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Episode 3 Connection/Log-in Issues [MERGED]

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Doireann Devir.6984" said:

> > Also, not sure if this helps, but each time I try to go back in, the startup screen shows Crystal Oasis before realizing I'm in Desert Highland.


> You know, information like this *could* be helpful, so thanks for posting it.


> I understand the frustration, but "It's broken" posts aren't nearly as helpful as those that give details, such as an error code, your general location, a tracert, that sort of thing. You are truly welcome to post here in any form (aside a breach of the FCoC, of course ;) ) but if you could provide a little info in the post, that would be excellent. I've pointed out this thread to the devs and they may find helpful details with in it if you'll share them.


> Thanks very much!


I got back to the character screen and that screen is also telling me that my character is in Crystal Oasis. I'm still in Desert Highland.

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I got to the part where you are supposed to enter the portal (Forearmed is Forewarned). After the dialogue with Taimi and Blish nothing happened. Someone on the map said to relog to fix this issue. I relogged the same character and went back to the portal spot. I got the interact to start the Forearmed instance. I entered the instance and as soon as the dialogue from Taimi finished about some bugs (irony at it's finest) I immediately disconnected back to the log in screen. Now whenever I log onto either that character or any not in a PoF map, I get the "Network Error 1083...." message and the character does not load in any way. The one other character I have in a PoF map was able to load and I was able to move it for less than a minute before it disconnected and I was put back at the log in screen.

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this has to the best update in gw2, you post poned the story by weeks to make sure you got things right... and then you deliver a messy launch which will probs take you all day if not multiple days to fix, but you still update gem store for money.... really. maybe I should waste my time with bless.

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I get error code=1083:5:7:1596:101.

Unable to log into the character that made it to the Primeval tomb it displays the above network error. Tried the other 8 characters who are all in Lion's arch and they will login for about 10s then the game crashes and logs out.

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It's just as with any LS-Episode.... Server issues.


The workaround with the Mists is fine but I get very fast disconnected again, after trying to log my character in "Amnoon", although the last map I was on(and moved on it for about 30 seconds before getting disconnected) was Desert Highlands.

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I'm no expert on this, but I get the impression the main problem are the servers.

Whenever I got a problem with a LW-Episode, it revolves around one of the following things:


-First: Instance generation. The client loads a bit, then disconnects as if the server isn't answering.

-Second: Map-relog. When I try to relog unto a map after the crash, it mostly results in another crash, unless I'm landing on a different instance of the map.

-Third: Interacting with things. Should an instance happen to load, the moment I interact with something, a crash occurs.

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> @"Etaoin.4362" said:

> Keep getting 1083'ed every time I try to run "Forearmed is Forewarned," then I just can't log into any characters at all for at least several minutes, regardless of location.


Pretty much what is happening to me as well. I had a few disconnects loading or inside missions prior to this one, but not enough to deter me. Now I really seem stuck. Got the "game client lost connection to the server" ( code=7:11:3:191:101) error a few times trying to load the "Farearmed is Forewarned" mission.

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I'm sure it's been mentioned and that its identical to many others- I got into the Mistlock sanctuary, I started the episode in my journal listened to Taimi, then WP'd to Amnoon, where after a moment or two I crashed out. Upon opening up the game again on the same character it shows me the loading screen for Mistlock for about 2 minutes and then crashes out again.

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My dialogue for the primeval queens doesnt work, approach them nothing played, relogged it skipped it and went to the next part. Same thing happened when convening with taimi and blish at the portal site...no dialogue, relogged, it skipped it to enter the portal. Entered the portal then DCed.... Whats the point in trying to play it if i dont get any of the content. I can't restart the whole episode to get the dialogued i missed too, i'll have to play it on a different character.

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Addendum: After the last crash (error 7) when trying to return, my character select screen stopped rendering my characters, see https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/405207401315434496/461228337856118784/gw544.jpg


I was able to tell it to load Donari in regardless, but crashed from Highlands loading screen. I'm not going to try any more for a bit, I'll wait for news of a hot fix because after an hour of attempts it's fairly clear I'm not going to get much done until that fix is released.


(I am fairly certain that being in Discord with a friend, and in group with him during those times we could both log in, was not a cause of crashing. But for data purposes, that was also happening. I do not have and never have had ARCDps. I do have a gw2efficiency profile. In case any of that matters one bit).

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Those are the error codes that I get:

7:11:3:191:101 for the second instance - sometimes it appears before actually getting in, sometimes good 15 seconds into the conversation; this one logs me out

1083:5:7:1596:101 for trying to log back into the map (the Highlands) - this one throws me out of the game alltogether

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Forearmed and fore(whatever) doesn't allow us to enter the instance, this is the 2nd story instance of the episode and it is in the desert Highlands, just outside the tomb of primeval kings. I've tried changing the map instance to see if that works, but it does not. Likewise my character's position is lost in translation and I get sent to the entrance of the map each and every time I disconnect. The disconnect is not tied to that particular character because it force logs me out each time it happens. I don't know what's getting lost in translation but it may have something to do with where our characters are located, and where they are moving to.

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I keep getting DC'ed with error code: 1083:5:7:1596:101 with just trying to log in with my character and issues with the story "Forearmed is Forewarned" as such i had to re-log to "enter the portal" then relog again for the menu to come up to enter and now it took me a while to get logged back in.

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