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Soooo...how's necro in spvp?


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1) Scourge is still meta, though most use the support blood spec nowadays. Still huge corrupt and good condi pressure, now paired with decent survivability and rez power.


2) Reaper is... difficult. Hard to play properly, requires a lot from your team and does not work in a lot of comps, but the burst can be great fun. Playable, but not too strong.


3) Core is mostly bad. You see some guys playing MM or condi, but it is way worse than the other specs.


Everybody still hopes they fix the condi pressure and make scourge a proper support spec... :lol: And buff reaper sustain a bit.

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Too piggyback off @"Megametzler.5729"


He hit all the major points. Scourge has most of the "current tools" brought about by power-creep.


Reaper. While fairly high dmg, lacks any sort of sustain or defense (no access to resistance, invulns, blocks, mobility, low amounts of prot) so while you may have a large hp pool. Effective Total HP of other professions and elite specs tend be higher compared to necro. No amount of Hp/Toughness/Shroud stacking will stop a 3man focus target on you. And Necros will always be the sPvP Pinata


IMHO. Every situation where theres a Reaper Necro can be replaced by either a core guardian/Spellbreaker Warrior and be not only individually better but team-comp superior. As well as every situation where theres a Scourge Necro could be replaced by either a condi thief/condi mirage and be more valued. (Not that Scourge is sub-par, its just that other professions shine through better.)

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Idk reaper is all I see now in plat2 + seems all best necro are using it and it's carrying. I feel the reason for this is lack of duo que so not 100% a fb and scourge is at its best with fb. There might be more to it but I have noticed reaper power can carry some fights but as I said the poeple playing are the better necro in pvp so it works for them.

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People usually say only go power with Reaper, but vanilla-power necro is NOT bad for PvP, less so for PvE tho(take Reaper for PvE.) If you are able to land vanilla-shroud #1s, you WILL kill people. Losing Reaper's Gravedigger only hurts in PvE.

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It has two-three perfectly viable builds and some flexibility within them to adjust to the situation. That's better than average.


Viable Core build is not yet a reality, mostly because of how weak death shroud has been since HoT.


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