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Taimi should probably die.

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> @"Urud.4925" said:

> Now practical question: if ArenaNet decides to let her die... who will be the next GW2's mascotte? The one used to sell the Branded Elder Dragon Muffin.

> Rytlock again? Scruffy 2.0 is not cute enough to attract people to GW2, unless ANet is planning to put her into one of those pinky cat golems with moustache.


> I have nothing against her. Actually the only time that I disliked her, was

> >! at the end of that chapter when she activated that portal in Rata Novus, when she got mad because she felt treated like a child (when Braham hit with the head that column - I forgot which episode).

> However, yes, Asura are the GW2's super-heroes. It would be nice to have a Norn MacGyver sometimes, for a change.


It's gonna be silvary, fem silvary, mark my words. They will bring her up for one episode and kill.

On the topic, yeap Taimi must die

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> @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

> > @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > > * I don't know that the lore says she has a "terminal" condition. I felt it was progressive and debilitating, but didn't sense it was ultimately terminal. (Probably some of you know better, though. Is it, truly?)

> > It's my understanding that she has brittle bone disease, at least that's how I always took it, probably because I have a friend who has that. He can "walk" sort of, but he needs a wheelchair to function, like she needs her Golem. It takes very little to literally break him, he once broke a finger by doing basically nothing. If it was a rib instead it could puncture his organs and kill him. So while the disease itself isn't terminal it's incredibly dangerous and could easily cause the person to die. Also, if it were to degenerate more, the possibility of that happening becomes more likely. Especially when she keeps putting herself in the middle of dangerous situations, like she does.


> Wait.. wait. Taimi has brittle bones, she puts the player character in dangerous situations which we survive against all probability, our player character has visions and an aversion to underwater combat?


> I see it now. LS3/4 is based on M. Night. Shamalayan's 'Unbreakable'. Taimi is Mr Glass and we're David Dunn.


> ;)




Wow... just wow... I never saw it before, but it all fits

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First of all, I like Taimi. Because of her illness she should probably die, but in a heroic way! What I want to see after that is Blish coming back with Aurene ( cuz she said she went back into the mist repairing the damage that was dealt by Mr.Kralka). BRING BLISH BACK! I was furious because anet gave us such a cute and usefull character for a few episodes. They didn't killed it , so my hope is still there. Another character that i wanted to see back is the sassy Livia from Living Story 3. Braham retire! Rytlock keeps getting funnier and present. Kasmeer dumps Jory, and maybe.... just maybe the male Commander can have a mesmer girlfriend. Maybe female commander can romance Canach or something like that.... And for the next expansion i wanna see ( even though there are 0.0001%) different story for different proffesions based on their future specialization. Oh and Aurene must be my next pokemon!

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