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GW 2 Devs/Playerbase Twitter Discussion

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> @"Phosphorite.6192" said:

> > @"rockshock.6378" said:

> > You got any sensible facts or proof showing that TB abused Jessica Price? Or do you base your stuff on hearsay?


> I never said that TB abused JP. I said that TB was an abusive person and that JP is someone who faces abuse. These two things are separate from each other and both readily available to find information on via google.


But you said, if an abusive person died it was okey to celebrate, and this whole discussion is about Jessica price. So the only possible implication was that TB abused Jessica Price in your eyes. Since she was the one who celebrated his death with a tweet. So like, Yes, You basically said TB was abusive toward Jessica Price.



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> @"Asudementio.8526" said:

> > @"rockshock.6378" said:

> > So, It's okey to celebrate someones death but not celebrate a person getting fired cause she's a woman? That's what i'm getting from the people defending JP.


> It's more like, the celebration in certain circles arising from this person's firing reveals a large underlying motive that people are decrying.


It's still utterly tactless.

As is the shock-jockery, but the internet is the internet.

People being sensationalist on the internet for views =/= Peter lost his job because misogyny.

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> @"Phosphorite.6192" said:

> > @"Alfador.7649" said:

> > > @"Phosphorite.6192" said:

> > > > @"Daxramas.1940" said:

> > > > > @"morology.2507" said:

> > > > > Disgusted to see ArenaNet pandering to a pathetic ggate-style hate mob. I won't be playing their games anymore.

> > > >

> > > > Are you willing to elaborate on this?

> > >

> > > O'Brien characterized not only JPs but PFs actions as "attacks against the community" and didn't lose one word about the incredibly toxic reactions they both had to face from certain despicable "community members". He threw both of them under the bus, even PF although all he did was defend JPs position in polite(!) words. If that's not pandering, tell me what is.

> > >

> > > As CEO he has responsibility towards his employees, to back them up against unreasonable demands from "consumers" who don't get that they purchased a product, not the time and life of the people who worked on said product. He did an incredible disservice to JP and PFand couldn't have handled this whole thing worse.

> >

> > JP launched an unprovoked attack on the community. Like it her not her job pretty much entails doing _exactly not that_. Anet didn't pander to anyone. These people made their own bed and quite frankly even had nobody said a single word calling for her termination, just seeing that conduct should have been enough for them to fire her on the spot. Employees who launch unprovoked attacks on customers are bad employers, full stop. It's profoundly unprofessional and indefensible. If someone working for me got even half as hostile as she did with a customer, let alone a content partner, in public display, with the company name on their profile and while discussing company business, I wouldn't even wait for someone to complain to show them the door, _even if I agreed with everything they said_.


> Then I'm very sorry for the employees who have to work under you. Sacrificing their personal agency on their personal feed about something that directly affects them, just because their employer fears some bad publicity (which they handled incredibly poorly) is not worth it. I'M proud of JP and PF for speaking out against covert sexism and especially JP doesn't owe anyone any false friendliness.


Exactly what is this "something that directly affects them" you speak of? Do you have an example of this alleged "covert sexism"? Give me quotes.

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> @"rockshock.6378" said:

> > @"Phosphorite.6192" said:

> > > @"rockshock.6378" said:

> > > You got any sensible facts or proof showing that TB abused Jessica Price? Or do you base your stuff on hearsay?

> >

> > I never said that TB abused JP. I said that TB was an abusive person and that JP is someone who faces abuse. These two things are separate from each other and both readily available to find information on via google.


> But you said, if an abusive person died it was okey to celebrate, and this whole discussion is about Jessica price. So the only possible implication was that TB abused Jessica Price in your eyes. Since she was the one who celebrated his death with a tweet. So like, Yes, You basically said TB was abusive toward Jessica Price.




No. I said what I said and I made myself clear.

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I must say i strongly disagree with firing people for what they do on there personal twitter. As a video game company you hire game defs and thats exactly what they should be judged or fired about. How they do their job. Posting your own Opinion on you personal Twitter, however dumb or insulting ot may be, which technically has nothing to do with your job should not be of arenanets concern. If she posted in the name of Arenanet than things would be different but firing someone for their personal twitter is in no ways different to firing people just for having different opinions which get pretty close to censoring Opinions that dont fit yours arenanet.

Using personal opinions and things people do in their personal free time to fire them is really not the way to go in my opinion.


I dont want to say that Arenanet had bad or evil intentions but the way they handle the problem pretty much says "If your personal opinion doesnt match ours we fire you" which doesnt exactly put Arenanet into a good light if you ask me.

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> @"Ash.5274" said:

> > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > The vast majority of you have a great deal of growing up to do. I just hope society isn't scuppered by the unreal amount of triggering and thin-skinnedness shown in this thread. I also hope none of you ever get on the chopping block for something you wrote on a web site. Losing your job sucks. Your employer not having your back absolutely sucks. It's not a good thing, a good thing would have been the devs apologising, instead they're out of a job with bills to pay. Anyone who says that's a good thing has never left their mother's basement.


> So you should expect your employer to have your back when you make that employer look bad on social media? Really?


> For what it's worth I completely agree that losing your job is never a good thing, but they lost their jobs as a direct consequence of their own actions. They have no one to blame but themselves, it really is as simple as that.


So you're saying the company you work for controls your **personal** social media presence the minute you include who you work for in your **personal** social media, or write something that happens to be about what you work on? Well, I've decided to enlighten myself and allow people to have a work life and a personal life, two entirely different areas that should almost never encroach on each other, and that what someone says or does on their personal time does not nor ever will reflect on their employer...but I'm in the super minority on this point.

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> @"Asudementio.8526" said:

> > @"Menoitios.8375" said:

> > > @"Asudementio.8526" said:

> > > > @"Menoitios.8375" said:

> > > > > @"Asudementio.8526" said:

> > > > > > @"Menoitios.8375" said:

> > > > > > > @"Phosphorite.6192" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Tolmos.8395" said:

> > > > > > > > Covering your personal twitter with your company's name, acting as a representative of that company via your personal twitter, and then using your personal twitter to make derogatory statements towards people based on protected classes like gender, race, nationality or religion (oh, and also celebrating a cancer victim's death) is not going to end well for anyone.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Saying, after the fact, "it's my personal twitter!" is the corporate equivalent of "I'm not touching you!"

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > All she did was not being complacent in the face of covert sexism, which is something she should be applauded for, not fired.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > And the only thing I saw her tweet about TBs death was being glad that an abusive person has no longer the opportunity to be abusive, which I'm absolutely fine with.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > There was no covert sexism, it was pretty obvious that Deroir's response **was really well thought out** and crafted to be as objective and inoffensive as possible. In fact, he did such a great job with it you could send that exact message to anyone regardless of their identifiers and it would have been acceptable.

> > > > > >

> > > > > .

> > > > > Note- emphasis mine

> > > > >

> > > > > His response was so well thought out that it hinged entirely on **a tool once used in the game but since largely abandoned** for any number of immediately identifiable and obvious reasons that he thought " oh, i bet this female game dev didn't think of this incredibly simple vehicle to use in her work that her coworkers have used in the past; let me remind her to show how shoddy her work is! I am a genius!" Even though the premises that could be readily taken from her previous essay on the character writing would lead you to a number of reasons why deroir's suggestion wasn't being used.

> > > > >

> > > > > It reeks of, i don't want to read your reasons why just do it this way because i know better than you.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Note- emphasis mine

> > > >

> > > > Yet that's why we did have some branching dialogue this very episode of the living world? All he was saying is that he would like more of it. Also, your post reeks of assuming what Deroir meant because you keep reading into it when there is nothing there other than what it states at face value. Not everyone has an ulterior motive when they say something.

> > >

> > > For such an important content creator Deroir really thinks things out! I'm glad he was magically able to divine that there was no reason what-so-ever that large nested branching dialogue isn't in the game for any other reason than developer ineptitude. Thank god he took time to reflect on the question he intended to ask and consider the pros and cons of it's implementation and how it affects other unintended aspects of the game before chiming in.

> >

> > How are you doing these mental gymnastics? You must have a gold medal. He literally said he wanted more of something, that's it, and for the record branching dialogue is in the game even in the most recent content. Let alone where did he imply her ineptitude? Not once did he do anything of the sort, all he did was "slightly disagree", that's it. If all it takes is disagreeing with someone for them to be inept then everyone on this forum (and the internet, period), ever, is inept.


> His critique of her work was basically- i want more of this, why is there not more of this even though you just gave me a write-up on why the current story writing is the way it is. There was no pause, no reflection on what he wanted and why or why not it may be reasonable to implement. His post carried airs of, well you just didn't think of this simple thing why not make your game this way.


> I'm not sure if you are actually this dense or if you are willing ignoring that the entire premise of JPs original post addresses a large amount of what Deroir is asking for if you take even 30s to think critically about the issue of the character writing and how it impacts resource utilization.


Her write up was on why the PC (player character) has little to no personality, not on why there are no diverging dialogue options (of which we are still getting those to this day). He literally asked for more of what they are already giving us.


Additionally, are you really resorting to ad hominem now? Is that how low this is going?

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> @"bernstein adelheid.8590" said:

> The people need to really grow up. Just because you can leave your opinion it doesn't mean you are in the right if you get criticized. Nor that your post is welcomed anyway.

> You're not writers, nor you will be able to make a real decent story. ( Heck, for what i could read during these weeks, most of you just want cut off character for the sake of "game of thrones" wannabe. ) Try to tell to a writer how he should do his job is the straight equivalent to insult it.

> This drama is totally messed up and make me feel that i'm surrounded by underage angry kids.


People aren't telling anyone how to do their job properly. People are providing alternative suggestions as to how to write various storylines/narratives in Guild Wars 2, which is the constructive criticism that they want. Some of the criticism is obviously not as constructive as other pieces of criticism, but your basic logic is: People shouldn't criticise ArenaNet's writing because they aren't experienced writers themselves, which is BS. Amateur writers can be much better than professional writers, it's just that professional writers have the background contacts to succeed. Writing is a class-based industry. If you have university contacts in the writing world, you're more likely to find a renowned publisher, for instance.


This is actually how Jessica Price rose into popularity. She went to university, studied exceptionally middle-class subjects, such as Latin and made her way into high profile studios as a narrative designer. This is why Rata Primus was named the way it was, and there's a clip from a Guild Chat where she condescendingly told the tale of how she decided on the pronunciation of the area, along the lines of: 'Well, no, it's going to be Rata Pree-mus because the Lead Editor always gets the final say.'


As for killing the characters off to clone Game of Thrones, you've missed the point. Death doesn't happen often enough in Guild Wars 2 to maintain tension. Even injuries are brushed over for the sake of false consequence in the narrative. In one chapter, a character is injured. In the next chapter, they're fine with no detrimental side effects. People don't want a complete slaughter, if we wanted that, we'd watch Game of Thrones. We just want more consequences in the narrative, that's all.


And finally, don't claim that all of the critics are being 'underage, angry kids'. Inferring that someone's immature is immature in itself, and really devalues any point that you have to make. It's a primary rule of debating/discussing difficult topics. Anyway, I'm currently writing a Guild Wars 2 short story, and I'm opening it up for criticism of all kinds, as long as it's constructive. However, apparently I'm not a writer. *shrugs*



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> @"ErikViking.2754" said:

> If she posted in the name of Arenanet than things would be different...


That's exactly what got her in trouble. She directly labeled herself as a member of the Narrative Team at Arenanet right there on her personal twitter, and was discussing Arenanet IP directly on her personal twitter, and directly reacted to a user of the Arenanet IP on her personal twitter.


Whether she intended to or not, she set herself up to be a representative of Arenanet on that account, and forced Arenanet into a situation where they had to act. Failure to act meant condoning the actions.


I still don't think she should have been fired, but some form of action had to be taken and some form of apology or response from Arenanet was necessary for the things done by one of their representatives.

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> @"Kolzi.5928" said:


> I honestly think you have to be intentionally misrepresenting things to believe that what she said is supposed to be representative of the company as a whole


Nope, not Arenanet as a whole. Just a worker mouthing off to the clients.

Off campus that'll got you booted in a heartbeat.





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> @"Phosphorite.6192" said:

> Because the idea of not telling someone what you think is such a foreign concept for many men that it doesn't even occur to them that their ideas might be absolutely uncalled for.


Common decency is not gender reliant and should have been used in the responses no matter who you are interracting with. Especially when you are engaging in discourse with someone who is evidently a big fan and really gets into the immersion of the story. And seems would of been 'fan boy' happy just to have some minor dialogue with a content creator on any level.


And a good chance to display some of your writing narrative chops and impress the gathered throng of internet denizens. As the female graphic designer in the all male office stated later on in the thread in a creative environment there is always a lot of criticism. Not because the people in her office happen to be men, more that by nature everyone will have a difference of opinion when it comes to visual aesthetic. And by extension, any creative discipline from music to pottery making, to fashion.

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> @"aspirine.5839" said:

> I found it a bit harsh that Peter lost his job btw, only thing he did wrong was to try and defend that vile creature. Bad taste perhaps but nothing to get fired for in his 12 years of good work.



Unfortunately, that is not the only thing he did wrong.


He is a GW 2 vet and he condoned and supported a fellow employee's damaging responses that he should have at the very least, stayed away from. When you bully a kid at school and your parent cheers you on and shames the kid being bullied, who do you think deserves the same if not more consequences?


His choices don't just speak to this incident, they speak to his character, his mindset, and his future choices as an Anet Dev. He is now an employee that needs to be worried about. He is now an Anet Dev that can possibly make other Devs and the playerbase uncomfortable. He certainly has less credibility, trust, and respect.


This is not the kind of dev you can have working at a large company where reputation, marketing, and title are paramount. Especially in a highly competitive industry and a highly scrutinized society.

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It's so funny that this conversation was stemmed from a female dev wrongfully accusing a player sexist and yet I'm seeing so many people particularly females accusing the rest of community stereotyping them as "sensitive snowflakes with a lot of hurt manfeels", "misogynists" and there is clear "convert sexism" in the community.

Let me bring up the definition of sexism again:

prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women (or men) , on the basis of sex.

If you are one of those people saying those type of things, aren't you the one being truly sexist here?

As a female, I think it's so disappointing that anyone would argue with feelings rather than facts or evidence of and then to blame the rest of us as masculine sensitivity overload.


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> @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > @"aspirine.5839" said:

> > I found it a bit harsh that Peter lost his job btw, only thing he did wrong was to try and defend that vile creature. Bad taste perhaps but nothing to get fired for in his 12 years of good work.



> Unfortunately, that is not the only thing he did wrong.


> He is a GW 2 vet and he condoned and supported a fellow employee's damaging responses that he should have at the very least, stayed away from. When you bully a kid at school and your parent cheers you on and shames the kid being bullied, who do you think deserves the same if not more consequences?


> His choices don't just speak to this incident, they speak to his character, his mindset, and his future choices as an Anet Dev. He is now an employee that needs to be worried about. He is now an Anet Dev that can possibly make other Devs and the playerbase uncomfortable. He certainly has less credibility, trust, and respect.


> This is not the kind of dev you can have working at a large company where reputation, marketing, and title are paramount. Especially in a highly competitive industry and a highly scrutinized society.


He's experienced enough to have known better. That likely is what would have gotten him in the most trouble.


If I ever had an employee make a derogatory statement publicly against a client, on an account directly identifying them as a member of my company, I would definitely react differently to a young and combative new employee than I would to a more seasoned and experienced employee who should know better.


Young people grow up, and learn the error of their ways. It's a lot harder to write off someone who's already done the growing.

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> @"Shoyoko.7309" said:

> It's so funny that this conversation was stemmed from a female dev wrongfully accusing a player sexist and yet I'm seeing so many people particularly females accusing the rest of community stereotyping them as "sensitive snowflakes with a lot of hurt manfeels", "misogynists" and there is clear "convert sexism" in the community.

> Let me bring up the definition of sexism again:

> prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women (or men) , on the basis of sex.

> If you are one of those people saying those type of things, are you sure that maybe you aren't the one being truly sexist here?

> As a female, I think it's so disappointing that anyone would argue with feelings rather than facts or evidence of and then to blame the rest of us as masculine sensitivity overload.



I agree with you on this, this whole situation is blown out of proportion and it's extremely frustrating to see emotional snowflakes think through their bleeding hearts. The whole situation could be averted if people could just act their age and not get so oversensitive and defensive over their beliefs when nobody is attacking it. It's as if some people's lives are so unbearably boring that they need to make drama for EVERYONE...

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"Ash.5274" said:

> > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > > The vast majority of you have a great deal of growing up to do. I just hope society isn't scuppered by the unreal amount of triggering and thin-skinnedness shown in this thread. I also hope none of you ever get on the chopping block for something you wrote on a web site. Losing your job sucks. Your employer not having your back absolutely sucks. It's not a good thing, a good thing would have been the devs apologising, instead they're out of a job with bills to pay. Anyone who says that's a good thing has never left their mother's basement.

> >

> > So you should expect your employer to have your back when you make that employer look bad on social media? Really?

> >

> > For what it's worth I completely agree that losing your job is never a good thing, but they lost their jobs as a direct consequence of their own actions. They have no one to blame but themselves, it really is as simple as that.


> So you're saying the company you work for controls your **personal** social media presence the minute you include who you work for in your **personal** social media, or write something that happens to be about what you work on? Well, I've decided to enlighten myself and allow people to have a work life and a personal life, two entirely different areas that should almost never encroach on each other, and that what someone says or does on their personal time does not nor ever will reflect on their employer...but I'm in the super minority on this point.


Yes and yes. You are free to post whatever you like on your personal social media accounts but if the content breaks the code of conduct for your company they have every right to remove you from your position. Turns out consequences exist

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> @"Shoyoko.7309" said:

> It's so funny that this conversation was stemmed from a female dev wrongfully accusing a player sexist and yet I'm seeing so many people particularly females accusing the rest of community stereotyping them as "sensitive snowflakes with a lot of hurt manfeels", "misogynists" and there is clear "convert sexism" in the community.

> Let me bring up the definition of sexism again:

> prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women (or men) , on the basis of sex.

> If you are one of those people saying those type of things, aren't you the one being truly sexist here?

> As a female, I think it's so disappointing that anyone would argue with feelings rather than facts or evidence of and then to blame the rest of us as masculine sensitivity overload.



I have to disagree with one part of this: most of the women I’ve seen in this thread have been condemning JPs actions. It’s been predominantly men who have been rushing to defend her actions, like she is some poor delicate flower that only they can protect as opposed to a capable professional adult who should be held accountable for her own actions.


It’s honestly been offensive to watch.

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> @"bernstein adelheid.8590" said:

> The people need to really grow up. Just because you can leave your opinion it doesn't mean you are in the right if you get criticized. Nor that your post is welcomed anyway.

> You're not writers, nor you will be able to make a real decent story. ( Heck, for what i could read during these weeks, most of you just want cut off character for the sake of "game of thrones" wannabe. ) Try to tell to a writer how he should do his job is the straight equivalent to insult it.

> This drama is totally messed up and make me feel that i'm surrounded by underage angry kids.


Still no reason not to be polite or at least engage in dialogue with a modicum of respect, especially when the initial post was presented in honesty with the hope of open discourse from a clear fan.


If you choose not to be polite in your interaction that is certainly your choice, but you are still representative of a company whilst you are posting on a public forum talking about a creative process for said company. And there are consequences based on the approach you choose to take.

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> @"Mike O Brien.4613" said:

> Recently two of our employees failed to uphold our standards of communicating with players. Their attacks on the community were unacceptable. As a result, they’re no longer with the company.


> I want to be clear that the statements they made do not reflect the views of ArenaNet at all. As a company we always strive to have a collaborative relationship with the Guild Wars community. We value your input. We make this game for you.


> Mo


Thank you for standing up for your customers when they were very clearly being mistreated by your employees.

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> @"Nagi.8941" said:

> > @"Shoyoko.7309" said:

> > It's so funny that this conversation was stemmed from a female dev wrongfully accusing a player sexist and yet I'm seeing so many people particularly females accusing the rest of community stereotyping them as "sensitive snowflakes with a lot of hurt manfeels", "misogynists" and there is clear "convert sexism" in the community.

> > Let me bring up the definition of sexism again:

> > prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women (or men) , on the basis of sex.

> > If you are one of those people saying those type of things, aren't you the one being truly sexist here?

> > As a female, I think it's so disappointing that anyone would argue with feelings rather than facts or evidence of and then to blame the rest of us as masculine sensitivity overload.

> >


> I have to disagree with one part of this: most of the women I’ve seen in this thread have been condemning JPs actions. It’s been predominantly men who have been rushing to defend her actions, like she is some poor delicate flower that only they can protect as opposed to a capable professional adult who should be held accountable for her own actions.


> It’s honestly been offensive to watch.


Yeah. This whole situation can be accurately summed up as "She did this to herself."

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> @"Virgil.2601" said:

> I'm just looking forward to either the next tweet in which she digs her hole even deeper somehow or makes her twitter private. Or maybe she'll surprise me and do some real self-reflecting and post something vaguely resembling remorse.


I'm thinking it makes the Jimquisition

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Just want to make a quick PSA (Which I'm sure a lot of folks have already figured out) A lot of these "JP did nothing wrong" post are coming from twitter mobs to keep the internet drama going .....I think that Arenanet is also fully aware of this, so I would take these facetious comments with a large block of salt, and not give them the attention they are so desperately craving .

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> @"Koen.1327" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Koen.1327" said:

> > > Justice right here:

> > >

> > > 1. Keep her job --> Bad PR --> bunch of rich shareholders might get less profit as potential business earnings both current and future might beplaced at risk __> more employees potentially have their jobs and livelihoods put at risk

> > > 2. Fire her --> lost her income --> has time to reflect and hopefully learn how to take criticism when working in a position where it works hand in hand - whilst also learning how separate her personal and professional ideologies

> >


> > >

> > > this is the reality (if bad PR even exist to a certain extend) and a lot seem to have trouble finding a balance

> > >

> > > Of course Bad PR exists.. what no one knows is what damage it might do from one person/company to the next. A company's reputation takes a long time to build, but potentially one employees Twittertrash to destroy it. Therefore ANET were placed in a no win situation and handled it accordingly.

> > You or I have no idea what took place internally to arrive at the outcomes it did and we do not know if any additional issues internally were also subject to the decision making process.

> >

> >


> 1. yeah except that this is not how profit works (which is merely extortion of the employees); for the shareholders it won't change thus they don't care

> 2. she has other things to worry about than reflecting


I don't think you really have any kind of grasp on how business works, it's all in your head.

Those shareholders put money into a business and in turn that business not only provides a product for us the players to buy, and hopefully enjoy.. it also employees many other people - hardly extortion of the shareholders. If for whatever reasons business drops then tough decisions may be needed so bad PR poses a risk not just to the shareholders but the business in general... and all those other people employed there.

You think you wouldn't want to make money on a product that you have put a ton of your own money into to making it happen.. that is not extortion, that is business 101. ANET and its shareholders are not running a charity, they are running a business and that business requires its employees to act responsibly whether that be in work time or discussing work related content outside of work. It's that simple.

JP let herself down and the company, and then tried to pull an ism for effect in the hope it would push an advantage in a discussion she wasn't coping well with. Lets hope she uses some of that paycheck to buy PF a very large beer and a whole lot of "I'm so sorry's"

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