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Help With Graphics?

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Is there a way to fix the blindingness of things like the righthand side of this screencap? It hurts my eyes, even with bias lighting, and takes away from the detail.


I've tried the suggestion of disabling post processing, but it really isn't much better.


I'd prefer to not use third party stuff, unless its directly playing with vidcard settings...


![](https://i.imgur.com/oxyita7.jpg "")


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I've turned off post processing, which makes the problem present but tolerable.


I'd like to hear from the devs here, is the problem that the display just doesn't have a high enough contrast? or was this an oversight that based on posts elsewhere I've seen is never going to get fixed?


If I really want to deal with this, are there options outside of the game to better the contrast?


I'm actually playing with the brightness on the display turned down to make it more tolerable...

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I found that turning off Ambient Occlusion helps a minor, but noticeable, amount. A nearly imperceptable improvement can be had for turning off FXAA antialiasing. (Using MSAA Low or High seems to be about the same as no antialiasing.) It's really only helping the very fine details, such as the edges of the grout lines and lathing.

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