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Warriors! Share with me your knowledge!


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Hey guys, fairly new warrior player here. Used to main Necro but I'm dipping my toes in a different pool of water this time around. Share with me all your tips and tricks regarding the warrior. Literally anything you got, let me have it! I'll also have some questions so I'll throw 'em down below!


1. Is the rifle bad? It feels like the longbow outshines it in almost every manor.

2. Is Berseker condi or power based?...Maybe both?

3. Is spellbreaker the dedicated support spec for the class?

4. Regarding the ability 'Frenzy' is it a good ability to utilize in higher level content? (Man I love the quickness mechanic).

5. What is your favorite healing skill? I feel alot of warriors opt for the healing signet. However I think mending looks amazing, solid heal number, short-ish cooldown and condi removal.

6. Next elite spec speculations?

7. Armor and weapons? What stats work well with multiple builds? Like a jack of all trade, master of none kind of effect.

8. What trinkets and runes do you recommend? Same general concept as the question above.


Now, any questions for me? Fire away!





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1. Rifle and longbow aren't widely used with longbow only really seeing use in pve for the berserker specialization. This is due to the longbow dealing primarily condition damage. Rifle is fun to use in wvw at times as you can deal a very large amount of damage to one target at range.

2. The berserker spec has buffs for power and condition damage but its condition damage buffs are much stronger than power, so power berserker isn't widely used and is inferior to base warrior or spellbreaker.

3. In pve spellbreaker can either be a "support" through banners and might generation if you use phalanx strength. From a wvw perspective spellbreakers really excel at boon stripping and typically fulfill that role in groups.

4. Normally in fractals/raids you will want to bring banners as they are a tremendous dps increase for yourself and other members of your group. Another option is physical skills as they synergize with the first trait in the strength line called peak performance and give a large personal damage buff for a few seconds. Signets like signet of might or fury are also used for personal dps buffs. Which skills you bring mostly depends on your group composition. If you are the only warrior in your group bringing both the banner of strength and discipline is recommended.

5. Healing signet is the best outside of pve. It gives a strong passive heal that is only outpaced by mending now iirc. It also gives a few seconds of resistance when used which can be crucial to surviving a condi bomb. In pve to the limit is useful as it instantly grants full adrenaline to use on a burst skill.

6. I'm personally hoping for a dual wield greatsword spec but that will never happen.

7. For pve the best armor combos will be berserker or assassin armor, berserker weapons/trinkets and scholar runes for power damage. For condi it will be viper everything with renegade runes. For wvw my favorite setup is marauder armor with durability runes, and everything else is berserker. It gives a lot of tankiness and survivability with a lot of damage.


If you have any questions feel free to ask me anything

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1. Yes, I'm very sorry of this hard truth but rifle is bad. Damage is the lowest of all warrior weapons. However, you need condi stats to reveal the potential of the longbow. Which is great actually.

2. Same as above. Berserker really shines with condi damage. It's a condi spec and a powerful one. Power berserker is way below spellbreaker and core warrior in term of survivability and do less damage

3. Same as above: Spellbreaker is mostly about boon stripping and banners, though I am no expert of wvw

4. If you like quickness (I do too), then I suggest you take axe off-hand. Another non-negligible source is sun and moon style from spellbreaker. But utility slots should be reserved for banners, physical skills, and maybe signet if you go that way. Depend of what you prefer.

5. I've used healing signet exclusively until the last balance patch. I switched to mending for pve, it's a very good healing skill now. But healing signet is till preferable in pvp i think, because of passive healing and resistance. Blood reckoning is very useful and powerful if you take berserker. Just activate it at the good time

6. I think a dual wielding greatswords would be completely stupid. TWO HANDED SWORD ARE REALLY BAD IN ONE HAND!... excuse me. I'd really like a staff. For the role i'm not sure. Maybe a support spec.

7. Depends. If you go berserker, then it's viper, with renegade or berserker rune. For all the rest, berserker stat is the best. Personnaly, i mixed it with some marauder and soldier armor part and rune of durability for extra survivability but i'm kinda weird as a warrior so don't pay too much attention.


Hope it's useful. May you enjoy playing as a warrior

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> @"Bloopur.8601" said:

> 1. Is the rifle bad? It feels like the longbow outshines it in almost every manor.


The rifle is a power weapon and the longbow is a condition weapon. The rifle is the better weapon for power warrior, but again it's not used by many warrior because of both the low damage and the fact that you either have to switch out the greatsword which gives you mobility, evasion and cleave damage or the axe/shield which give you high single target damage and a block that can help you survive most situations.


> 2. Is Berseker condi or power based?...Maybe both?


Berserker is condi based. Even when it was released I didn't like the specialization because I've always been a power player.


> 3. Is spellbreaker the dedicated support spec for the class?


The warrior isn't exactly a very support oriented profession, aside from using banners and shouts to support allies. Spellbreaker is a boon stripping specialization.


> 4. Regarding the ability 'Frenzy' is it a good ability to utilize in higher level content? (Man I love the quickness mechanic).


Only if you're using the off-hand axe. The cleave damage from the off-hand axe is great and combining it with quickness makes it even better.


> 5. What is your favorite healing skill? I feel alot of warriors opt for the healing signet. However I think mending looks amazing, solid heal number, short-ish cooldown and condi removal.


Healing Signet is mostly used in PvP and even WvW due to the fairly high passive healing you get as well as the resistance when you activate the signet, though I wouldn't recommend it. Mending is the best healing skill for the warrior in PvE because of the healing, condition removal and the short cooldown.


> Thanks!

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You people really are true jarheads if you think any of these weapon suggestions will be included in your next Elite Spec. :lol: Except for the staff. That seems most likely actually, realistically speaking.


1. Yes. Rifle is bad ever since Gunflame nerf.

2. Definitely condi based now. The Eternal Bunker build they had for PvP is rather dead.

3. Spellbreaker is not a support by any means. All of warriors support options come from Core skills. Sb is a PvP oriented duelist. Has a power DPS build for PvE as well. Don't know how that works though.

4. Frenzy is good but always overshadowed by something else. In raids or fractals, Quickness is covered by someone else(Chrono or Firebrand) and you opt for either group support or additional DPS. In PvP you pick survival stuff like every other stance.

5. I think Warriors current healing options are all great for different contents. No clear favorites.

6. Honestly I believe it'll be a support with staff. Warrior has enough options for DPS already.

7. Berserker gear all the way. If you find yourself gravitating to condi builds, you can always throw the power stuff onto a Guardian if you make one.


PS. Berserker stat gear has no relation to the Berserker ESpec. In fact, the gear type precedes HoT by several years.

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