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Why does the game still not remember traits??

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> @"Urud.4925" said:

> Hmm, if I leave WvW with a rifle, my swap button is grayed out and I can't equip a staff (even if I have the daredevil line). A bit weird.


WvW and PvE have separate "saved" state. Essentially, you have to choose trait lines, utility skills, etc, in each of them separately.


It is possible that you have DD selected in WvW, but not selected back in the normal PvE world, which would cause this. (and also, if a staff is equipped, you have no weapon skills.)


If that isn't the root cause, this is a separate bug, and you should make a top level post in the bug reports forum about it. :)

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> @"Zelanard.5806" said:

> > @"Anthony.3207" said:

> > I kind of agree with this. I play WvW on my engineer. I have armor sets for a scrapper squad build. Static discharge roamer solo build. Holosmith general build. Condi fun build. Stealth build. And so on.

> >

> > Getting the armor takes a lot of work and I wish I could state different traits like in league of legends have a bunch of different builds.

> >

> > But it's just convinence. I can switch traits when I want to play something else.


> And this, is half the reason why I have so many characters...


And that's why they don't give us a proper build save system... People keep throwing money at them for not doing so.

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"Urud.4925" said:

> > Hmm, if I leave WvW with a rifle, my swap button is grayed out and I can't equip a staff (even if I have the daredevil line). A bit weird.


> WvW and PvE have separate "saved" state. Essentially, you have to choose trait lines, utility skills, etc, in each of them separately.


> It is possible that you have DD selected in WvW, but not selected back in the normal PvE world, which would cause this. (and also, if a staff is equipped, you have no weapon skills.)


> If that isn't the root cause, this is a separate bug, and you should make a top level post in the bug reports forum about it. :)


It's the opposite: I have DeadEye in WvW and DD in PvE. All the (different) traits and utility skills are saved correctly when I change game mode. The only issue is that if I enter WvW with a staff (where I selected Deadeye), the weapon it's not unequipped, and it remains locked. So I can only use 1 weapon slot.

I'm not able to add a second weapon set unless I change the trait to DD also in WvW, remove the staff and change back to DeadEye, or unequip the staff in PvE, before entering WvW. Same happens if I leave WvW with a rifle equipped.


It's not the end of the world, just annoying when I leave WvW and "damn, I forgot to unequip the rifle, now I have to come back to WvW again". It would be nice to have the weapon automatically unequipped (if you have enough room in your inventory, that's it).

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> If anyone has ever paid attention, Anet has said the same thing themselves(even Mike Z said it), it's on the table, if you don't have the patience to wait for them to get around to it, then maybe you just don't have patience at all.


6 years and counting. What is "reasonable" patience treshold for you?

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I would settle for the Template system like GW1 has. A separate template for each built for the same toon. Weapons, traits, and skills 6 through 0 etc. can be selected on the fly. They sort of do that already when switching between PVE and WVW. It would be nice also that traits could change automatically when you change weapons.

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> @"Urud.4925" said:


> It's the opposite: I have DeadEye in WvW and DD in PvE. All the (different) traits and utility skills are saved correctly when I change game mode. The only issue is that if I enter WvW with a staff (where I selected Deadeye), the weapon it's not unequipped, and it remains locked. So I can only use 1 weapon slot.

> I'm not able to add a second weapon set unless I change the trait to DD also in WvW, remove the staff and change back to DeadEye, or unequip the staff in PvE, before entering WvW. Same happens if I leave WvW with a rifle equipped.


> It's not the end of the world, just annoying when I leave WvW and "kitten, I forgot to unequip the rifle, now I have to come back to WvW again". It would be nice to have the weapon automatically unequipped (if you have enough room in your inventory, that's it).


That is *really* strange. I had no problems whatsoever just double-clicking to swap the Scourge Torch for a WH when my Necro entered WvW (and thus became Reaper again) **yesterday**.

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> @"Urud.4925" said:

> > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > > @"Urud.4925" said:

> > > Hmm, if I leave WvW with a rifle, my swap button is grayed out and I can't equip a staff (even if I have the daredevil line). A bit weird.

> >

> > WvW and PvE have separate "saved" state. Essentially, you have to choose trait lines, utility skills, etc, in each of them separately.

> >

> > It is possible that you have DD selected in WvW, but not selected back in the normal PvE world, which would cause this. (and also, if a staff is equipped, you have no weapon skills.)

> >

> > If that isn't the root cause, this is a separate bug, and you should make a top level post in the bug reports forum about it. :)


> It's the opposite: I have DeadEye in WvW and DD in PvE. All the (different) traits and utility skills are saved correctly when I change game mode. The only issue is that if I enter WvW with a staff (where I selected Deadeye), the weapon it's not unequipped, and it remains locked. So I can only use 1 weapon slot.

> I'm not able to add a second weapon set unless I change the trait to DD also in WvW, remove the staff and change back to DeadEye, or unequip the staff in PvE, before entering WvW. Same happens if I leave WvW with a rifle equipped.


> It's not the end of the world, just annoying when I leave WvW and "kitten, I forgot to unequip the rifle, now I have to come back to WvW again". It would be nice to have the weapon automatically unequipped (if you have enough room in your inventory, that's it).


OK. So, in PvE if I change traits that make a weapon unusable (eg: remove "reaper" trait line on necro with a greatsword equipped) it will grey out the weapon, and if it is the "active" of the two, will show no skills. I am able to manually remove it, and put another weapon or two into that slot.


If you cannot do that later bit, remove the unusable weapon to inventory, I'd strongly encourage you to make a separate top level bug thread for that one specific pain, and/or report it to support with a ticket.


Unrelated to the rest of the discussion, you *should* be able to stop using a weapon in that slot in WvW just like you can in PvE. You couldn't put it back into the slot, which is fine, without the appropriate trait, but you should be able to make use of both weapon slots.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> So many problems easily fixed if only we had build templates.


Just a reminder to everyone: ArcDPS also has a build template extension, and both are "acceptable" to Chris, so you are safe using them. It feature a 0.5 second per action delay when swapping build traits, skill selections, and gear in WvW areas as part of their agreement on how to make this a reasonable thing for the game.


This is absolutely, no question, not as good as having the feature natively available in GW2. I'd like to see that happen. Until then, this might be useful in helping work around that shortfall while ANet (haha) get on to implementing it. (I honestly doubt that will happen; accepting the feature in ArcDPS is, like the DPS meter itself, something I read as a tacit "this will not happen in the foreseeable future within GW2".)

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > So many problems easily fixed if only we had build templates.


> Just a reminder to everyone: ArcDPS also has a build template extension, and both are "acceptable" to Chris, **so you are safe using them**.


This is false statement. Chris was very clear you are using this tool at your own risk and Anet takes no responsibility for it.


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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > So many problems easily fixed if only we had build templates.

> >

> > Just a reminder to everyone: ArcDPS also has a build template extension, and both are "acceptable" to Chris, **so you are safe using them**.


> This is false statement. Chris was very clear you are using this tool at your own risk and Anet takes no responsibility for it.


I was non-specific. You are safe from being banned by ANet for using them, while DeltaConnected continues to respect the truce with Chris. Given a long history of that, this seems like a safe bet, and so, I think it will be safe for you to use these without concern at this time.


I thought that people would be well enough informed, for example, by the longer version of the same on the ArcDPS site, but I guess I shouldn't have expected people to confirm things for themselves.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > If anyone has ever paid attention, Anet has said the same thing themselves(even Mike Z said it), it's on the table, if you don't have the patience to wait for them to get around to it, then maybe you just don't have patience at all.


> 6 years and counting. What is "reasonable" patience treshold for you?


Since it hasn't been 6 years since Anet has stated they want the same thing(it's been around 2 or 3 at the most, regardless of how long players have wanted it) and it's a back end system, something that the same people who are developing this new world system and alliances would probably work on, I can wait, but then I don't change up my builds like a lot of people seem to do...and I think it would be mostly beneficial to those that PvP/WvW, and have only minor benefit to those that only play PvE(and I did a little bit of PvP in the original, which is when I found having saved builds ideal, but for PvE, not so much).

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > So many problems easily fixed if only we had build templates.

> > >

> > > Just a reminder to everyone: ArcDPS also has a build template extension, and both are "acceptable" to Chris, **so you are safe using them**.

> >

> > This is false statement. Chris was very clear you are using this tool at your own risk and Anet takes no responsibility for it.


> I was non-specific. You are safe from being banned by ANet for using them, while DeltaConnected continues to respect the truce with Chris. Given a long history of that, this seems like a safe bet, and so, I think it will be safe for you to use these without concern at this time.


> I thought that people would be well enough informed, for example, by the longer version of the same on the ArcDPS site, but I guess I shouldn't have expected people to confirm things for themselves.


Deltaconnected confirmed on these forums Anet doesn't check every update to Arc for compliance. Using this tool you put 100% trust in 3rd party developer which is not part of our contract with Anet and therefore faces no consequences if anything goes wrong. At the same time, Anet takes no responsibility if arc causes any damage. So no, you are not safe. They can still ban you based on a whim if they decide to do so.

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> If you cannot do that later bit, remove the unusable weapon to inventory, I'd strongly encourage you to make a separate top level bug thread for that one specific pain, and/or report it to support with a ticket.

> Unrelated to the rest of the discussion, you *should* be able to stop using a weapon in that slot in WvW just like you can in PvE. You couldn't put it back into the slot, which is fine, without the appropriate trait, but you should be able to make use of both weapon slots.

Thank you Slippy and Tanner. It has been always like this, so I thought it was intended (I'll try with other classes, to see if it only happens with a rifle/thief). Sorry for the OT, it wasn't related with the topic of this thread, but it has been cool to discover it!

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> If anyone has ever paid attention, Anet has said the same thing themselves(even Mike Z said it), it's on the table, if you don't have the patience to wait for them to get around to it, then maybe you just don't have patience at all.


It's been nearly 6 years. It's not going to happen. There's probably even some technical reason, for all we've come to know over the years the engine GW2 runs on is a giant messy mess of a hack.

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> @"Carighan.6758" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > If anyone has ever paid attention, Anet has said the same thing themselves(even Mike Z said it), it's on the table, if you don't have the patience to wait for them to get around to it, then maybe you just don't have patience at all.


> It's been nearly 6 years. It's not going to happen. There's probably even some technical reason, for all we've come to know over the years the engine GW2 runs on is a giant messy mess of a hack.


I always thought it was because they hadn't worked out their build system. Like we've had 3 or 4 complete revamps since launch. However, I think that we've now settled on a format that everyone enjoys and is easier to balance. So now is the time for implementing more functionality to the system.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > So many problems easily fixed if only we had build templates.

> > > >

> > > > Just a reminder to everyone: ArcDPS also has a build template extension, and both are "acceptable" to Chris, **so you are safe using them**.

> > >

> > > This is false statement. Chris was very clear you are using this tool at your own risk and Anet takes no responsibility for it.

> >

> > I was non-specific. You are safe from being banned by ANet for using them, while DeltaConnected continues to respect the truce with Chris. Given a long history of that, this seems like a safe bet, and so, I think it will be safe for you to use these without concern at this time.

> >

> > I thought that people would be well enough informed, for example, by the longer version of the same on the ArcDPS site, but I guess I shouldn't have expected people to confirm things for themselves.


> Deltaconnected confirmed on these forums Anet doesn't check every update to Arc for compliance. Using this tool you put 100% trust in 3rd party developer which is not part of our contract with Anet and therefore faces no consequences if anything goes wrong. At the same time, Anet takes no responsibility if arc causes any damage. So no, you are not safe. They can still ban you based on a whim if they decide to do so.


In theory they might be able to ban for this...


However do you seriously believe ANet is going to ban a sizable portion of their playerbase without prior notice? We already have a precedent for a tool that was ok to use at first and then became not ok. ANet asked the developer to remove certain functionality but he didn't. Players were given enough time to uninstall the tool and faced no repercussions.


Arc becoming not ok to use would get A LOT of forum attention and ANet would give players enough time to remove arc and its components.

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