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Spec. Collection accessories (Account vs Soulbound)


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Not a big deal in the grand scheme of things but many of the exotic accessories for the specialization collections are Soulbound instead of Account bound. I'm genuinely unsure if this was a design decision or an oversight (but I lean toward oversight because all of the HoT ones were account bound). Of the 36 items needed for the collections (4 per collection), 4 of them are Account bound while 32 are Soulbound. This makes it difficult to use most of them, even on alts, because you can't trade them to other characters.


Also, the Riddle of the Mirage has no stats. At first I thought it might have been an easter egg; hide the stats because it's a mirage, but when equipped it doesn't increase stats either.


The list is... (Taken from the collection pages, though I have confirmed a few so far).


**Account bound:**

Lost Ring of the Order (Firebrand) (Ring)

Djinn Ceremonial Ring (Weaver) (Ring)

Glowstone Amulet (Weaver) (Amulet)

Awakened Soul (Scourge) (Accessory)



Mercenary Band (Deadeye)

Forged Seal (Deadeye)

Riddle of the Deadeye (Deadeye)

Bullseye Medallion (Deadeye)

Petrified Forgotten eye (Firebrand)

Riddle of the Firebrand (Firebrand)

Engraved Pectoral (Firebrand)

Solar Circuit (Holomsith)

Eerie Zephyrite Enigma (Holosmith)

Riddle of the Holosmith (Holosmith)

Emergency Release Valve (Holosmith)

Chains of the Unbound Djinn (Weaver)

Riddle of the Weaver (Weaver)

Stone of Silence (Spellbreaker)

Mordant Crescent Pommel (Spellbreaker)

Riddle of the Spellbreaker (Spellbreaker)

Sunspear reliquary (Spellbreaker)

Hollowed Fang (Soulbeast)

Sharpened Flint (Soulbeast)

Riddle of the Soulbeast (Soulbeast)

Sand Eel Jaw Necklace (Soulbeast)

Cipher Ring (Renegade)

Infernal Device (Renegade)

Riddle of the Renegade (Renegade)

Solidarity Band (Renegade)

Convict's Ring (Scourge)

Riddle of the Scourge (Scourge)

Pillaged Offering (Scourge)

Delusion Loop (Mirage)

Vial of Enchanted Sands (Mirage)

Riddle of the Mirage (Mirage)

Mirror of Disenchantment (Mirage)


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I would like to toss my hat in here, since I JUST came across this.

I was happily exploring and doing things with a character, collecting a couple riddles and the other ring, that you need for the elite specialization collections. When I then wanted to give them to the characters, they 'belong' to (I have all 9 classes), I noticed that the items are soulbound...


Normally, I would not mind too much, but given that you can come across them with ANY character, that is a bit annoying, I dare to say. Not so much for the ones that you have to buy... but for the chests that you have to find with the jackal, that is a bit unfortunate.


Seeing that it seems to be inconsistent with the items, I hope this gets fixed/changed/unified. Wouldn't even care, if it is all soulbound, but having them all be the same kind of 'binding', would be nice xD

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Thanks for making the list. It's come up a couple of times in other threads; it's good to see a full list.


> @"Boogiepop Void.6473" said:

> None of these items should be souldbound. At the very least, not soulbound on acquire.


Agreed. Especially since a revenant can pick up the collection items for the necro and the guardian can get the ones for the mesmer and so on.

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  • 2 months later...

While I am not one to necro an old post I myself have only just recently run into this issue and this seemed the most well constructed of those pertaining to this subject. I had spent time working on leveling alts rather than running the PoF content right away, so I am only just now running into this issue of soulbound vs account bound. The first time was with one of the rings specific to the Thief Deadeye elite spec and the GM community was kind enough to allow me to discard the ring I had and receive a new one via in game mail that I could collect on my thief. I can't see this being the go to each time this happens though or the GMs would be very busy swapping out these items.


Considering that the majority of these items have the same stats from what I have seen it is not impossible to use them on the wrong character and be fine with that. However since most people tend to run a single character through all content before they move to an alt it means they can end up with most of the drop collection items on that single character and have none of them available for the alternate character that should have received said item. This is the case for me now and why I am here adding to this post in hopes to refresh it in the developers minds that it should be considered for change. As this was how things worked with HoT I see no reason why it should not have stayed the same when moving on to PoF.


I ask please for the sake of our community can this please be looked into and changed, if not to account bound then at least to bind in equip instead of on aquire.

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