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Episode 3 Connection/Log-in Issues [MERGED]

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> @"Doireann Devir.6984" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > > @"Doireann Devir.6984" said:

> > > Also, not sure if this helps, but each time I try to go back in, the startup screen shows Crystal Oasis before realizing I'm in Desert Highland.

> >

> > You know, information like this *could* be helpful, so thanks for posting it.

> >

> > I understand the frustration, but "It's broken" posts aren't nearly as helpful as those that give details, such as an error code, your general location, a tracert, that sort of thing. You are truly welcome to post here in any form (aside a breach of the FCoC, of course ;) ) but if you could provide a little info in the post, that would be excellent. I've pointed out this thread to the devs and they may find helpful details with in it if you'll share them.

> >

> > Thanks very much!


> I got back to the character screen and that screen is also telling me that my character is in Crystal Oasis. I'm still in Desert Highland.


:) Well, I started Forewarned is Forearmed before crashing (saw the opening screen before BOOM) and I now it finally shows in my character screen that I'm in Desert Highlands.

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I got the DC after a long load screen when I tried to enter the portal for Forearmed is Forewarned. After that I couldn't reconnect. I tried other chars and kept getting the disconnect until I tried a char that was in LA and got in. Maybe it needs to be a char in a town to get back in? Someone else had said they got in with a char in Mists. The first several I tried that DC'd were in open world maps like Fireheart Rise, Caledon Forest, etc.

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I got 1083'ed too.

Was in the Fractals lobby when it happened.

I always delay playing the story so that the QA testers( aka the live players) report the bugs for the fixes to come,

but now it is impossible to even log in the game.

Long Live the 1083.

Praise Bruhum.

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> @"leafjelly.8367" said:

> Logging back in to my character kicked from the instance i get a white screen and a network error code, 1038:5:7:1596:101 then get kicked to my desktop. Logging back in, same white screen and error code multiple times....can't log in at all


Guess the anticipation was premature. ;) Episode 3 released June 26. Playable on June 27. =)

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> @"Eltreum.8607" said:

> Started the story, got the phone call with taimi telling me she loves me and server crashed/disconnected right then. Haven't been able to get back in on any character.



> ## Thanks Taimi


Looks like Taimi destroyed the universe.

It's sad that she felt the need to hide her depression.

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1) At this time, I can get to the login screen but cannot proceed beyond--just get a "cannot connect" error.


2) Earlier, when trying the new scenario, could get through the FIRST step (with Joko) but the second step was impossible to navigate---it was "apparently" overridden by the "Ogre's assault on the Queens" (from the Highlands release). At that point, everything just stopped. I re-booted and was asked if I wanted to continue---answered yes and was immediately booted to desktop and now can't get past login screen.

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I get Network error as soon as I go near the portal, 2nd part of the new episode. If that does not happen I either get it during the loading screen after going into the portal instance or during the talking as soon as the loading is over. as soon as I get network error here, I get it while logging into my other char as well.


others in my guild says similar things. so it seems the whole part here with taimi's portal is bugged somehow.

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