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Possible Consequences of the New Mistlock Changes

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As of this patch, the new mistlocks work by resetting a players cooldown's when used for the cost of not being able to use them in combat. The new mistlock changes are more useful for enabling experienced groups who pick up a player who doesn't listen to player chat or for some reason hate the /gg mechanic reset their cooldowns easily. This change also makes certain fractals have a more streamline process in resetting cooldown's with convenient mistlocks instead of using /gg . The new mistlock changes do not impact static parties or experienced parties from completing their daily fractals, so the new mistlock changes are more affect new or PUG players. There are a few problems that need to be addressed with this new style of mistlocks:


**1. The troll potential.**

Certain fractals such as TO Amala after the 50% phase checkpoint when respawning and Swampland automatically put your whole party in combat when the boss is activated. This poses as a serious problem as an individual can purposely activate the boss preventing people from gaining the mistlock to use every time they respawn from the checkpoints.


**2. The lack of a double mistlock**

This is a minor problem, but the double mistlock is not possible anymore. Note that this, although not useful for fractal veterans as they use the /gg mechanic to get rid of their existing mistlock anyway, it does prevent newer less experienced players to gain the safety net on certain difficulty spikes when transitioning from the T3 -T4 fractals. The double mistlock is more of a need of a PUG group with a particularly bad instability on that certain day (e.g. Toxic Trails, Hamstrung, Afflicted in swamp, TO, and snowblind).


As a potential fix to these problems, I would recommend two possible solutions. One is to move the mistlocks to the extremely convenient place of right next to the checkpoint spawns or in the middle of the path to the boss. An example location would be just to the right of the entrance closer to the initial wisp before the boss rather than behind all the trees in the swampland fractal that required more time to run to than putting in the wisp. This solution allows it so that the only way for a troll combat teleport is possible is by a double blink mesmer or something along those lines. This solution is probably the easiest to implement as it only requires the movement of the mistlock.


The second solution is to re-enable the mistlock in combat, but make the cooldown reduction is only possible outside of combat. This could be difficult to code as you would need to put more exceptions on the interactions of the mistlock. This is also a hard implementation to balance as you could exploit this mechanic easily in certain older fractals such as volcanic. However, this solution would fix the two problems above.



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From what I experienced doing daily CMs+T4 after the patch, not being able to use mistlock singularities in combat messed up a lot of things, like someone would run ahead and I wouldn't be able to use the mistlock before ooc, because I would get teleported to boss platform, etc.


I don't like this design choice.


Also, another point someone made in my party, they would like a mistlock in the lobby area, to refresh cooldowns between fractals and without needing to ask for a wipe. I think it's a fair point.

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As with most changes, I think it's important to see how people adapt _after_ giving folks time to do so. So far, only folks such as the OP have taken time to think carefully about the consequences of the old methods in the context of the new mechanics. Usually, the community figures it out (the speedclearing groups first, then other statics, and PUGs take the longest to change their patterns). Sometimes, of course, the community doesn't, and that's when it makes sense to reevaluate.


tl;dr less than 12 hours after the patch is too soon to say if there are adaptability issues

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There are especially other issues like on solid ocean, being impossible to get the mist lock singularity at all due to its placement right next to mobs, making it impossible to get out of combat.


At the very least singularity placement needs to be looked at again

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> @"Ertrak.9506" said:

> There are especially other issues like on solid ocean, being impossible to get the mist lock singularity at all due to its placement right next to mobs, making it impossible to get out of combat.


> At the very least singularity placement needs to be looked at again


That's completely untrue! Either the player stays on the higher blocks when reaching the boss platform and take the singularity from there so the mobs don't even have any chance at all to hit him or he straightforward runs to the slope on the left side after picking up the singularity and the mobs won't follow that long. It's not hard to stay out of combat even with the 2nd mentioned possibility the player is way faster with everything that needs to be done so it's highly unlikely that the mob will get the chance to hit the player once.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"Ertrak.9506" said:

> > There are especially other issues like on solid ocean, being impossible to get the mist lock singularity at all due to its placement right next to mobs, making it impossible to get out of combat.

> >

> > At the very least singularity placement needs to be looked at again


> That's completely untrue! Either the player stays on the higher blocks when reaching the boss platform and take the singularity from there so the mobs don't even have any chance at all to hit him or he straightforward runs to the slope on the left side after picking up the singularity and the mobs won't follow that long. It's not hard to stay out of combat even with the 2nd mentioned possibility the player is way faster with everything that needs to be done so it's highly unlikely that the mob will get the chance to hit the player once.


The singularity was moved to the platform right after the respawn checkpoint, where its highly likely those mobs will put you in combat.


*i know who didn't do their dailies* ;)

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> @"Ertrak.9506" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > @"Ertrak.9506" said:

> > > There are especially other issues like on solid ocean, being impossible to get the mist lock singularity at all due to its placement right next to mobs, making it impossible to get out of combat.

> > >

> > > At the very least singularity placement needs to be looked at again

> >

> > That's completely untrue! Either the player stays on the higher blocks when reaching the boss platform and take the singularity from there so the mobs don't even have any chance at all to hit him or he straightforward runs to the slope on the left side after picking up the singularity and the mobs won't follow that long. It's not hard to stay out of combat even with the 2nd mentioned possibility the player is way faster with everything that needs to be done so it's highly unlikely that the mob will get the chance to hit the player once.


> The singularity was moved to the platform right after the respawn checkpoint, where its highly likely those mobs will put you in combat.


> *i know who didn't do their dailies* ;)


Oh, thought you spoke in past tense.

I'm done with fractals. I have everything you can get from them. So yeah, I have only played Deepstone in T4 yesterday and went back to bed yawning.

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