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Fix Double Click deposit to Guild Banks

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Hello, i know im not the only one tired of this but can we get the same option of double clicking in and outside of the guild bank of taking the items out and in instead of dragging the items constantly back and forth, please can you make it where it's like the Personal bank where i can just double click to deposit something please?

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Sadly, I don't think they will.


Unlike your personal bank, the guild bank may have multiple people accessing it at one time. It also may be set up for different levels of access. The two together creates a possibility that the space you're intending to use may disappear on you right as you go to use it, and your item would "bounce" to a new location. Possibly a location in a different access area.


To avoid any problems like this, they've made it so the double-click to move doesn't work. It's a safeguard. An annoying safeguard for my single person storage guild, but a wise one.

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Unlikely to happen. The reason is because when you deposit into your guild your depositing outside your account into another “account.” It’s possible that another person could be also trying to do something with the same item at the same time. For example, someone could try to withdraw while you are trying to add. Too many problems could occur if simultaneous things were happening to one item from more than one person.

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The other reason this is unlikely to happen is it could potentially create more headaches for people in the long run. You see, just because you had the permission in a guild to deposit, does not mean you have the permission to withdraw. If someone is looking at something and were to accidentally double click something and it shifted in, they may not be able to get it back out by themself. Dragging it makes it far less likely that you were manipulating the wrong item.


For anyone that hasn't dealt with it before, Anet has a really nasty stance on "guild drama" and basically the guild bank is a wild west of permissions. If for some reason something was accidentally put in there it's on you, and if someone else were to take it on accident and use it, they'd consider it guild politics and not touch it, which could lead to other people getting angry etc etc.


That said Anet needs to fix their policy of guild politics policing anyway because it's lunacy as it were anyway. I'm in a tiny guild that was some friends from WoW ages ago, it's down to me and one other guy that are friends. We're both marked as leaders, and when his account got hijacked once when he was on hiatus, I had the bank full of hundreds of gold worth of supplies which that thief wiped out and sold, anet could not have cared less purely because it was "guild politics/drama" which it wasn't, it was all about an RMT account thief who they never tried to even check into when reported, he's still my friend regardless of whether that incident pissed me off. Luckily they have 2FA for accounts now but that was not really a thing when that friend went on hiatus so it wasn't enabled at the time, but I think it emphasizes how they need a bit less of a zero tolerance policy on some things related to guilds

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