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Fastest way to get Hero Points?

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I've got an elementalist I boosted to level 80 and I want to make him a Weaver as quickly as possible. (Note: He's my 6th level 80 and 2nd elementalist so knowing how to play him before unlocking Weaver isn't an issue.)


Is it better to skip the base game and go straight into PoF for the 10-point hero challenges, or is it actually faster to dash around the base maps getting 1 point at a time?

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Thanks for the help. :)


PoF is definitely faster, I've managed to get enough Hero Points to unlock everything up to the last tier of traits (so enough to start using it) in 1 evening. I was worried about trying to complete PoF hero challenges on a new level 80 in whatever random gear the level up rewards gave me (I used tomes so it's the normal level rewards, not the matching set from the instant 80 boost) but actually almost all of them were solo-able, and for the ones which weren't someone always came along sooner or later. :)


Now I can get started on actually figuring out how to play Weaver...


Edit: And it turns out I unlocked more traits than I needed to. I assumed it was like HoT where you unlock all the 1st tier ones, then all the 2nd tier ones...so I waited until I had Elements of Rage unlocked. Turns out I could have started using it much sooner.

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Yeah, PoF traits are unlocked in an order that makes it worth slotting *a lot* earlier!


For speed of unlock, I'd still recommend a mix of PoF and HoT, since HoT has *more* challenges. I took a lvl **60** around the 6 hc's in VB that don't require fighting. So if you're properlt familiar with the HoT maps, or join a HP train, I think you'll get them faster than in PoF.

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I usually do POF HP's first as I find the maps easier to navigate, and I have Lily of the Elon to get there (you can also go via Vabbi guild hall). Either use some WVW heroic tokens or join a HoT train for the gaps.


Usually run: Crystal Oasis > Desert Highlands > Elon riverlands

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