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POF Pets for WvW Solo Druid?


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I run a shout druid variation (zerk + durability) and exclusively solo roam in WvW. It's super fun and not looking to switch to SB yet.


I use Smokescale and Bristleback. Smokescale mainly for smoke field and its occasional burst, and Bristleback for burst on immobile targets. I used to run Wolf for fear and occasional knockdown, but Smokescale damage wins.




How are POF pets in WvW?


I know how they feel against me (they don't hit a kite-y druid very often), but wondering how they are across the board.

I am looking for burst damage primarily. Wondering if someone can share any experience and rotations.

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Jacaranda is really the only pet worth using from PoF. It replaces Bristleback and works similarly to how you use Bristleback, by which I mean you can swap to it and immediately press F2.


The Jacarandas skill priority uses Call Lightning immediately on entering combat, so the F2 will shoot the roots and then the Jacaranda will drop the lightning nuke on that target.


Personally, I prefer it over Bristleback even though I used Bristleback for the longest time. It can be less reliable at times since the Jacaranda keyboard turns, but the Lightning can also be used as a area of denial, which gives more ways to play around what Jacaranda can do than just setting up bursts with Bristleback.

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