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The Tyrian Service Medal - Anet, you need to fix this in Orr

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Sometimes people are getting rewards for defending, often times they aren't. Everytime I've gotten a reward its for capturing, but people aren't listening and completing the defense events anyways and not getting rewards. Others chime in "well I got it on a defense event", which encourages others and yet still, we get nothing. There are those who rather just do the full capture, not take any chances, others see it as a waste of time and refuse to co-operate, and thus the two sides yell and scream. Then when nothing is rewarded, we have to wait hours all over again. Bottom line, it's beyond evident that your achievement is incredibly buggy, and you are getting people to be extremely angry with each other over such sillyness.


Anet, we should not be in charge of having to police others. Anet, we should never need a defense event to fail in order to do a full event. Anet, this is NOT fun to do at all. Creating a toxic community because of your achievement choices is simply not fun. Orr is beyond out of date and it's beyond time to fix it, and this achievement.

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> @"Multigun.9871" said:

> Sometimes people are getting rewards for defending, often times they aren't. Everytime I've gotten a reward its for capturing, but people aren't listening and completing the defense events anyways and not getting rewards. Others chime in "well I got it on a defense event", which encourages others and yet still, we get nothing. There are those who rather just do the full capture, not take any chances, others see it as a waste of time and refuse to co-operate, and thus the two sides yell and scream. Then when nothing is rewarded, we have to wait hours all over again. Bottom line, it's beyond evident that your achievement is incredibly buggy, and you are getting people to be extremely angry with each other over such sillyness.


> Anet, we should not be in charge of having to police others. Anet, we should never need a defense event to fail in order to do a full event. Anet, this is NOT fun to do at all. Creating a toxic community because of your achievement choices is simply not fun. Orr is beyond out of date and it's beyond time to fix it, and this achievement.


I'm going to say the people that claim to have gotten it from the defense event "think" they did, but in all honesty they were present for the capture and that is what they got it from, it just happened to pop up after the defend event because of...the internet.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:


> I'm going to say the people that claim to have gotten it from the defense event "think" they did, but in all honesty they were present for the capture and that is what they got it from, it just happened to pop up after the defend event because of...the internet.


Different temples seem to have different conditions for getting the medal. I definitely got the Lyssa and Dwayna medals on successful defense events. I got the Melandru medal for a failed defense. Yes, a failed one, whereas successful defenses supposedly don't award anything there. It's messed up.

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It is very inconsistent. I received credit for defense on balth and silence, did not receive credit for defense on dwayna. But herein lies the problem - half the map wants the event to fail so we can capture, the other half are convinced that defense always works - so arguments break out and if the defense fails to yield the collection item - the map erupts in anger.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> I'm going to say the people that claim to have gotten it from the defense event "think" they did, but in all honesty they were present for the capture and that is what they got it from, it just happened to pop up after the defend event because of...the internet.


Well, you're wrong on that. I don't know or think all defense events count, but I know for a fact that some do. Successful Grenth defense counted for me, successful Dwayna defense (specifically the one where you kill the champ risen lieutenant) counted for me, and failed Lyssa defense counted for quite a few who tagged it when I was there (I didn't tag so I didn't get credit). Some have claimed that successful Melandru defense does count, but I haven't seen that one myself and thus can't say one way or the other. I've only seen one or two people say Balthazar defense counts.


So yeah, some do give credit. But it's all an inconsistent mess.

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> @"Kiza.5630" said:

> I get the feeling def and retake are supposed to count, but there are some bugs. ~1h ago I was at the balthazar event, assault the temple. It didn't count.


You get that one from the event right before the boss event. I think you have to make sure you tag enough to get credit for that specific part of the chain to get credit.

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> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:


> You get that one from the event right before the boss event. I think you have to make sure you tag enough to get credit for that specific part of the chain to get credit.


I was the "tag" at the event right from the start. If that didn't count, I don't know what does. ;) Friend did get it after the escort finished. I didn't.

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Waiting for these events hasn't been fun since release in 2012, ANet knows that, we told them many times that they need to be on a timer like other world bosses. They don't care, so here we are again, camping temples in Orr waiting for something to happen.

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> @"Player.9621" said:

> tldr just forget about it for a month until all the bugs are out and its super easy


This has been an issue since 2014 when they added the 13th trait for the attack Orr temple events and then subsequently removed them from the game, so no, it was never fixed and defense events don't always give the achievement reward. It used to be defense events never gave the reward and people had to beg others to intentionally fail the defense events, so we could go on the attack.

And once more, I'm back to sitting and waiting for events to trigger instead of playing the game. Somethings never change...

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> @"Multigun.9871" said:

> Right, so everybody's response is exactly my point, though I am surprised to hear that retaking the Balth temple sometimes doesn't work. Seriously this achievement is a mess, and shouldn't take hundreds of hours of waiting around "hoping" it MIGHT work.


So I just did the Balthazar again. The event that gives the achievement is the tiny little window between fighting the escort and fighting the priest. With the mobs spawning left and right of the area and everyone jumping into there with the raptor, plastering the floor with aoe.


Quite a few at the event said they didn't get it. The stuff just dies way too fast and promotes rather selfish gameplay. Aka, throwing so much instant dmg at the mobs that survive not even a second.


I think the achievement should be moved to killing the priest/champ. That one dies a bit slower and at least players have a chance to hit it before the event is over.

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I pretty much have a different problem here with everyone defending the temples 24h a day now. Since the events kinda never fail anymore, the temples cannot be recaptured. While defending sometimes helps in getting the achievement for the medal, I'm looking for something different: Attempting to craft Storm, Precursor to Meteorlogikus. For the final collection, I'm required to cap all the temples in Orr. Defending them does not count. However, since everyone is defending them now, I have but absolutely no chance to finish my Precursor collection now... what do I do now? It might take a week and even longer until people finally stop hogging the capture-events x:

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> @"Nightforest.9356" said:

> I pretty much have a different problem here with everyone defending the temples 24h a day now. Since the events kinda never fail anymore, the temples cannot be recaptured. While defending sometimes helps in getting the achievement for the medal, I'm looking for something different: Attempting to craft Storm, Precursor to Meteorlogikus. For the final collection, I'm required to cap all the temples in Orr. Defending them does not count. However, since everyone is defending them now, I have but absolutely no chance to finish my Precursor collection now... what do I do now? It might take a week and even longer until people finally stop hogging the capture-events x:


Just wait. After a month there will be a lot less players doing the Tyrian Service Medals collection.

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I dont believe the Achievement is bugged at all, had no problem geting my done when i was doing the events...but the main problem are the outdated events...Bosses just melt in seconds, if people aint near the event when it start, they wont have time to tag the boss and get credit...is even worse with Balthazar temple were you have to defend/capture the area while the mobs spawn at the sides...people allready know the spawn locations and just AoE bomb the mobs, if you dont have a AoE attack yourself or dont know the spawn locations, you wont get credit too...this isnt much a problem with the game, but more the player mentality, half of our squad didnt get the Achievement cause people were doing this, while we keep talking to people to just auto attack once and let others tag the mobs, and we actually done all the events till the assault...so yeah, really unfair to people who wasted more then a hour doing all the events, called people in map and get zero rewards at the end.

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It’s not a terrible collection, *the events* are terrible. There could have been better events/criteria to use for this achievement, but no, it just had to be the Temples of Orr. There’s no system behind them. No timers. No payoff for defending, it’s always been more rewarding to fail a defence to then retake the Temple.

The temples in Orr have needed a revamp for years now. You can’t farm the pre-events or the events themselves, mobs die far too quickly, no matter how much it’s scaled up, to even hit them let alone to get anything from them. The bosses are squishy meat sacks when “scaled up” and they’re not dangerous.

It hasn’t been rewarding to play in Orr since Karma was nerfed!


BUT, this achievement will get done eventually, I’ve done the LLtL meta achievement, so I don’t need it for the completion of that atleast.

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