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*possible spoilers* PoF Story "The Departing" - "The Whole Story" achievement bugged

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Did it twice, it breaks at Balthazar.



Indeed the fault is in the last memory with Batlhazar. DO NOT, I reapet DO NOT go past the last stairs. Simply stop where "Your purpose" lands. Two times I ran straight to the same level as Balthazar and it failed. The fact the there are flames and smoke on the way up doesn't help either. This needs fixing, small adjustment in range.

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I've gone through this whole chapter 5 times (which means I had to fight the boss over and over because the chapter is too long without any breaks), watching EVERYTHING over and over. It still won't award. Either there is something outright broken or the meaning of "watch everything" is so finicky that it's almost impossible to get it to give you the achievement.

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> @godsie.2864 said:

> see the other thread in bug forum solution is not go past the last spot of "your purpose" and not go up the last platform where balthazar is then ach pops did it this morning


If you are going to reference another topic put a link. Finding a particular topic without anything but a vague idea of what the contents are about is almost impossible.

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I think this is the thread godsie was referring to (Sithis.3564's post):



>Indeed the fault is in the last memory with Batlhazar. DO NOT, I reapet DO NOT go past the last stairs. Simply stop where "Your purpose" lands. Two times I ran straight to the same level as Balthazar and it failed. The fact the there are flames and smoke on the way up doesn't help either. This needs fixing, small adjustment in range.

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The achievement 'The Whole Story' wasn't granted in 'The Departed' story step, even though I completed the requirements.


I had the buff showing I qualified for the achievement all the way until I got to the final memory thing (Balthazar on top of the hill). Immediately as the Balthazar memory despawned, my character flashed and had a sound effect as if I leveled up and the achievement buff was removed (my mastery XP bar wasn't even full, nor do I have all PoF masteries fully maxed out). I didn't get the achievement granted after fully completing the story step and getting the mission rewards.


Sept. 28, 2017

Around 12:00 am PST is when I completed part of the story on my character Dances With Salad.


Edit: The flash animation and sound effect I got - instead of the achievement being granted - was the same animation and sound effect you get when using a tome of knowledge to gain a level on a character.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just completed The Departing. I watched every memory, and the achievement indicator was up the entire time. I stopped where the bird did on the next highest platform, just below where Balthazar appears. Had the same effects as described - using tome of knowledge - but no achievement.

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Standing on the same platform isn't enough. You need to place yourself at "your purpose", not an inch past it, not in the middle, not even near the stairs, to look Balthasar in the eyes, but simple at that damn bird ;) .


I agree however that it's a bug and needs to be fixed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

During the story mission The Departing of Path of Fire when

the player discusses the offer Palawa Joko makes, right after defeating the Eater of Souls and the player says "I need your army, but I don't need you"

, I got disconnected. This happened 3 times in a row at the exact same moment and I am getting sick of repeating the story instance only to get disconnected near the end and not getting any story progress.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This happened to me around the same time this post was made, in the same spot, and I can confirm that it is still happening, be it a little later in the story when

The cinematic of the Commander's return to life plays.


It blocks the progress to finish the quest and has happened twice in a row now.

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I've had this:

- Once after the dragon is meant to swoop in for your rescue

- Twice after telling Joko you don't need him


I have no incentive to try again if this bug still isn't fixed in nearly a month! This is not enjoyable or dramatic and it's blocking progress toward the griffon.

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Hooray, disconnected at the very end while talking to Joko. Immediately get back in game and I'm expected to start the entire mission over from before the Balthazar fight? What a flipping joke! Why is there no grace period to relog, I was back in game in less than 5 seconds? Why are there no checkpoints? Why can't any of this dialogue be skipped? Why is it ONLY during story missions when an npc is talking that I disconnect? Why can't you reward the mission as complete as soon as I finish the last thing I need to do, instead of after 5 minutes of npc yapping after the last boss is dead? Why am I still playing this game?

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  • 3 weeks later...

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