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Episode 3 Connection/Log-in Issues [MERGED]

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First an endless loading screen. On second try I got in, but crashed during the first conversation with a NPC. Now I can still log in, but whenever I try to load a character (any character) it says there is no Internet connection. Let's hope they fix this soon because the game is now effectively closed off. I can't imagine they will take a lot of time to fix something that major.

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> @"Raipe.3786" said:

> It's the same thing every launch, thought people would be used to it by now lol


Right. That's a blatant lie if ever I've seen one. I've never had this problem before, with any patch. I've also never heard anyone else claim this before. If your claim were true, there would've been a lot more clamoring and it would have a negative effect on the game as a whole. Games that have bugs like these for every patch they release usually don't last long, let alone almost 6 years.

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Crashed to i think network error as the councilor began the trial (gorrik do you stand accused of ..whatever it said, i only had 1 second to read it..:P), that character now inaccessible and can't get back into crystal oasis - network error crash always. Other characters still working,

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Bubbagump.4158" said:

> same happened to me as well,,, connection issue not sure what server i was in, but cant connect to crystal desert now


I'm so sorry, Bubba. We're on the case!


> @"Bubbagump.4158" said:

> deleted so i dont do spoilers lol but it happened when i jumped on a certtaiin bunch of somethings



Excellent deletion. Thanks! :)

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Was in mistlock sanctuary when I got disconnected. Now I can't enter any of my characters. Didn't even try to do anything related to the new living world season.


Edit: I was able to log into a brand new character, and after that log into my other characters. Looks like it had to do with the mistlock sanctuary or something.

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