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GW 2 Devs/Playerbase Twitter Discussion

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> @"Walhalla.5473" said:


> And please for the love of God, Odin, Dhuum or the allmighty Pocket Raptor. Don't make this political. This firing has nothing to do with poltics. No JP didn't get the boot for trying to defend herself against sexism and she didn't fell victim to an Alt-Right mob. And to the people who claim Victory in the campaign against kitten's ( the people who are described by 3 letters, not cats ), pls also stop, this here isn't a war of agendas. It was 2 devs fired, one being completely insulting and the other just choosing the wrong time to stand to her side and nothing political from the side of Anet, just business. And there is no victory here. Anet just lost 2 devs with one being obviously very missed by many here. There was no right decision possible here, only the least bad one. It was a bad week for us all, Anet, the devs involved and us the community.

> If you want to use a community to push your agenda, regardless if far left or far right, please do it somewhere else... or better don't do it at all. I think I can speak for the community when I say that we don't want to be involved with this agenda pushing and certainly not be used for it. We just want to enjoy the game and discuss parts of it, give our opinions and try to make it better with our feedback, without the toxic agenda pushing that happens ecverywhere else.


> Sry for the last part but I'm really sad to see that this here devolves more and more into a political shitshow with agenda pushing instead of just seeing the facts on what happened and moving on.



To late, it's a political issue to begin with, so asking people to not make it political would mean not discussing it at all, which obviously isn't going to happen. Another thing, people are always pushing an agenda, almost all the time, tho the agenda might not be clear most of the time, every time someone makes a statement or point it's to push some kind of agenda, even if they aren't aware of it.



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> @"morrolan.9608" said:

> One thing occurs to me has anyone actually asked Deroir and Inklings what they thought should happen to JP and Peter?


Should it be up to them? It wouldnt change what either employee did and it shouldnt change what Obrien decide on what's good for the company. If JP could have talked herself out of it by publicly apologizing to them for her behaviour I suppose that could have changed the outcome. But when she doubles down on the victimized female sexism card even after an apology from Deroir for something that wasnt offensive to begin with, I somehow feel that not within her reality to do.


Not to mention the tripling down on the story by selling it to game journalists that gobble it up for SJW headlines and controversy.

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To the 4 or 5 people that quoted me, sorry can't answer, someone got moderated and everything went to kitten.


> @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> Next, for this "legality" and "morality" issue you're talking about.

> There's nothing illegal, or even remotely unacceptable about that. At all. I work in IT in the US and just like Anet, my company would never let me talk kitten to our consumers. I would get fired, and rightfully so. It actually happened to one of my colleagues last year (male).

> -And- I lived in Europe before, in France particularly. A country where people go on strike for barely any reason and socialism is still strong. Well... the same clause applied the company I worked for. It's considered a "serious fault" and you can be fired for that. Common sense people.



Guess it depends on the EU country.

In my country, not only all judges would laugh at the reason of firing, ANet would be in an awful position on media.



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> @"CedarDog.9723" said:

> Hopefully this incident will teach random devs at ANet and other companies that you should not talk about work on social media. Devs should also not interact with people they don't know, i.e. random schmucks who play the games they work on. Any questions aimed at them should go ignored. Or better yet, don't have any social media presence. That would be the safest (i.e. not tempted to get annoyed and say something that makes people diarrhea all over the place) and most satisfying outcome of this lesson.


Really.. so you think they should just keep away from community interaction.. nah that is just dark ages thought.

It just requires a little bit of common sense, a modicum of common decency and an ounce of professionalism when discussing work related content in a public domain.. something she should of been well versed in doing considering everything she does within her job is put out for the community to constantly critique... fact she failed bad at all three aspects imo.

JP failed to act responsibly and acted even worse as a decent human being...I firmly believe she does not reflect how devs normally act she is an outlier, in fact if I was a dev in the industry boasting all the experience JP does, I would look at this and learn a heck of a lot about what not to do rather than don't want to do..

Like that dev from ANET posted out yesterday.. cant stop.. wont stop - much respect to him for saying so.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Not to mention the tripling down on the story by selling it to game journalists that gobble it up for kitten headlines and controversy.


What is the proof she was paid for the story? I think its far more likely the media simply approached her for comment.


As for Deroir after listening to his twitch he clearly regrets Peter's firing.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> To the 4 or 5 people that quoted me, sorry can't answer, someone got moderated and everything went to kitten.


> > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > Next, for this "legality" and "morality" issue you're talking about.

> > There's nothing illegal, or even remotely unacceptable about that. At all. I work in IT in the US and just like Anet, my company would never let me talk kitten to our consumers. I would get fired, and rightfully so. It actually happened to one of my colleagues last year (male).

> > -And- I lived in Europe before, in France particularly. A country where people go on strike for barely any reason and socialism is still strong. Well... the same clause applied the company I worked for. It's considered a "serious fault" and you can be fired for that. Common sense people.

> >


> Guess it depends on the EU country.

> In my country, not only all judges would laugh at the reason of firing, ANet would be in an awful position on media.




I'm sorry, I just can't believe that for a second. What happened was serious enough to potentially damage a company and no country that want to keep its companies "there" will forbid them to take action.

It's sad really cause recent living story episodes were great but that's how it is now I guess...

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"Loukious.7346" said:

> > > @"Ace Kenshader.1253" said:

> > > > @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> > > > > @"Ace Kenshader.1253" said:

> > > > > > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> > > > > > I am wondering whether all the people who find JP's firing an overreaction have actually built up careers. A simple Google search on "fired because of social media" gives you a slew of examples. People fired because of inappropriate posts, racist posts, misplaced jokes, posts unrelated to their work on social media accounts and on accounts not tied to their employer. This really is not a strange or outrageous phenomenon, but an obvious one for any of us who have careers. Of course, when you display your employment on your account and post your official work there as well, the connection is a no-brainer, as are the consequences for negative and socially unacceptable behavior, and even beliefs.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Claims of "having the right to sue for wrongful termination" in the case of PF I also don't understand. What do these people know of the internal goings on at ANet's office that the rest of us don't? How are they privvy to this non-public information? How do they know all the steps taken? How do they know ANet hasn't offered both of them to make an apology, and how do they know how either JP or PF responded? If you also don't understand the dangerous legal position ANet would place themselves in if they had fired only JP and not PF, in a case where sexism was used in an accusatory fashion, you are not as knowledgeable about these topics as you think you are. JP legally can't use the sexism card against her former employer anymore, because they fired both a man and a woman over this incident. She can claim it in the media, but legally she doesn't have a foot to stand on with that argument.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Just stop making claims based on assumptions, for which you need information none of us are privvy to because we don't work at ANet. We don't know all the details, we don't have copies of any internal documentation regarding this case, we don't have copies of ANet's contract of employment, we don't know what legal counsel they have received (though people with a legal background, especially in employment, would know these things). Yet people still make claims that can only be made by actually having all this information. And I'm pretty sure they don't have it, any of it.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Claims about an alt-right mob are even more ludicrous, if people had even done their homework. Before MO made his announcement, there was very little alt-right trolling, mob mentality or baying going on. It may have increased after his announcement, but it's typical alt-right behavior to spot a situation they can benefit from and jump in and make claims about it, or even appropriate it. Lumping all reasonable and well thought out responses taking a stand against JP's behavior together with the baying trolls is doing a disservice, it's dumb and incredibly transparent. By putting the emphasis on that you're giving them more power than they have. They're trying to incite the mob mentality where there is none and to a certain extent their tactic has worked. Let's not give them the satisfaction and give them more power and influence. JP's behavoir against a customer and official partner to ANet is unacceptable, PF publicly taking a stand with her was a mistake on his part, and public opinion is very much a factor, whether we like it or not. Without the public, most companies do not survive. Without the public, most of us wouldn't have a job. So their perception is important and should always be considered from a business point of view. It's easy to make this personal, or even ideological, while at its core it's just business and public image. Social media is not private and if you actively espouse your employer and talk about your work on such a platform, it's neither private nor personal. It is the weakest excuse in this situation, and both JP and PF know this, whether they want to admit it or not. I really don't believe either of them would be this naïve.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Edit: grammar

> > > > >

> > > > > The problem is the hypocrisy. After all the folks who cheered that JP was fired are also the same people who cried and protested when Subnautica fired one of their developers for stupid stuff he said on his own twitter post. No matter how one slices it, it's an alt-right mob.

> > > >

> > > > I know nothing about Subnautica. Jessica did not say just stupid stuff, she was meaner than a rattlesnake...and toward her company's customers. alt-right..,sheesh.

> > > >

> > >

> > > I saw the twitter thread, and honestly, both sides were acting like dummies (I wanna say something meaner, but alas, forum rules). Deroir was pretty much acting condescending and douchey.

> >

> > I think I need my glasses checked at the VA. Cause I have ZERO clue where you got that from ANY of his tweets towards her through this entire thing


> His last tweet to her is completely condescending, just read it, but it most likely extends from the fact that English is not his native language, so he might not know the nuances of writing to avoid sounding condescending.


You mean when he APOLOGIZES (even though he was nothing but polite)? Yes, how dare he be condescending like that! He should have jumped off a cliff in repentance.

Cmon... she has already lashed out at him and he still apologized and walked away. She kept going at it. There is absolutely no way you can pin this on him.


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> @"Nemmar.8491" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > @"Loukious.7346" said:

> > > > @"Ace Kenshader.1253" said:

> > > > > @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> > > > > > @"Ace Kenshader.1253" said:

> > > > > > > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> > > > > > > I am wondering whether all the people who find JP's firing an overreaction have actually built up careers. A simple Google search on "fired because of social media" gives you a slew of examples. People fired because of inappropriate posts, racist posts, misplaced jokes, posts unrelated to their work on social media accounts and on accounts not tied to their employer. This really is not a strange or outrageous phenomenon, but an obvious one for any of us who have careers. Of course, when you display your employment on your account and post your official work there as well, the connection is a no-brainer, as are the consequences for negative and socially unacceptable behavior, and even beliefs.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Claims of "having the right to sue for wrongful termination" in the case of PF I also don't understand. What do these people know of the internal goings on at ANet's office that the rest of us don't? How are they privvy to this non-public information? How do they know all the steps taken? How do they know ANet hasn't offered both of them to make an apology, and how do they know how either JP or PF responded? If you also don't understand the dangerous legal position ANet would place themselves in if they had fired only JP and not PF, in a case where sexism was used in an accusatory fashion, you are not as knowledgeable about these topics as you think you are. JP legally can't use the sexism card against her former employer anymore, because they fired both a man and a woman over this incident. She can claim it in the media, but legally she doesn't have a foot to stand on with that argument.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Just stop making claims based on assumptions, for which you need information none of us are privvy to because we don't work at ANet. We don't know all the details, we don't have copies of any internal documentation regarding this case, we don't have copies of ANet's contract of employment, we don't know what legal counsel they have received (though people with a legal background, especially in employment, would know these things). Yet people still make claims that can only be made by actually having all this information. And I'm pretty sure they don't have it, any of it.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Claims about an alt-right mob are even more ludicrous, if people had even done their homework. Before MO made his announcement, there was very little alt-right trolling, mob mentality or baying going on. It may have increased after his announcement, but it's typical alt-right behavior to spot a situation they can benefit from and jump in and make claims about it, or even appropriate it. Lumping all reasonable and well thought out responses taking a stand against JP's behavior together with the baying trolls is doing a disservice, it's dumb and incredibly transparent. By putting the emphasis on that you're giving them more power than they have. They're trying to incite the mob mentality where there is none and to a certain extent their tactic has worked. Let's not give them the satisfaction and give them more power and influence. JP's behavoir against a customer and official partner to ANet is unacceptable, PF publicly taking a stand with her was a mistake on his part, and public opinion is very much a factor, whether we like it or not. Without the public, most companies do not survive. Without the public, most of us wouldn't have a job. So their perception is important and should always be considered from a business point of view. It's easy to make this personal, or even ideological, while at its core it's just business and public image. Social media is not private and if you actively espouse your employer and talk about your work on such a platform, it's neither private nor personal. It is the weakest excuse in this situation, and both JP and PF know this, whether they want to admit it or not. I really don't believe either of them would be this naïve.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Edit: grammar

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The problem is the hypocrisy. After all the folks who cheered that JP was fired are also the same people who cried and protested when Subnautica fired one of their developers for stupid stuff he said on his own twitter post. No matter how one slices it, it's an alt-right mob.

> > > > >

> > > > > I know nothing about Subnautica. Jessica did not say just stupid stuff, she was meaner than a rattlesnake...and toward her company's customers. alt-right..,sheesh.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > I saw the twitter thread, and honestly, both sides were acting like dummies (I wanna say something meaner, but alas, forum rules). Deroir was pretty much acting condescending and douchey.

> > >

> > > I think I need my glasses checked at the VA. Cause I have ZERO clue where you got that from ANY of his tweets towards her through this entire thing

> >

> > His last tweet to her is completely condescending, just read it, but it most likely extends from the fact that English is not his native language, so he might not know the nuances of writing to avoid sounding condescending.


> You mean when he APOLOGIZES (even though he was nothing but polite)? Yes, how dare he be condescending like that! He should have jumped off a cliff in repentance.

> Cmon... she has already lashed out at him and he still apologized and walked away. She kept going at it. There is absolutely no way you can pin this on him.



Nah. It's alt-right because... because! Because he's a jerk so... it's alt-right. Sheesh!

Sarcasm off... I don't know if people realize that pulling the alt-right card for no reason in the current political context is actually very offensive for all the people/minorities actually suffering from the real alt-right, from real discrimination. Not just offensive actually, but it contributes to people not taking real issues seriously. You can thank kotaku and others for that.


Even if he had been rude, which he was not, being rude doesnt make you alt-right.

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> @"Tris Apollumenon.6435" said:

> It's extremely upsetting to see how willing Anet was to throw employees to the mob -- not only was there absolutely no move to speak out against the detailed, sexually explicit abuse that the employees received, but the employees in question were _fired_?


> The massive response to this by Gamergaters already underscored the hostility of this environment. The **official statement** from Mike himself, stating that a single unprofessionally snarky Twitter thread expressing frustration at being habitually belittled = "attacking the community", only makes it clear that in Anet's eyes, whatever "the community" means, I don't count. Playtime, enthusiasm, time spent helping new players, money spent on gems and DLCs -- arguments could be made for any of those as factors toward being in a given community, but in this case it seems like the overriding definition is "Community == I want devs to be INSTANTLY FIRED the first time they make a frustrated comment in public or back up their colleagues".


> I was willing to Block And Move On for ages and ages, even as a WvW player having to deal with tons of teamchat trolls and having to do another blockathon every time a new world alliance rolls around. MMO online communities are hard to moderate, and I recognize that. But having this edict come from above, as an official ArenaNet statement from the top guy himself, that's damning. That hurts.


> I know the kitten troll types are all too happy for people like me to get out of their games, but like... games are supposed to be fun. This was my _hobby_, not some kind of activist crusade. I'm too old and tired to stick it out to Make A Statement or Fight The Good Fight when even the top authority is saying "You are not welcome here. Harassers and misogynists, _you_ are welcome." More power to those who are determined or thick-skinned enough to persevere. I don't think I can.


You stop right there you unfair, disingenuous hack that you are. You unbelievable charlatan.


There was NEVER any sort of "detailed, sexually explicit abuse" anywhere in the ENTIRE exchange from Deroir's side which sparked this fiasco. You have CLEARLY not read a single word of the twitter conversation that instigated this. He was AT ALL TIMES friendly, polite and merely looking for discussion with someone whom he GREATLY respected and admired, and even apologized profusely when Jessica Price blew off her handle against him which was totally uncalled for. There have literally been twitch clips posted of him in this thread where he expresses his immense admiration for Jessica Price, her work and her contribution to AMA's.


You are the lowest of the low, spouting the utter bs that you just did. Get out of this thread and do some actual research before you even dare to think twice about coming back here you disingenuous liar. Get out!

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> @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > (...)

> > Guess it depends on the EU country.

> > In my country, not only all judges would laugh at the reason of firing, ANet would be in an awful position on media.

> >

> >


> I'm sorry, I just can't believe that for a second. What happened was serious enough to potentially damage a company and no country that want to keep its companies "there" will forbid them to take action.

> It's sad really cause recent living story episodes were great but that's how it is now I guess...


Im from Germany and we have here quite a nice legal system that keeps companys in check, at least when its about firing people.


But still, I would have faced immediate action as well when accusing a customer publicly of sexism, calling customers random insulting names and basically telling them to get off my tweet and my personal time ... all while representing my companys logo. When working for a company, part of your job is it to uphold the company's standards while representing them. Going against that and causing the image of a company damage while doing that will get you fired, period. Maybe you get a small settlement out of it in courts... something like 2-3 months salary. But as for getting the contract re-instated? No. Not a chance.


Im sad to see Peter Fries go, but at the same time, Im also glad Anet took decisive action. Because, tbh, having read all the comments, tweets, articles and statements over the last few days, I now have really mixed feelings about any contact with creative game devs I ever had or will have. Is this really how some of them - or as some tweets imply most of them - see us?

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> @"Saelenthi.5720" said:

> > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > (...)

> > > Guess it depends on the EU country.

> > > In my country, not only all judges would laugh at the reason of firing, ANet would be in an awful position on media.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I'm sorry, I just can't believe that for a second. What happened was serious enough to potentially damage a company and no country that want to keep its companies "there" will forbid them to take action.

> > It's sad really cause recent living story episodes were great but that's how it is now I guess...


> Im from Germany and we have here quite a nice legal system that keeps companys in check, at least when its about firing people.


> But still, I would have faced immediate action as well when accusing a customer publicly of sexism, calling customers random insulting names and basically telling them to get off my tweet and my personal time ... all while representing my companys logo. When working for a company, part of your job is it to uphold the company's standards while representing them. Going against that and causing the image of a company damage while doing that will get you fired, period. Maybe you get a small settlement out of it in courts... something like 2-3 months salary. But as for getting the contract re-instated? No. Not a chance.


> Im sad to see Peter Fries go, but at the same time, Im also glad Anet took decisive action. Because, tbh, having read all the comments, tweets, articles and statements over the last few days, I now have really mixed feelings about any contact with creative game devs I ever had or will have. Is this really how some of them - or as some tweets imply most of them - see us?


I'm sure that's not how they see the community.


We have some truly kind people. I remember that thread about simply making the game easier for all people with disabilities. While I sided against it myself, the fact it lasted so long shows that a lot of people are passionate about helping each other through a game. This isn't a community of evil gamergates or whatever they're called.

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I'm not a big fan of how Price responded Deroir's tweet. I also am not a fan of how she talked to Inks. The least I'm happy with Mike's "swift justice" action. That was overboard. He's now only telling the mobs in internet that it's a viable way to get people who you don't like kicked out of their jobs simply by making them act somewhat negative way and then cry about it to their employers. Mike might have saved his precious PR for the time being, but his actions probably bite back at some point.


He. Catered. To. The. Mobs. Not for the players. And now message is out. He could've just had a pep talk like a real company head but instead he went out full force and kicked not one, but two of his best narrative professionals out of the company.

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> @"ponytheguardian.7439" said:

> I'm not a big fan of how Price responded Deroir's tweet. I also am not a fan of how she talked to Inks. The least I'm happy with Mike's "swift justice" action. That was overboard. He's now only telling the mobs in internet that it's a viable way to get people who you don't like kicked out of their jobs simply by making them act somewhat negative way and then cry about it to their employers. Mike might have saved his precious PR for the time being, but his actions probably bite back at some point.


> He. Catered. To. The. Mobs. Not for the players. And now message is out. He could've just had a pep talk like a real company head but instead he went out full force and kicked not one, but two of his best narrative professionals out of the company.


So are the 43 pages of people mostly defending Anet all "mobs" and not the players?


Also, you do realize that each account profile shows the date of creation in their profile right? Isn't it a bit strange for someone who just joined to know better who are the players?

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> @"ponytheguardian.7439" said:

> I'm not a big fan of how Price responded Deroir's tweet. I also am not a fan of how she talked to Inks. The least I'm happy with Mike's "swift justice" action. That was overboard. He's now only telling the mobs in internet that it's a viable way to get people who you don't like kicked out of their jobs simply by making them act somewhat negative way and then cry about it to their employers. Mike might have saved his precious PR for the time being, but his actions probably bite back at some point.


> He. Catered. To. The. Mobs. Not for the players. And now message is out. He could've just had a pep talk like a real company head but instead he went out full force and kicked not one, but two of his best narrative professionals out of the company.

You don't know what happened behind closed doors at ANet, you weren't there. You also don't know Mike's own feelings about what happened. It's extremely insulting to just assume he buckled under mob pressure. If we can see what JP did wrong, maybe Mo also saw it and made up his own mind? He's not a clueless schmuck, you know.

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> @"morrolan.9608" said:

> One thing occurs to me has anyone actually asked Deroir and Inklings what they thought should happen to JP and Peter?


Deroir actually responded to this and said "nothing". He was really hurt by JP's reaction, but he really looked up to her. And he didn't think Arenanet owed him an apology. He said he felt bullied and generally dismayed, but it was just one more crappy internet interaction and he just wanted to forget about it. He was actually shocked how much crap spiraled out of control from him just saying "I slightly disagree".


Unfortunately, as another poster said: their opinions on what should happen really don't factor into what a company feels it needs to do to protect its image from the negative connotations of someone making disparaging remarks about its customer's race or gender.

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> @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > To the 4 or 5 people that quoted me, sorry can't answer, someone got moderated and everything went to kitten.

> >

> > > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > > Next, for this "legality" and "morality" issue you're talking about.

> > > There's nothing illegal, or even remotely unacceptable about that. At all. I work in IT in the US and just like Anet, my company would never let me talk kitten to our consumers. I would get fired, and rightfully so. It actually happened to one of my colleagues last year (male).

> > > -And- I lived in Europe before, in France particularly. A country where people go on strike for barely any reason and socialism is still strong. Well... the same clause applied the company I worked for. It's considered a "serious fault" and you can be fired for that. Common sense people.

> > >

> >

> > Guess it depends on the EU country.

> > In my country, not only all judges would laugh at the reason of firing, ANet would be in an awful position on media.

> >

> >


> I'm sorry, I just can't believe that for a second. What happened was serious enough to potentially damage a company and no country that want to keep its companies "there" will forbid them to take action.

> It's sad really cause recent living story episodes were great but that's how it is now I guess...


Well, I actually have an example, which was far worse than this ANet case.

So, this lady works for a food bank, long story short she said on tv representing the company that poor people live above their possibilities and were lazy kittens.

No one asked for her resignation, she was only forced to withdraw her statements.

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> @"Deihnyx.6318" said:


> So are the 43 pages of people mostly defending Anet all "mobs" and not the players?


> Also, you do realize that each account profile shows the date of creation in their profile right? Isn't it a bit strange for someone who just joined to know better who are the players?


I do know that. With thousands of hours in GW1 and hours in GW2 climbing, I could say I've been around here even before I created this forum account.


And yes. Angry mobs of players who don't like some certain people or how they talk to their "gods", might go out there and escalate the drama even further to get what they want. Kitten as in GG hasn't gone anywhere. It's only evolved in a way that now it's targeting not only journalistic professionals, but also professionals anywhere.


And all the members are not even Poorchan-crew.

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> @"ponytheguardian.7439" said:

> > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:


> > So are the 43 pages of people mostly defending Anet all "mobs" and not the players?

> >

> > Also, you do realize that each account profile shows the date of creation in their profile right? Isn't it a bit strange for someone who just joined to know better who are the players?


> I do know that. With thousands of hours in GW1 and hours in GW2 climbing, I could say I've been around here even before I created this forum account.


> And yes. Angry mobs of players who don't like some certain people or how they talk to their "gods", might go out there and escalate the drama even further to get what they want. Kitten as in GG hasn't gone anywhere. It's only evolved in a way that now it's targeting not only journalistic professionals, but also professionals anywhere.


> And all the members are not even Poorchan-crew.


I think you are missing the point somewhat. Without the drama, the tweets alone are grounds to let someone go, or at the very least for severe corrective measures (apology, forced schooling in how to interact with customers, payment reduction for damages caused). Mrs Price's tweets were offensive and abusive, Mr Fries' were condescending and offensive. All under ArenaNets tag, so as representatives of that company.


I rather doubt the outcome for Mrs Price would have been different without the drama. So the only "action" that could have been attributed to "the mob" was the swiftness of the decision. Not so much the decision itself, since "the mob" would have most likely been totally okay with an apology and corrective measures. Nobody asked for their jobs.

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> @"Mike O Brien.4613" said:

> Recently two of our employees failed to uphold our standards of communicating with players. Their attacks on the community were unacceptable. As a result, they’re no longer with the company.


> I want to be clear that the statements they made do not reflect the views of ArenaNet at all. As a company we always strive to have a collaborative relationship with the Guild Wars community. We value your input. We make this game for you.


> Mo


I'm so happy Arenanet has leads with common sense, which is so rare in this time and age where sensationalist media is taking control over many industries decisions .

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > @"ponytheguardian.7439" said:

> > [snip]

> You don't know what happened behind closed doors at ANet, you weren't there. You also don't know Mike's own feelings about what happened. It's extremely insulting to just assume he buckled under mob pressure. If we can see what JP did wrong, maybe Mo also saw it and made up his own mind? He's not a clueless schmuck, you know.


Yeah, true that. I know Price is not an angel and I still want to believe MO could've done things differently. I've read a ton of tweets from JP in past few days and she sure is colorful person. And it seems her nature and way she handles her social media hasn't been that back if an issue before now, so I'd bet it's more to catering for mobs than players in general.


But.. As you said, only MO knows.

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