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Proposed change: add taunt to "you are all weaklings!"


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Thematically it fits reaper, gives them a taunt for tanking, forces them to choose between having the stun break or having a taunt to catch opponents off guard. Stops foes from just running away from the slow death theme, which is in place of giving reaper a second gap closer.


Cd to 40s, remove the weakness/might. 2s taunt

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> You are all weaklings is kind of ok as it is now.

> Of any shout

> I would rather see a buff to nothing can save you by changing its mechanic to gap close and just be a flat duration unblockable rather than one that scales per foe hit.


Remove the cast time. It's a non elite/heal shout ffs, should never have had a cast time to begin with. /rage

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> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> If I recall, ncsy originaly had no cast time. It was added later on because it was deemed too op. As for the op, I'd agree to this if the taunt was added ontop of the current effects. No more trades, reaper needs a buff without a nerf.


Originally, _all_ of the Reaper shouts had cast times. Yes, even the stunbreak shout. "Nothing Can Save You!" is one of two that still has its original cast time (the other being "Your Soul is Mine").


"Rise!" was a hilariously long 1.5 seconds cast originally, leading to the meme that the more the Reaper had to say, the faster he said it. "Suffer!" didn't help with a 1 second cast.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> A movie monster don't taunt. Anyway, it's a bad idea, I don't think reaper can afford any more loss in it's defense (weakness).


I disagree. How many times you see someone turn around slowly, look the killer in the eyes, and just ... freeze, in a horror film? Pretty common trope, if you ask me.


TBH, I'd actually be kind of ok with the theme the OP proposes. It makes it a different skill, unrelated to the current one, and so you are right: losing weakness would suck.


OTOH, taunt, weakness, and stun break sounds like a tight combination on the skill. Fits with a bunch of other taunts also giving some sort of mitigation to the inevitable damage that having everyone suddenly hitting on you brings. :)

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