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Stronghold revamp


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I know there was a thread for feedback and suggestions concerning Stronghold half a year ago. So I'm a bit late with this. Nonetheless I'm quite fond of the idea I had and wanted to share it. The idea is to redesign Stronghold into a capture the flag mode utilizing the keeps already on the map while cutting all the unnecessary PvE elements of the gamemode.



Remove all NPCs from the map. Instead of the Lord and all the NPCs there is a place of power within your base that enemy players can channel.


**Phase 1, Conquer supply**:

All players start with no supply and will have to fight over the supply drop in the middle. Instead of spawning archers and doorbreakers at each supply conquered, a hero (read: Tybalt) will spawn once your team has brought home 10 supplies. This hero is invulnerable and slowly moves towards the enemy base. There is a moving circle around the hero that functions similar to a capture point: When an enemy player and an ally are in range the hero stops moving. If there is no ally within range but an enemy he takes damage until he finally dies after a few seconds in total. The hero doesn't regenerate and has no special abilities whatsoever. Trebs could be left on the map as an alternative way of damaging a hero.


**Phase 2, Break the doors**:

So the attacking players will have to defend their Tybalt and keep the enemies from repairing their treb (to launch mouldy apples at him, obviously!) until he reaches the enemies outer and then inner gate to destroy them in a couple of hits respectively. Once this mission is accomplished Tybalt will return into the mists.


**Phase 3, Capture the power**:

Within the enemies fort there is a place of power that one of the attacking players needs to channel. The player having channeled said power will need to get back to his team's base in order to win the game. This player has access to all his skills like normal but is permanently revealed and can't interact with portals (nor pick up a fiery greatsword). Should he die the forts inner gate is rebuilt after a short while.

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It seems like a good idea...it encourages different phases of strategy, utilizing an initial teamfight, followed by two seperate and smaller scrimmages (which a +1 can take advantage of) followed by either an offensive or defensive push.


However, i still think it's too close to what we have in stronghold now, which is almost exactly the same. It would be highly disorganized and can be too easily manipulated to favor one team over the other, much too early on in the fight.


One of the main problems with stronghold currently is the design of the map itself. The lanes are completely separate from the opposing lane, and thus players simply don't need to interact at all.


There should be 6 supply depots. 3 on each side, and each depot lies deep within enemy territory. In order to get supply, you HAVE to encounter the enemy. with their being 6, there is 1 depot unguarded or uncontested at all times, and creates a sense of awareness, and place for thieves and other stealthy classes to take advantage (basically introduces mind-games which are always fun) and lessens the impact of bunkers or spammers that just spam trebuchet onto a singular supply depot.


When supplies are sufficient and Hero's begin to spawn, they should travel upon one singular lane toward the opposing bases. This will encourage a team-fight.


Then of course, capture the power and return to base seems fine, both offensive and defensive push. I think there should also be additional things that the supplies do that can give you an advantage when the push occurs....but that's up for debate.

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There is nothing wrong with the current stronghold. It would have been nice to get one or 2 versions more but we are stuck with jist more circlequest maps and shiney / flashy buyable items


Haven't had real pvp since Guild wars 1. Just some half butt attempt at something different then something that actually worked.

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> @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> It seems like a good idea...it encourages different phases of strategy, utilizing an initial teamfight, followed by two seperate and smaller scrimmages (which a +1 can take advantage of) followed by either an offensive or defensive push.


> However, i still think it's too close to what we have in stronghold now, which is almost exactly the same. It would be highly disorganized and can be too easily manipulated to favor one team over the other, much too early on in the fight.


> One of the main problems with stronghold currently is the design of the map itself. The lanes are completely separate from the opposing lane, and thus players simply don't need to interact at all.


> There should be 6 supply depots. 3 on each side, and each depot lies deep within enemy territory. In order to get supply, you HAVE to encounter the enemy. with their being 6, there is 1 depot unguarded or uncontested at all times, and creates a sense of awareness, and place for thieves and other stealthy classes to take advantage (basically introduces mind-games which are always fun) and lessens the impact of bunkers or spammers that just spam trebuchet onto a singular supply depot.


> When supplies are sufficient and Hero's begin to spawn, they should travel upon one singular lane toward the opposing bases. This will encourage a team-fight.


> Then of course, capture the power and return to base seems fine, both offensive and defensive push. I think there should also be additional things that the supplies do that can give you an advantage when the push occurs....but that's up for debate.


I like that idea, splitting up the supply depots over the map would probably work better at the start. Although 6 sounds a little much. I'd rather say 3 in total as the map design already supports that (with the current hero channel spots on either side).

On the other hand with 3 supply drops, 2 heroes in the game and 2 trebs that may be a little much later on and could end up being a mess...


> @"NuhDah.9812" said:

> From the OP description I can only find team fight scenarios in all the phases, which would make any role besides team fighters undesired and uncompetitive.


The push and defend your hero phase could happen simultaneously on both lanes. Either team would need to defend their hero while attacking the enemies'. Also some focus would remain on the supply depots. Even while you have a hero already, your team can build up supply for the next to spawn right away when your current hero dies.

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