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Using a stance with leader of the pack trait also affects spirits. Does this count as an ally?


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When the Leader of the Pack trait is used, every stance get a "Number of allied targets: 5". If I have 2 or 3 spirits up, and I use it, do they take the first 3 spots? What about necro minions and engi turrets as well?


I do a lot of fractals, so this is very important for me to know.

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> @"MeTx.6712" said:

> When the Leader of the Pack trait is used, every stance get a "Number of allied targets: 5". If I have 2 or 3 spirits up, and I use it, do they take the first 3 spots? What about necro minions and engi turrets as well?


> I do a lot of fractals, so this is very important for me to know.


Your stances will prioritize other players over your pet(s), and will prioritize party members (even in squads) over non party members. So your spirits and your pet shouldn’t take up one of the buffs.

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