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Do you play Thief ish classes in other games?


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Hey guys. Just a fun thought I had. I realized I play the fast/sneaky class in almost every title and wondered if you all might have similar experiences. The past few months I have been taking a break from thief/wvw/pvp/GW2 in general to focus on melee which I highly recommend for an excellent combat system. Been playing fox there. Really quick attacks and movement. In other mmos my choice is without a doubt toward the sneaky side of things. In wow its rouge or feral druid. ESO its nightblade. I for sure have a type. I love being light on my feet and abusing that against my opponent. If you want I wouldn't mind hearing your stories as well. If you know of any other titles that put forward this type of gameplay I would love to hear about them!

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i like assassin/sneaky types of classes, too.

stealth or some kind of sitting in the shadows is not urgently required for me.

it is more about light armour, small blades for stabbing or something like a rapier and a light-footed, aestethic fightstyle what i am looking for.

in games without tab-targetting i also like using bows as addition to melee.

in "for honor" for example i don't like the peacekeeper which is the typical assassin there and instead i love playing the nobushi because of her fluent and aesthetic moves.

not so much a fan of heavy armour/heavy weapons and magic stuff but i also don't need to go for a sneaky class at all costs.


i think what i am mostly looking for is chaining light attacks/perforrm combos instead of slow hard hitting things and if the animations look great it is even better :)



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It depends on what you count as a "Thief ish class". I generally like playing damage oriented mid range builds with high mobility, access to invisibility and passive HP leech abilities, preferably with a "mana / PP" system as I don't really like being forced to use a specific attack just because the one I want to use happens to be on cooldown. Too bad this combination of traits is usually rather rare do find and the few classes which normally check of most of these criteria end up being something like a ninja or a thief.

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I play everything in MMO, unless it's a Korean MMO, where grinding a second class is the equivalent of cutting your wrists with a razor.

If you like the whole "fast attacking" aspect, you should try Axe/Axe + GS variant Spellbreaker meta. It plays very similar to Combat Thief in WoW.

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No, I like the thief aspects far more than the assassin ones. Too many games thief = assassin, and i do not play it there, as i enjoy the trickery but not the narrow backstab focus you often see. This is one of the takes where it's more trickery than usual, but still a lot of assassin; I still enjoy the mix and it's one of my favourite GW2 classes.


In fact, I feel like many mmos really neglect the trickery niche and I often have trouble selecting a class for it. :)

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I tend to play all professions in any mmo I play but, if I had to say, I guess the most satisfying rogue I played was the gw1 assassin. Yeah, you could play it as a virtually invicible farmer, but you could also play it as a living explosive ball.


I also liked baldur's gate/icewindale kind of thief which was less of a killer and more of a scout for trap.

An interesting one was the LOTRO burglar with it's cool mechanisms and the "gambling" aspect. I didn't remember it as a swift character but it definitely gave a trickster vibe.

The multiclassed thief from rune of magic was also quite interesting, even if at the time I played this game the meta was all about a single combination: Thief/scout

GW2 thief and diablo II assassin are/were quite fun but, in my opinion, outshadowed by other professions


On another hand there is a few that I could never get into, like Neverwinter's thief, rappelz assassin and rift rogue (none of the specs ended up to my liking)

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I generally play only the rogue classes. And so far, GW2's thief has been the most fun out of all the games.


And while thief is still the most fun I've had out of all the MMOs. It's just not fun to play in most game modes anymore. It just feels like you've been neutered badly, and never got any adjustments to be able to keep up.


Or perhaps they are just so well balanced, and all the other classes are just broke as shit.

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i usually play all classes in games, tho i will pick the one i think i am doing best with in the content. as i solo roam mostly in gw2 and think thief is still and was allways the best here, i am a thief main in gw2. but in other areas i play other classes, even for wvw if it is not solo roaming but blobbing i will prefer my ele or maybe rev.

for most games the best damage avoiding tools are mobility and range. stealth is good but only in combination with very high burst, it wont work that good with sustained damage. we got enough burst in gw2 for stealth to be better then mobility or range in some areas.

another thing wich is allways really strong are instant abilities of any kind, be it damage , cc, mobility, boons, heals , evades , invulns or stealth . especially core thief and daredevil are pretty much build around our main instant skill steal, i mean look at your builds how much of it is just boosting steal.. because steal is instant. DE with more a focus on stealth while he doesnt have instant mark, each attack from stealth (aside from DJ) has no tells and therefore is nearly as good as instant skills.

overall i am just not the type of gamer that will try to optimise the mechanical skills in reaction etc first but i will try to change the way i play like the build, i also dont react to my opponents i predict most of their moves instead as it is easier for me, cause if you can predict your opponent you can aswell manipulate him to get into a bad position, you have the controll over the fight while reacting is an even fight with alot higher chance to lose. thief in gw2 is a pretty good class for that especially current DE in solo roaming.

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