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Story Mode

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Ideally I wouldve voted:

I like storymode, the characterinteractions entertain me, I read all dialogue and wish there was more diversity to it.


I dont feel any high excitement anymore since they dropped the whole "the world is changing with you".


Festival of the 4 winds is actually more exciting than any living story part in that regards. I also feel like smaller deviations (branching dialogue options, where possible in text) or at least options in how you handle a story situation like more pronounced battle tactics or personality traits would make for a better experience. The way Arenanet started was ambitious, and since it hasnt worked out I feel like they sort of, to some extend (not completely), gave up on those ambitions.


The way the story is going atm is alright, it has improved on the character side of things, but apparently at the cost of world building/world lore aspects. Alot of LW areas within maps are basically void or barren on story, or at least solely resting on mapdesign, which can only portray so much.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> the problem is that i love stories, GW2 however is so anti climax with it's story it becomes boring and uninteresting.

> i like my character to directly interact with NPC's, have a direct effect on what happens and direct control over my character when they talk.

> GW2 however makes you choose with a wall of text, the interviews are deserted for a reason but in return dialogs are more a nuisance then useful and the only time i got entertained was

> >! the very last cut screen in the current episode when joko had a speech and then Aurene kills him out of the blue, eating him and sleeps

> if they will ever improve their stories then please, look at SWToR, don't make yet another boring story that makes music of enya sound like speed metal in comparison.


Anet has a former SWTOR writer currently on staff-- one of the writers for the KOTFE/ET chapters. Those were more engaging to me than most of what I've seen of the LW S3 and PoF story content. Maybe things will get better from here on, but I'm not optimistic. The gameplay aspects, from what I've been reading, have turned into a lot more of what I can't stand.


I'm totally a story fanatic, so my current distaste for the story here is a giant bummer. I love being immersed, yet the instances I've experienced of the newer stuff have totally put me off even touching it. I'll suffer combat and gameplay I loathe if I'm engaged at all in the story or enjoy the characters and their interactions. Ex. ESO's combat is awful--full of stuns, mobs cc'ing you worse than in any of the PoF maps-- and unbalanced and painful before you hit the CP levels, etc., but I've stuck through it because everywhere you turn is another story. Or take SWL and the South Africa storyline-- gameplay features lots of annoying "stealth" missions, irritating boss mechanics, and entire quests where you're using missile launchers instead of actual combat skills you've spent the entire rest of the game honing. But I played it on three of four toons because I've gotten lots of answers and some cool bits of lore and mythology. Not to mention, I adore all of the faction handlers.


I still like the personal story here just because it has a freshness and earnestness about it that's missing from the current cynical snarkfest. Sure it's fun here and there, but that tone gets real old real fast. Unfortunately, you can't run the personal story forever. Right now I'm here for dailies, festival stuff, and doing a little open world mapping with classes and/or weapons I haven't tried yet. I hope things pick up and a little of the old wonder and naivete return. I miss them horribly.

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I love story mode. The immersion is impressive in this game, I read all the dialog, I find it special that there are alternative lines for race and class.


If it weren't because its so easy to get spoiled because its a MMORPG, I would take all my time to play metas while enjoying each chapter..

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