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Anyone Else Geting Motion Sickness From The Beetle?

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(hint, 4th result = [Massively OP "The roller beetle: Excellent mechanics, but watch for motion sickness"](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/44963/massively-op-the-roller-beetle-excellent-mechanics-but-watch-for-motion-sickness "Massively OP "The roller beetle: Excellent mechanics, but watch for motion sickness""))

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I do not, which means all the options i have adjusted in order to not get motion sickness on raptor still work.

For me it was mostly disabling the motion blur effect and widening the FoV (if i did anything more, i don't really remember that now. I do remember, that i **didn't** need to adjust the camera rotation speed in GW2, because that is an option that i always need to check for any FPP game and a lot of TPP ones)

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Motion Sickness has affected me in this game since day1 to the point I couldn't play. However I worked round it and although still get headaches and odd sicky feeling now and again at least i'm not heading to the bathroom every 30mins.( I also get travel sick.) Thankfully to updates I was able to change my FoV to be able to play

Then along came mounts.

Until I got use to it, it seemed all their hard work sorting out the camera, sorting out FoV had been undone. I still don't use my jackal if I can help it, and jumping is getting better, but it still isn't 100%

I had noticed it with the roller beetle if I were to be honest, but thought the headache and sicky feeling was down to a actual sickness bug. But yet again it's a mount that isn't my go to.

My setting have to be exact. Due to the sales, was treated to a brand new account and had to mirror my main account settings. I certainly noticed the difference playing a fresh account.

It is annoying to say the least, that I lost a good lot of playing time due to this.


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