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Taimi is so big now

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> @"Carighan.6758" said:

> This is the weird thing. She's using an **upscaled Asura kid model now**. Which just looks super-grotesque. :pensive:


I don't think so. Like with the human (female) body choices, you _can_ actually create unnaturally (or "unhealthily") thin, grotesque looking characters - which I am also not a fan of, because anorexia is rather tragic.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> I don't think so. Like with the human (female) body choices, you _can_ actually create unnaturally (or "unhealthily") thin, grotesque looking characters - which I am also not a fan of, because anorexia is rather tragic.


Yes we (smart people!) all know humans look grotesque, but we don't have many resources, not even from Dynamics, to assign to finding a solution to that problem right now. The Scarabs sort-of worked, but not really. :tongue:


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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> AH..well, before someone tweets this or creates a hahstag of some sort to have me banned from the game, what I meant was both Taimi and Rytlock have differing views on on the world and different ways of expressing those views, and both crack me up; Taimi tends to be more whimsical and outright "cute", while Rytlock is cynical and salty as hell!



Taimi may be a genius, but she is still very much a teenage girl. That and her natural Asuran sociopathy explain her immature conduct.


About Rytlock: The Commander may have the spotlight, but Rytlock is a leader in his own right, and an old soldier among a race that typically dies young. One doesn't get to his rank and age among the Charr without being cynical and salty. I knew people like Rytlock in the real US Navy, and I could well imagine him drinking and sharing stories at the VFW with GYSGT Hartman and Colonel Kilgore, assuming he survives to get there.

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This is why her head is so big.


(Spoiler warning for those who have not played POF.)


Councillor Phlunt: According to Genetics Expert Morreigh, I am your father.

Taimi: No! NO! That's not true! That's impossible!

Councillor Phlunt: Search your data. You KNOW it to be true.

Taimi: NoooOOOooOO! NOOOOooOO!

Councillor Phlunt: Heh. Most certainly no, Centurion Mangleface Goreguzzler.

Taimi: Hah?

Councillor Phlunt: Hee hee hee! Before I was a Councillor, I was Prank Expert Phlunt, AKA The Prankmaster.

Taimi: I'm going to need a bigger head.

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