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[Suggestion] New Material Slots?

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I have to admit, for as much as I love the ability and how the crafting is implements, there are A LOT of items that do not have a material slot that are used in making other things in one profession. On one character, I am a chef, and the vast majority of what I make is used in something else. Pouches of spices, frostings, pie fillings, bases, they all take up room in my inventory bags because they don't have a dedicated material slot like carrots and stuff do. You can't eat them, you can't do anything with them outside of just use them in other things. Not to mention that most of the meals are used as ingredients in other things as well and they take up room as well in my bags that I could be using for other things. My bank is full, my mailbox is full, my bags are full, other characters are full, I can't do much else. there NEEDS to be more material slots for these items to be deposited in, especially if you plan to have items made and then used in other things. I would absolutely love to have free bag space again, and not be bogged down with items that SHOULD be in a material slot but don't have one.

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There are several reasons why the material storage section of our account vaults are **never** going to have room for "intermediate" crafting items, especially for chef. That isn't just a theory: it's been confirmed by lead developer, Linsey Murdock, who championed the creation of the chef discipline **and** the revamping of the mat tab.


The short version is: there's not enough room to add all those items, so the devs do expect us to craft only what we need as we go along. They do realize that this means that those leveling up crafting disciplines will end up with a lot of detritus, especially chefs.


Here's what we know:

* The physical number of slot in mat storage has a hard upper limit, due to economizing design decisions made long before the game went live.

* Once something is added to the storage, it cannot be removed. It can be hidden, but that doesn't free up a slot for something else.

* The developer canvassed the community, via these very forums and the GW2 subreddit, asking for our philosophical preferences, as well as specific examples.

* After evaluating our thoughts through her own criteria and her game-development expertise, she established a long-term set of rules of thumb to take into account future needs of the game, re-evaluation of previous decisions, etc.

* Among the ideas: if something is only needed briefly as an intermediate item to craft something else, it almost certainly won't get its own slot, to save room for stuff that likely can't be put off. So for example, ingots & planks have a slot, but dowels do not.

* And yes, despite the developer's love of cooking, the Chef discipline is the one most hurt by this. She did compromise by including a lot of obvious intermediate equivalents to "ingots," such as balls of dough and salt & pepper.

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“No Crafted Components. There are simply too many of them and I categorically refuse to add them all. I will not budge on this. There might be some one-offs I am willing to consider, but if your suggestion is that every single Boot Sole, Soup Stock, Jewelry Setting, and Weapon Haft should go in, you have become Sisyphus and that boulder is never making it to the top of the hill. Give up now.”


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I honestly agree with this, it was one of the things that annoyed me when I played gw2 at launch. They have added a lot more to the material slots since, but I fully agree more chef items should be able to be stored in materials. Shoe soles or stuff like that, obviously not, at that point just plan ahead on the item you will make. If they gave more bank space or easier ways to earn bank space I could disagree, but they honestly give you garbage for bank, then make you pay gems for more. This was always a huge pet peeve for me.

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They need to update the crafting interface so you can tell if you can craft an item with sub-items and craft sub-items automatically when crafting an item. The biggest reason people want this is so they don't have to do a multi-level dive to figure out if they can even craft things because they have to walk back to the very first item on every line. For example if an item has 4 parts each of which have 4 parts each of which has four parts, that's 4*4*4 = 64 steps worth of going deeper JUST TO TELL IF YOU EVEN CAN CRAFT SOMETHING, and you'll probably have to do that multiple times since first you need to check if you can, then you have to actually craft. And that dosen't even get into some intermediate items giving odd numbers leaving you no choice but to have extras.

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