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staff sigil question


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Energy doesn't make sense because you shouldn't be needing as many dodges, or can at least meter them better. You'd be surprised how many killer AOEs you can avoid by simply walking out of them. But the reason for severance is simple.... its there to up the damage of Staff 5, since its pretty much guaranteed to be an interrupt.

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It's to combo your Staff 5 into a Sword swap murder combo... It's pretty useful for one tricking people in WvW, but I think there are probably stronger choices for your staff (energy/escape/leeching/hydro/etc...)


EDIT: Oh i didn't see this meant open world PvE, ya carry on... Although Force/Air is probably still stronger for PvE since even if you had to swap to staff to cc, you're still going to be channeling your upkeep skill... Plus not all enemies can be interrupted all the time. I'd take the constant dps gain of Air/Force everyday--especially in open world. (Or even the consistant dps and survival bonus of something like Blood or Leeching.) Cuz look at it like this, even if you ONLY swap to staff to interrupt something, so you're always going to proc the sigil, it's only up for 4 seconds... After an unplanned swap to staff and SotM cast, how much energy/burst potential do you really have for that 4 seconds? It's way stronger imo to just get a consistent dmg increase for the entire 10 seconds you're stuck on staff.


But after all that said, it is only open world, so it doesn't even really matter... Just use what's fun for you. Frenzy's a lot of fun--jussayin.

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As an experienced full zerker rev I can appreciate why that sigil. A hint comes from his choice of Accuracy sigil on his sword instead of force. He is looking to keep his crit chance above 95%. When you start touching 90% and lower you can feel it. That sigil also has the boon of granting some heavy ferocity. Pretty clever choice.


Me personally, I run mint swirl ice cream for the 70 precision though. But I also only really focus on wvw where I get 30 precision for free and also another 100-200 from claimed objectives.


Force/Bloodlust on hammer

Hydromancy/Geomancy on staff (decided to drop leeching)

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@"LucianDK.8615" personally me i would also go with energy sigil, simply for that extra sustain you get, alot of open world content is easy but there will be times were u need to dip out and regroup, if you like me i go full bonkers and s/s hammer because of expierence i have less trouble and i am very comfortable with it, imo try both setups and pick the one you like the best

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