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It's not just story instances. My main got DC'd when he entered his home instance. And one of my alts was doing a daily achieve in Mount Maelstrom, just gathering wood, when she crashed. Both are now locked out and unable to log into the game. "Network Error" when they try to load.

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My alt got back into the game -- in Rata Sum where she started. Apparently she got reset to her home city, and lost everything she had done during that online session. Then when I tried to start doing my dailies again, she crashed again. So basically, I'm done for the night because I don't want to get all my characters locked out and lose everything I work on. This is not acceptable, ANet. A game this old should not be having such problems anymore.

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As an update, I installed the new Nvidia drivers that just released as well as rebooted as well as rebooted my router, and after that I could log in and play again. It could just be random luck but figured I'd throw this in here atleast. As I said, it could be totally unrelated though.

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