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LFGuild / EU - Piken Square / Casual - PvE


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Hi fellow GW2 Mates,


I am looking for an EU Guild (Piken Square if possible) that is a welcoming, casual friendly community. Having all the Guild Hall upgrades and such is less important to me than having a group of people with whom playing is enjoyable. I am returning to GW2 after 5 years.


I am mostly a **PvE player**, might try WvW later on. I am very interested in Fractals (currently in T2), and Raids (I have never tried them). Open World Events, social gatherings, and even some RP sessions are also on the table. I am very much a **Casual **player, since relationships and overtime at work often affect the amount of freetime left for gaming.


I would like to refrain from having an 'Elitist' guild with 'Meta' mentality. I will never care spending more time in a dungeon if it's done with friendly people.


Currently, I am playing a **Revenant**, I find the class fantasy intriguing, and I prefer playing something that is enjoyable rather than 'FotM' specs. Regardless of their current state, I am trying to make the best out of this class. Very much interested in a full-blown support spec as well.

I also love alts, I already have a 80 Thief, 2 Mesmers, and a Guardian. Will try Spellbreaker soon.


I am playing from CET-CEST Timezone, mostly in the late afternoon-evening hours (I have a 9-5 job).


Let me know if there are any openings ;)

Find me ingame: Eranion Vin - zallesz.1650

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