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What is stronger than exotic?

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Ascended is slightly stronger than Exotic. Legendary has the same stats as Ascended, but with additional utility and cosmetic value. Ascended and Legendary gear also has "Infusion Slots" which can be used for additional small stat boost in whatever you want and/or to increase Agony Resistance to access higher level of Fractals.

You can read more at [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascended_equipment](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascended_equipment "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascended_equipment") and [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legendary_equipment](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legendary_equipment "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legendary_equipment").

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> @"Yeldo.4576" said:

> So from what I've seen ascended and legendary are stronger than exotic by 5% only and they are equal between themselves only that legendary has special animation?


For power builds, ascended/legendary is >10% stronger than exotic. Weapon strength and stat synergies combine. In case of condi, it should be less of a difference, but I've always been too lazy to calculate it.

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> @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> > @"Yeldo.4576" said:

> > So from what I've seen ascended and legendary are stronger than exotic by 5% only and they are equal between themselves only that legendary has special animation?


> For power builds, ascended/legendary is >10% stronger than exotic. Weapon strength and stat synergies combine. In case of condi, it should be less of a difference, but I've always been too lazy to calculate it.

Not really possible to calculate anymore, due to Expertise, that has different effect depending on build and class (some classes/builds have more innate condi duration bonuses than others). Still, (again, due to expertise) it's now a better upgrade than it was originally, before viper was an option.


Concentration is also another important stat where the theoretically small difference between exotics and ascended can be more important than the pure numerological difference would suggest. That's of course only for support builds though.


In general, ascended/legendary are both the top tier gear statwise. The difference doesn't matter much in open world, but starts to be more and more important at endgame. In higher tier fractals specifically you're generally not be able to survive without a set of ascended gear, due to this content's requirement for high levels of agony resistance, that can be achieved only with ascended equipment.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> > > @"Yeldo.4576" said:

> > > So from what I've seen ascended and legendary are stronger than exotic by 5% only and they are equal between themselves only that legendary has special animation?

> >

> > For power builds, ascended/legendary is >10% stronger than exotic. Weapon strength and stat synergies combine. In case of condi, it should be less of a difference, but I've always been too lazy to calculate it.

> Not really possible to calculate anymore, due to Expertise, that has different effect depending on build and class (some classes/builds have more innate condi duration bonuses than others). Still, (again, due to expertise) it's now a better upgrade than it was originally, before viper was an option.

Yeah, expertise is a big factor in case of (some) condi builds, but their power damage is another one, too. Some have a non-negligible power component (e.g. FB), which would have to be incorporated into the calculation. For power builds, it's simpler - you can assume condi damage to be <10%, i.e. negligible.

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I always wonder: aren't some players aware of the wiki? Or don't they know how to use google? It's so easy. Instead they use their time to write a whole post instead of looking it up in google with 'guild wars 2 gear rarity' or something similar. Unbelievable... Also this is in the wrong subforum.

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