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I want DuoQ back


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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> >

> > > Most people in favor of duoq just want to keep roflstomping soloq-ers so they can get carried up higher on a meaningless leaderboard.

> > Speaking of baseless accusations.

> >

> > You literally started your post with

> > > your claims are ridiculous and baseless btw

> > Oh the irony

> What else is the incentive then? Care to elaborate?


> Like, there is no logical explanation to bring it back. It won't bump up the population, probably the other way around. The competitive scene won't be revived, that's extremely delusional, like I said, died to many other reasons. Playing with friends, you can do it in the other gamemodes. What else is there?


I've already explained this so many times. But I guess I'll do it one more time.

I'm sure that we can both agree that match-quality has gone down the past year, I'm not saying it's due to the removal of duo-queue as I have no proof of it. I'm sure we can also agree on that titles means **nothing** anymore due to the fact that countless people has win-traded them and got to keep them.

I'm also sure that we can agree that there have been certain builds recently that carried people into mmr-brackets they didn't really deserve to be in. (read [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/40678/1780-eu-chronomancer](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/40678/1780-eu-chronomancer "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/40678/1780-eu-chronomancer")

Even Mirage carried people to brackets in which they didn't deserve to be in.


As for presenting actual facts. It is objectively harder to form a team of 5 people to go into AT's without being able to play with people in a competitive game-mode. (Unranked is not competitive)

So, let's say you're a new player with no friends. How would you go about forming a team for AT's? Excluding joining random AT pugs in the LFG and get rofl-stomped the first game, leading you to be able to "practice" with your team once every six hours?

Without the ability for newer people to form teams and actually getting good at the game by playing against better teams. (you don't really improve in Unranked) How is the community going to grow?

It's been scientifically proven that the best kind of advertising is "word of mouth". Nothing even comes close. This isn't just applicable to games, but also brands, sports and Restaurants.

So, if you're completely honest with yourself here. Imagine that you'd be really interested in the competitive aspects of a game and you were aiming to become the best player, would you tell your friends about Guildwars 2 in its current state to your friends? Given the fact that you can't even compete together? (bar 1 game every 6 hours.)


I think you're right that DuoQ won't increase the population anymore. I think the removal of duoQ put it way too far down the gutter. (note; I think)

The only facts that we can really debate on, (and which we know to be true) are the fact that teams did **lose** more than they won against SoloQ players. We have no idea how many people queued in solo, how many people queued only as a team.


But to answer your question properly, I'd just like to have some kind of fun in this game. Fun to me is playing with my friends, outside of 500-0 unranked games. (and no, AT's every six hours doesn't do it for me).> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> >

> > > Most people in favor of duoq just want to keep roflstomping soloq-ers so they can get carried up higher on a meaningless leaderboard.

> > Speaking of baseless accusations.

> >

> > You literally started your post with

> > > your claims are ridiculous and baseless btw

> > Oh the irony


> This is getting even more baseless. Based on the unknown statistics, I hereby claim that a handful of your friends stopped playing and your hearts are broken. 95% of the population is at least going in Solo q. Someone prove me wrong with evidence, or let's just accept it because I'm saying so :angry:


> After all these posts, all arguments for duo queue are baseless. Can we please remove it from all divisions now?


I didn't state any facts in my post. I'm sure 95% of the population are queing in Solo, considering **we can't duoQ**. You say that all arguments for duoQ is baseless, yet you just sit there spewing non-sense not really argumenting for anything.

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @"choovanski.5462" said:

> > no ability to play ranked with pals has been awful for both population size, & population quality. it’s so easy to see this. for all of those who want to keep this ship sinking, heck i hope you enjoy sea cucumbers & seaweed because that’s all the company you’re going to have before long.

> >

> > @"BadMed.3846" in another thread we anecdotally had 350 people quitting from pvp guilds as a result of the removal of teams, & that was just in that one thread. i expect the real number is much much higher. just look at HotM now a days, nearly all of the old pvp guilds are gone- & they didn’t just stop reppin, they left pvp.

> Your claims are ridiculous and baseless btw.

> You really, REALLY overestimate the number of players who quit because of the lack of duoq or 5-man q.

> 350 people quitting from pvp guilds lmao yea, the total number of teamq players has never been that high for like 5 years. Apart from occasional QQ-s on forums many people continued playing even after the removal of duoq.

> The competitive scene died before the removal of teamq-s thanks to several other reasons listed here before (like balance, low coverage, no spectator modes, no Arenanet support, etc.). The PvP scene was left to rot for a long time. Then the very few remaining competitive players left after team + quo were removed, but it was already over waaaay before.

> > **if you can’t understand how stopping three friends in discord from playing your game together might make them want to play your game less, or even not at all, & how that relates to overall population- i honestly don’t know what to say to you. i really dont.**

> They can play together in unranked and AT-s. Like you said, the population is low, leaderboard means almost nothing, so why bother with ranked?

> Yes, it does have an effect, a very negligible one, see above. All the other factors affecting population, like balance, are waaaay more important.

> Most people in favor of duoq just want to keep roflstomping soloq-ers so they can get carried up higher on a meaningless leaderboard.


> Also, you should really look at the other side: how do you think bringing back duoq or teamq will affect those who play only soloq? Which is like 95% of the population? Personally I'd be dead sure to quit this because I've had enough of playing extremely imbalanced matches while we had duoq in the past, and I'm definitely not the only one. At least in the current system matches are not NATURALLY imbalanced by team queues.


I Do soloq aswell and would like to face some premades to not stomp trashpugs 24/7 and people currently need to play bad builds and naked to make matches challanging with a handycap.

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:


Rank eleven as in R11 in GW1 HA right? A gamemode that only had a teamQ. I seriosuly doubt you even made it to R3 with your anti-premade mentality, more likely that evil premades didn't want to take you along and now you want to make sure premades aren't even an option in the sequel.


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