Bik was only listed cause he was a streamer, other than that he was trash and gave rangers bad name like most of the so-called top-tier rangers who have no idea what they're doing. I was banned from forms last time I told a ranger where to go, suppose I'll be banned again.


> What do you not understand how leaderboards work? That's literally why I listed the ones i did


> I get the strong feeling you were banned for something else



I was banned for telling a ranger where to go as I got sick of hearing his $%#^% each time I made a post. I deleted my comment and wrote why I dislike bik.




> @"jcbroe.4329" said:

> Hey @"Sol.4310", didn't realize you were actively playing/streaming again. I understand where you are coming from man, but there aren't enough content creators left. I'd advocate for people to look up and watch as many Ranger players that are performing well as they can find and cross reference them all. I caught a small portion of your stream last night, so hopefully people will check it out. Good to see you're back.


> @everyone else;

> Not sure how many other people have been around long enough to remember, but Sol is a competitive ranger from the earlier days of the game. Like, when ANet actually hosted live tournaments timeframe, and even from long before Grouch was at ANet (who's gone now). He's always played well, and I think he even had some build and/or build variants attributed to him.


> @"Eurantien.4632" should eventually be back too. That will be fun for me lol, lots of nostalgia.


> Anyhow, hopefully I provided a good frame of reference. Sol's stream should be worth checking out too @thread.






I've come back to guildwars full time, I've tried every game and it turns out GW2 has the best pvp. I'm rusty and trying to get back into it much has changed and meta hasn't really changed too much. One thing I noticed is many don't know what the hell they're doing, I went from Plat 2 to Gold 3 in 24hrs of playing. Last night 2 games in a row I had AFK'er one guy made me so mad, he died stupidly, we were 20-50 points behind and he rages followed with AFK and abused the whole team. Happens lots now more than it used to.


I'm going to start making content once I've sorted my skills out again, still messing up my keys and I'm not used to the meta yet. I feel like necro got tougher to kill in 1 shot, engi got way stronger in terms of burst and survival against ranger, core guard is strong but beatable the list goes on.


I plan to remaster Soulbeast burst builds using Sic'Em, I just need to stop getting pissed off at stupids and just play the game or I won't enjoy myself. But with 2v2 coming soon I plan to stick around and get good at 1v1 again.


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> @"jcbroe.4329" said:

> Not sure how many other people have been around long enough to remember, but Sol is a competitive ranger from the earlier days of the game. Like, when ANet actually hosted live tournaments timeframe, and even from long before Grouch was at ANet (who's gone now). He's always played well, and I think he even had some build and/or build variants attributed to him.

One of the first R40s I think. I remembered him in Citadel of Flame armor.

I was young back then and wide-eyed fodder queuing solo.

"Earlier days" was the time when Virtue Hammer Guard Bunker was a thing (even before Staff).

One of the few Rangers in that primal, chaotic early sPvP scene.

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